I'm new here, but some posters may already know me!

Lol Tim welcome, I've seen you over there. I think you will be ok here. Sorry to hear about the treatment. Even though you are someone who I have disagreed with in the past, I still support your right to have an opinion. Keep on digging good that stuff you have been popping out this summer.
Tpmetal, nice to see you here! I'll be sure to keep my opinions about non-metal detecting subjects to myself on this site! I know I got carried away on a few threads over there.
Tpmetal, nice to see you here! I'll be sure to keep my opinions about non-metal detecting subjects to myself on this site! I know I got carried away on a few threads over there.

You were fine, no more carried away than I was or have been.
I am surprised that I am allowed on any metal detecting forum because I will quickly tell you that any one who sells LRL is a greedy low down thief.

They do work. They take peoples money under false pretenses. I can take two pieces of copper wire shape them into an L and find just as much as one will find with one of those pieced of junk.

I might even find more than you will find with a LRL and those that sell them know that they do not work but they will tell you that you are not using them correctly when you can not find anything wit one.

I will slide my soap box back under the bed for the time being.

I feel the same way about photo dowsing as well.
I feel the same way about photo dowsing as well.

But ....... of course you know this is totally scientific, right ? :roll: Albeit as yet: "Undiscovered science". After all, they once thought the earth was flat, and that heavier than air flight was impossible. Thus, some day, likewise, science will come along to rescue photo-dowsing as well. Repent of your statement ! :laughing:
Can we please tone down what happens on other forums... We generally look down upon posting about what happens on other forums and we would appreciate that their dirty laundry isn't brought here.
Another Carolina Greeting!

Welcome to the Friendly, intelligent, social, and reasonable forums. Fairly new myself, I've found that from novice to accomplished experts, people are treated with, fairness and reason by the members, Admins and Mods. There is no bias for or against members that I've noticed. A rather well moderated forum...much better than most for any subject or interest.
Welcome to the forum,
from the Ozarks, in Arkansas.

Any place that limits the passing of knowledge, is no place for me. Thank you Friendly Metal Detecting Forum, for being here.
Lrl ???

LRL What kind of magic are you talking about???


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Can we please tone down what happens on other forums... We generally look down upon posting about what happens on other forums and we would appreciate that their dirty laundry isn't brought here.

100% Agree!

I know I hate to see FMDF run down on other sites or our Team here poked fun at.
I browse, but do not post over on that other site, seems to be a funky blend of great finds and let's say unconfirmed finds.
that would be long range locater voodoo magic..


Had fun reading that WIKI LRL article. Had fun thinking about how holes would be "shot all through it", by the LRL faithful. For example, this quote :

"... A study by Sandia National Laboratories proved the Lifeguard to be completely useless..."

Well, you know what that means, don't you ? Those Sandia National Lab people A) weren't using it right, and B) need more practice.

Presto, problem solved :laughing:
wow it was there yesterday lol

someone must of got wind of it being quoted here and the FL or PA guy said "I will show them" and deleted it

Possibly. Or someone questioned my having been time-outed. Which would constitute "questioning the mod's". Which would lead to immediate deletion, ban, etc... Who knows ?
wow it was there yesterday lol

someone must of got wind of it being quoted here and the FL or PA guy said "I will show them" and deleted it

Possibly. Or someone questioned my having been time-outed. Which would constitute "questioning the mod's". Which would lead to immediate deletion, ban, etc... Who knows ?

Come on guys! It's their forum to run as they see fit.
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