Sign of the times?

Those signs went up at a local town of mine in all the school playgrounds. I think it's more of a legal thing. It's much harder to file and win a lawsuit when it is clear you were not supposed to be there....... Otherwise it's business as usual. Now business as usual for me is hunting late evenings or weekends when nobody is there. When the kids start showing up it's time to leave.

Your post is a breath of fresh air.

Everything you're saying is the the true reality and evolution of things. And if you asked enough school playground lawyers "can I?", they would be duty-bound to tell you "no". Yet as you have discovered, the reality (ie.: does anyone really care?) is often different. Presuming .... of course .... that you're not being a sore thumb or nuisance in some way.
I'm seeing more signs that say "permission required prior to field use" (but no contact number) on school grounds, along with locks/chains on the gated fences (especially in poor neighborhoods). It seems a shame to lock out the neighborhood kids from the school totlots, basketball courts and sports fields, but that's what's happening. What are the kids suppose to do??? join a gang and learn how to sell dope, tag buildings and get in trouble? It makes you wonder about the people who manage schools.

And, yes, some of those fields have video surveillance. So what? Do you think anyone at the school really cares when there's no one at the school? Can you tell one old geezer from another one on those cameras? I never look up at them anyway. I just mind my own business and make sure my passage leaves no wake. Do no harm, take no heat.

I pay one hell of a LOT OF Taxes to keep those school opens. My kids are grown so the only benefit I get is detecting the grounds.

I guess this thread ruffles my feathers. Sorry for the tirade.
Really?! I sure like the sound of this! Big Idea Formenting here! A guy can blend in and follow the AYSO soccer circuit all around the Country! Live in an RV and grill right out in the parking lot! Probably sell candy bars and water too!...all a guy needs is a Sams Club card and an RV! I'm on it! Thanks Glennz!

While they said people could do it i wouldn't recommend it! But i might invite fellow co-workers to detect after school
Yes I agree with everyone - it's probably a C.Y.A. thing. But those signs are so needlessly heavy-handed and threatening. That's what I don't like about 'em. Most of the schools in and out of this district that I MD at have the cameras but, since I only go on weekends I've never had anyone say anything, even when personnel saw me MDing. IDK if these signs will change that or not.
Nothing new from my perspective. Most of the local School grounds have been off limits for a good 10 years. There were a few hold outs, but after Sandy Hook, most they are all fenced and locked up.
.... but after Sandy Hook, most they are all fenced and locked up.....

Correct. It's things like that, and things like our increasingly litigical age (getting sued for slipping on banana peels) that bring about fences, obligatory signs, etc... Thus it's NOT d/t md'ing. Or that anyone "hates md'rs". Hence, as long as I'm not the next Sandy hook shooter, and as long as I'm not planning to sue them, or planning to be there as a pervert, etc.... then I consider myself outside the intent and purpose of those signs (just sayin' ! :laughing: )
If they really objected to anyone being there for any reason, why isn't there a locked gate?

This seems to suggest that only some are considered unwanted (illegal?) trespassers.

Often these signs are put up just to discourage a single activity, & all other uses are OK.

Decades ago, my dad & I were returning to a high school where we'd found silver, only to see new signs saying "non-school use of property prohibited". So we left. Later, I called the school to ask about the signs seemingly prohibiting the public from using a public schoolyard. So, they transferred my call to the school liaison officer.

The school liaison officer told me the signs were put up out of concern about something people may be doing in their cars. I asked about metal detecting & he said not a problem. If police are the only ones that can issue fines, why waste time asking a lesser "authority" when an area *seems* to be prohibited? Best wishes, George (MN)
If they really objected to anyone being there for any reason, why isn't there a locked gate?

This seems to suggest that only some are considered unwanted (illegal?) trespassers.

Often these signs are put up just to discourage a single activity, & all other uses are OK.

Decades ago, my dad & I were returning to a high school where we'd found silver, only to see new signs saying "non-school use of property prohibited". So we left. Later, I called the school to ask about the signs seemingly prohibiting the public from using a public schoolyard. So, they transferred my call to the school liaison officer.

The school liaison officer told me the signs were put up out of concern about something people may be doing in their cars. I asked about metal detecting & he said not a problem. If police are the only ones that can issue fines, why waste time asking a lesser "authority" when an area *seems* to be prohibited? Best wishes, George (MN)

George, that's an interesting story. Bear in mind, you could just as easily have gotten a liaison officer having a bad hair mood day, who could have said "no".

But the point remains: Some people would see the sign you did, and assume it means no md'ing (hey, hard to argue with that, eh ?). Or they could get lucky like you did. Or they could just go and see if anyone says scram. Or they could get un-lucky and get a no.

Also note that even though you got this "yes", another busy-body could come along and still tell you to scram. Then you whip our your name-to-drop, and it may or may not suffice. Perhaps they're higher than that liaison officer. Or perhaps they get on their cell phone, call the officer, and say ".... but he's tearing the place up!" (which isn't true, of course). And then you still get booted.

So I've taken the calloused approach of just going at low traffic hours and avoiding the nonsense from the git-go :cool:
If they really objected to anyone being there for any reason, why isn't there a locked gate?


In the town just east of mine, there is one school that does have a chain-link fence all around the playground with a locked gate (which I saw on a weekend).

I could have hopped the fence and MD'd anyway, but I didn't. I hope these locked fences aren't next.
In the town just east of mine, there is one school that does have a chain-link fence all around the playground with a locked gate (which I saw on a weekend).

I could have hopped the fence and MD'd anyway, but I didn't. I hope these locked fences aren't next.

lets face it.. we are all pirated and thieves. I forsee the day when detecting will only be viable for prospecting.
lets face it.. we are all pirated and thieves. I forsee the day when detecting will only be viable for prospecting.

Ha, well from what I read on prospector/nugget forum discussions, they too have laws and bologna they deal with. Ie.: heaven forbid you "foul the stream" with silt from your panning, eh ?

As for "all pirates and thieves", I remember as teenager, when I was hot & heavy into fishing, that my fishing buddies and I would actually SEEK OUT and PREFER to hunt the places you WEREN'T supposed to fish at. Like a certain Marina in a lake, because they didn't want lost fishing line to tangle with outboard motor propellers, etc... We reasoned that ... since no one fished those zones, that they must have bigger fish lurking around there. And we were usually right !

So too is the same mentality of md'ing: The less other md'rs hit an area (for whatever perceived laws and rules they think forbid them), then odds are, it's more virgin for the next guy. Hmmmm.
Ha, well from what I read on prospector/nugget forum discussions, they too have laws and bologna they deal with. Ie.: heaven forbid you "foul the stream" with silt from your panning, eh ?

As for "all pirates and thieves", I remember as teenager, when I was hot & heavy into fishing, that my fishing buddies and I would actually SEEK OUT and PREFER to hunt the places you WEREN'T supposed to fish at. Like a certain Marina in a lake, because they didn't want lost fishing line to tangle with outboard motor propellers, etc... We reasoned that ... since no one fished those zones, that they must have bigger fish lurking around there. And we were usually right !

So too is the same mentality of md'ing: The less other md'rs hit an area (for whatever perceived laws and rules they think forbid them), then odds are, it's more virgin for the next guy. Hmmmm.

Ive got some virgin private land i'm planning on going to next year thats a buddy of mine... and rockhound buddies.
If a Tot Lot or ??? was fenced and had a locked gate I personally wouldn't hunt it. If the Tot Lot had a gate but not locked I would walk right in. Jumping a fence of any kind anywhere is pushing the limit I believe.
Really?! I sure like the sound of this! Big Idea Formenting here! A guy can blend in and follow the AYSO soccer circuit all around the Country! Live in an RV and grill right out in the parking lot! Probably sell candy bars and water too!...all a guy needs is a Sams Club card and an RV! I'm on it! Thanks Glennz!

I Dare you to set up am RV in a school yard!!!!! Cmon, just because schools are tax payer funded, many are not public property you can do whatever you want at! As I said, try it and get back to me! :lol:
I Dare you to set up am RV in a school yard!!!!! Cmon, just because schools are tax payer funded, many are not public property you can do whatever you want at! As I said, try it and get back to me! :lol:

OK!...Its all about enforcement anyway...I'm notorious about getting away with things most others cannot, and talking myself out of the rest! I hereby accept your challenge!..:laughing:...Its all about timing! If theres a big weekend soccer event going on, folks coming in from all over, an old dude and his Wife would just blend in with all the rest! Like a College tailgate party! Besides, Glennz said it was cool in Alaska...
OK!...Its all about enforcement anyway...I'm notorious about getting away with things most others cannot, and talking myself out of the rest! I hereby accept your challenge!..:laughing:...Its all about timing! If theres a big weekend soccer event going on, folks coming in from all over, an old dude and his Wife would just blend in with all the rest! Like a College tailgate party! Besides, Glennz said it was cool in Alaska...

Just be sure to film it so we can laugh about it! :lol:
I see some people think if ground is considered as public ground they can do anything they want. Keep doing whatever you want and you will NOT have anywhere that you can detect. If you have to sneak in a place to detect, what enjoyment do you have detecting?

My brother and I talked to someone that detected curb strips and other places in a small town. Told people that complained to fly a kite. Now there is no detecting, on what people call public ground.
I see some people think if ground is considered as public ground they can do anything they want....

Well it would depend on how you define "anything you want" . If you mean something like "defecate in public" or "walk around nude" or "shout obscenities", then you're right: A person advocating those things would be wrong. The reason is: Those things are inherently and implicitly A) harmful, B) Obscene D) illegal

But if you mean doing "anything you want" that is NOT A) harmful, B) Obscene D) illegal , then sure, you can do those things if you want. Eg.: fly frisbees, skip stones on the pond, metal detect, etc... (provided those activities are not illegal, as I say)

talked to someone that detected curb strips and other places in a small town. Told people that complained to fly a kite.

This enters into another arena entirely, IMHO. Because this fellow is failing to realize his "connotations". That despite his technical ability, yet he apparently lacks discretion & brains enough to know that he is, nonetheless, in people's breathing space. (some people consider that their yard, or ... at least, ... that they mow it, etc...). And let's be honest: md'ing has connotations (that you might be about to leave a hole).

My suspicion is confirmed by how you say this curb-strip clown reacted when people complained. And I suspect he didn't give an ounce of thought to go at lower traffic times, etc....

Hence I would not consider that an example of proper example implementation of the discussion of school yards, for example.
I see some people think if ground is considered as public ground they can do anything they want. Keep doing whatever you want and you will NOT have anywhere that you can detect. If you have to sneak in a place to detect, what enjoyment do you have detecting?

Reply: The people that think they can do anything they want in any Public area actually have no problem finding places to do it in!..:laughing:..'Sneaking around' has no impact at all on their enjoyment level!...These bastards consider themselves 'Above the Law' and for all practical purposes, they are! For it has no adverse effect on them!

A guy I have known personally for nearly 59 years pretty much just goes out and does what he pleases...He hunts his town, all the other detectorists he runs into there told him he needs to have a $30 permit. He has never bothered to check the veracity of this 'dubious infield admonition' and just goes and hunts to his hearts content with no worries.

He travels around and detects in other States unseen and un-noticed. He has even hunted this out of town park one morning before the Sun came up. Then, he noticed this sign...did he throw back all his finds? NO! Did he feel bad about it? Not in the least! Did he turn himself in for a proper spanking and pay a fine? No! He merely drove on out of there with the loot and considered the Morning a complete success and the finds a badge of honor!:laughing: Unbelievable!

Considering him a good friend, I have admonished him and asked if this reprehensible behavior he exhibits is troubling to him, being a "Stain upon the reputation of the Sport" etc. and he told me 'No'...It does not bother him in the least little bit!...He says he aint hurting a damned old flea and you only got so much time on this Planet....Like I told you, He's a Selfish Bastard!! You are 'ruining it for everybody else' I told him, but he just shrugs and says, "Tough tiddlywinks, thats their problem, whats that got to do with me?" :laughing:

He simply remains unseen and unnoticed, goes about doing whatever the hell he wants to do with abandon and unconcern... Strange thing, it seems to work for him in all manners of outdoor pursuit oriented activities!...He wont change! I dont think he ever encumbered restrictions on any Sport or caused local laws to be inacted with his shameless shenanigans, since nobody ever sees him....His style, although I DO NOT condone it, is a marvel to behold!

What can I do about it? Who can I call and turn him in to that will enforce the 'Metal Detecting Principles', give him a good hard Public flogging with a flattened sandscoop or take him to court? Is there a reward/bounty out there I can collect? Help me please! I'm just a law abiding totlotter...He wont ever curbstrip though, no matter how legal, he says thats just asking for trouble!:laughing:

A guy like this will never run out of detecting sites, on account of they consider the World is theirs, early risers combined with a KMA attitude, and a invisible Elven cloaking device like from LOTR...Other people might consider certain places 'off limits', and run out of 'sanctioned and approved detecting areas', but a guy like this never will...

We are heading out this weekend in fact..I sure hope he dont get me into any trouble we cant bullcrap or shoot our way out of!!...:laughing: I'm nothing more than a timid voice of reason, doing my best to protect Our Sport's Honor and reputation...That and the designated driver, since hes pretty much drunk all the time...


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