Treasure Trove claims on BLM land

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New Member
May 1, 2024
"From what I have heard", the BLM (or other govt entity) never has kept a treasure trove agreement with the filer. I have heard that an individual in Texas found a washed up ship with a treasure trove and filed all the correct paper work, and then the govt entity on the filing requests to inspect the site, and then comes in and closes off the site and takes everything. Does this scenario sound familiar to anyone?
"From what I have heard", the BLM (or other govt entity) never has kept a treasure trove agreement with the filer. I have heard that an individual in Texas found a washed up ship with a treasure trove and filed all the correct paper work, and then the govt entity on the filing requests to inspect the site, and then comes in and closes off the site and takes everything. Does this scenario sound familiar to anyone?
Your "hearsay" post can be a bit inflammatory. Can you provide links to articles on this specific subject? Specially since a google search shows multiple ships have been found in Texas.
Your "hearsay" post can be a bit inflammatory. Can you provide links to articles on this specific subject? Specially since a google search shows multiple ships have been found in Texas.

I agree with Rudy. As much as we all love to gripe about uncle Sam & bureaucracy, yet : Something sounds fishy about the OP's story. Sort of along the lines of "The big bad government stole Dents Run Treasure".

Or another example : I heard the story of a newbie detecting on an east coast beach. He gets a big signal in the sand dunes. Digs down, and encounters wooden slat planks (intertwined with various metal strappings). The newbie is convinced he's found a fabled shipwreck ! And that there is going to be treasure in it ! So he files "treasure trove agreements" with the powers-that-be (whomever administers that particular beach).

As his "pressing issue" winds its way through the bureaucracy (being met with bewildered looks and head scratching at each phase), it finally lands on the desk of a purist archie. Who starts asking questions like "What are these yahoos doing digging around in the sand dunes , disturbing things, and altering cultural heritage ??". So the guy was told "no you can't dig" and "we'll take care of it" and "go away" type of stuff.

Turns out that the planks he hit were NOTHING BUT A BURIED WOODEN WALKWAY PATH that the shifting sands of the dry sand dunes had covered up. Doh ! But the guy would not be convinced that it's not a fabulous treasure. And circulated this story about how he'd gone through all the proper channels of "treasure trove agreement filing", yet been duped out of his "treasure", blah blah

So you'll have to excuse me if your post seems suspicious.

And I heard of another story of some dude in Texas who was doing nothing other than studying google satellite photos, and found something , out in the middle of nowhere, that appeared to be ship-shaped . He was convinced he'd found a pre-historic ship that was way-inland, in the center of Texas. And spent years trying to interest people in going to out to look, dig, "stake claims for treasure", etc.....
Well, I knew it was hearsay when I prefaced it with "From what I have heard". I was told the story by an "old timer", which is what some of us treasure hunters take advice from. Maybe better put as a question - What can I expect if I don't file a treasure trove agreement with the BLM, and make a recovery that goes sour... Looting? or ARPA regulation, only coins less than 50 years old? I wouldn't take any artifacts, only coins.
Well, I knew it was hearsay when I prefaced it with "From what I have heard". I was told the story by an "old timer", which is what some of us treasure hunters take advice from. Maybe better put as a question - What can I expect if I don't file a treasure trove agreement with the BLM, and make a recovery that goes sour... Looting? or ARPA regulation, only coins less than 50 years old? I wouldn't take any artifacts, only coins.

Do you want the technical answer ? Or the realistic answer ?

Did you plan on waving red flags, wearing neon orange, and waving this "pressing question" in front of all sorts of BLM dudes ? If so, then I can certainly give you the technical answer .

I hunt BLM lands all-the-time. And .... shucks, I never find any coins older than 50 yrs. old. DO YOU ? :shrug: :roll:
Sometimes its best to keep your mouth shut when you think you've found something great. If you must tell others then be sure to make that call or communication with the gubment first. But before you do, have picked out what you wanna keep and do something with it. Or better yet, be up front with them and tell them you'd like to keep "x" object and let them have the rest. Sometimes its just better to stick with the first option- don't speak of it.
"From what I have heard", the BLM (or other govt entity) never has kept a treasure trove agreement with the filer. I have heard that an individual in Texas found a washed up ship with a treasure trove and filed all the correct paper work, and then the govt entity on the filing requests to inspect the site, and then comes in and closes off the site and takes everything. Does this scenario sound familiar to anyone?
New member, troll? Trying to stir things up a little?
The reason I said what I said is no one has posted on the topic in over a month..
Exactly... I have been beach hunting 18 years and have never found gold or silver at the beach... but I love just getting out for the fresh air :yes:

Correct. Nor do I ever find old coins, or gold jewelry. Hence in full compliance with any cultural heritage issues. Never bother sand crabs, never an issue with L&F verbiage, never harvest & remove, never alter/deface, etc..... I just like walking down the beach swinging this thing.

If you see me stop and dig, I am removing toxic lead from the environment.

Any other questions ? :?:
Correct. Nor do I ever find old coins, or gold jewelry. Hence in full compliance with any cultural heritage issues. Never bother sand crabs, never an issue with L&F verbiage, never harvest & remove, never alter/deface, etc..... I just like walking down the beach swinging this thing.

If you see me stop and dig, I am removing toxic lead from the environment.

Any other questions ? :?:
The BLM is an illegal entity per the constitution. They only are supposed to own a small part of DC and coastal defensive positions, nothing more.... yet they own a huge portion of our interior land mass
The BLM is an illegal entity per the constitution. ......

Who cares ? Because despite urban legends to the contrary (that supposedly all federal land is a no-no to md'ing), it's not forbidden to detect BLM. Heck, EVEN BETTER THAN "silent on the subject", BLM has EXPRESS ALLOWANCE ! :

As you can see ^ ^ , even though silent on subject would mean : Not disallowed, yet in this particular case, it has express allowance.

And as for the boiler plate verbiage about "100 yr." blah blah, ok, fine then : Avoid obvious historic sensitive monuments , sure. But as for all the other places I'm hunting : I'm only looking for jewelry, modern coins, nuggets, meteorites, and the ring my wife lost last week.

Let's stop making this so difficult. :roll:
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