What can the most crippled with ferrous yet detectable nonferrous targets sound like on DEUS 2? Hmm


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Jan 26, 2015
Middle TN
Many of these highly crippled targets upon approach can be undetectable with no notch any silencer and speed setting.
What will user get for tone? Guess…..don’t laugh ….IRON Tone. Yes this is no typo.

Folks wanting to experiment.
Try the following get you a dime and nickel and nail.
Arrange. If using silencer 2 Sens, sens Ft or fast program set notch to 00-05.
If using silencer 1 same programs set notch to 00-04.
And watch what happens. Iron tone yielded. Just remember you have most iron notched. So detector is alerting on nonferrous target with YEP iron tone. Turn your iron tone volume up!!


Btw, this is a lot like how DEUS 2 say using fast behaves around lower smaller conductive trash with higher conductor present. Meaning one must use notch to expose the higher conductor with tone/ID.
If I am interpreting this post correctly, an easier approach would be to use the 'Offset FT' feature for non-ferrous that is having it's TID dragged down by nearby ferrous.

This makes it easier to audibly distinguish between a TID of 5 and a TID of 7 for example, as opposed to notching out the lower iron and listening for a tone just above the discrimination threshold.
If I am interpreting this post correctly, an easier approach would be to use the 'Offset FT' feature for non-ferrous that is having it's TID dragged down by nearby ferrous.

This makes it easier to audibly distinguish between a TID of 5 and a TID of 7 for example, as opposed to notching out the lower iron and listening for a tone just above the discrimination threshold.
I have already stated in places I wished DEUS 2 had selectable ID offsett. It doesn’t currently. It has a cross the board offset.
I can’t audibly tell the difference between a target reading say 4 and one that reads 7. Think this is out of range of human ear.
I have already tried offset at max 40.
Besides anyways the targets come in as iron tone. When notch is used. This is likely why this hasn’t been caught. The DEUS 2 iron volume feature throws folks off, and just maybe the pitch tones with fast program too.
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can’t audibly tell the difference between a target reading say 4 and one that reads 7. Think this is out of range of human ear.
I have already tried offset at max 40. Besides anyways the targets come in as iron tone.
The 'Offset FT' feature will allow you to easily distinguish between a 4 and a 7 if the discrimination threshold is set between those two values. If the target is coming in as iron tone, then you need to lower the discrimination threshold until it comes through as non-ferrous, then the 'Offset FT' will work as intended.

Again, I am not entirely 100% sure I am following this train of thought here. Maybe we are talking about different things.
The 'Offset FT' feature will allow you to easily distinguish between a 4 and a 7 if the discrimination threshold is set between those two values. If the target is coming in as iron tone, then you need to lower the discrimination threshold until it comes through as non-ferrous, then the 'Offset FT' will work as intended.

Again, I am not entirely 100% sure I am following this train of thought here. Maybe we are talking about different things.
You are following correctly.
It’s 3:13 am here. When sun comes up. I’ll check few more things and post more comments.
The 'Offset FT' feature will allow you to easily distinguish between a 4 and a 7 if the discrimination threshold is set between those two values. If the target is coming in as iron tone, then you need to lower the discrimination threshold until it comes through as non-ferrous, then the 'Offset FT' will work as intended.

Again, I am not entirely 100% sure I am following this train of thought here. Maybe we are talking about different things.

More data.
IMO based on testing and limited use. Deus 2 with the use of notch (in the iron range) can locate targets per sweep direction FMF programs with no iron range notch can’t detect (target audio basically gets mixed in with iron tone) . Most of my tests is doing silencer 1 Fast, Sens Ft for comparing.
Using silencer 1 and 9” coil. Notching 00-04 can give Deus 2 advantage for user to locate nonferrous targets more crippled by iron. In a nutshell using the 00-04 notch allows Deus to to extract nonferrous/ferrous scenarios whereby detector senses ID is 05/06. Allowing audio and ID given to operator. The audio given is iron tone - and is controlled by iron vol adjustment.
Disc of 6.8 all the way to 10 is very useable.

If one tries to set disc to 0.0 to allow the use of non iron tone for target reporting- this poses problem with detector in iron for being to unstable in iron/nails.

There is also evidence some detecting scenarios running a higher than 6.8 can yield more robust tone I.e. disc 8-10.
What this allows is the more robust tone especially if coil is closer to ferrous when weeping scenarios. This moving the disc widens the gap inside the detector since I am using a notch of 00-04. Not much room for instance between 04 and 6.8.

Based on my use and limited testing. I can easily conclude many Deus 2 users have indeed swept their coils over nonferrous targets not located /recovered. Some of these missed targets could have been located and recovered using the notch in the iron range. Naturally sites with higher quantities of iron I would expect where most targets were passed by not using the notch in the iron range. Odds wise.

This notch 00-04 is not universal setting. Meaning it depends on program used and silencer setting used. All my testing thus far done with only 9” coil. Iron (nails) generally can read tad higher using silencer settings greater than level 1.

I have done some videos showing head to heads using same program with same speed and silencer comparing use of notch vs no notch. These videos are available for your viewing should you desire to watch.

More later.
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How about if you run 5 tone audio. Then you could set a tone break and increase the tone volume and tone pitch? Just curious but I think this could be made to work on this scenario
How about if you run 5 tone audio. Then you could set a tone break and increase the tone volume and tone pitch? Just curious but I think this could be made to work on this scenario
Yep one can use 3 tones, 4 tones and 5 tones if they want to.

We have no way to adjust below disc ID (pitch wise) using pitch tones. We can adjust over the disc though via threshold option.
I got a bizarre , unfathomable request. How about going out on a REAL live hunt and post some REAL finds with all those settings you use ?
I got a bizarre , unfathomable request. How about going out on a REAL live hunt and post some REAL finds with all those settings you use ?
Very experienced D2 users have already done so in their iron infested sites. The consensus was that the settings produce massive iron falsing. You know, the thing I said was going to happen when TNS first talked about such settings :grin:

I'm not knocking TNS. His experiments are interesting, and under certain circumstances, may even be beneficial. Rather, I'm pointing out that controlled tests can totally backfire when tested in real world hunting.
Very experienced D2 users have already done so in their iron infested sites. The consensus was that the settings produce massive iron falsing. You know, the thing I said was going to happen when TNS first talked about such settings :grin:

I'm not knocking TNS. His experiments are interesting, and under certain circumstances, may even be beneficial. Rather, I'm pointing out that controlled tests can totally backfire when tested in real world hunting.
Unfortunately some of thefolks didn’t know how to interpret what the detector was telling them. Also btw in case you don’t know I have found another way to run detector. Eye opening what Deus 2 can do……cheers.

I’ll summarize for you. Loads of Deus 2 users were sweeping over targets unknowingly. With iron tone being given on the targets. Hence they never even slowed down. Hmmmm

Another btw, this newer way to run detector, is related to the earlier 2 methods I showed. Hmmm
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Unfortunately some of thefolks didn’t know how to interpret what the detector was telling them.
I can't agree with you there TNS.

In Calabash's hour long video about your Bird Dog program, there were many very respected and very experienced D2 hunters, saying that the program produced way too much iron falsing.

That's the thing with hunting in iron infested sites. More specifically, the more one adjusts for more iron unmasking, the more that iron falsing occurs. With that said, true iron falsing can be mitigated if the detector has a feature that shows the iron content from the raw data, and is also independent of the tone, ID, and discrimination level. I do that with my Legend's Ferrocheck. I think that similar iron falsing mitigation can be accomplished with the D2's X/Y screen.
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I can't agree with you there TNS.

In Calabash's hour long video about your Bird Dog program, there were many very respected and very experienced D2 hunters, saying that the program produced way too much iron falsing.

That's the thing with hunting in iron infested sites. More specifically, the more one adjusts for more iron unmasking, the more that iron falsing occurs. With that said, true iron falsing can be mitigated if the detector has a feature that shows the iron content from the raw data, and is also independent of the tone, ID, and discrimination level. I do that with my Legend's Ferrocheck. I think that similar iron falsing mitigation can be accomplished with the D2's X/Y screen.
And I never said program was good for all sites necessarily either. Sports fields very good way to run detector.
Some folks have hard time distinguishing falsing from actual detection too. Sure enough.
You have to understand what my goals were with using the program too. It was never meant to supersede traditional running of detector.

You see there are a lot of critics out there. They never do come up with anything really to help folks run detectors and be more successful.
I do do that.
Again check out latest way I show to run detector- can pull finds from hard hunted sites.

All these supposed respected and experienced Deus 2 users you refer to.
Guess what.
I have never ever seen anyone talk about what iron range ID on Deus 2 could be telling a user.
I have been talking about for a while. Hmmm
And this is very BIG deal if one wants to be all they can be with Deus 2. On beaches, sports fields parks, fields, etc,

I am likely one of the most experienced in the world with Deus 2 detector.
Just in case you don’t know. I emailed a video to Xp owner showing the program the folks were criticizing. You know what Xp owner told me? Good idea!!! The truth. He referenced mixed metals and this was how to get Deus 2 to humming. Hmm
Case closed
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Some folks have hard time distinguishing falsing from actual detection too.
Yes, that's true.

However, true iron falsing is when an iron object gives a perfect nonferrous tone and ID that is indistinguishable from a nonferrous object. That's when an iron indicator feature that is independent of tone, ID, and discrimination, is very valuable. Examples of such are the Manti's ID plotter, the D2's X/Y screen, the Legend's Ferrocheck, and the FE number on some of the other Minelab detectors.
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Just realize I can run Deus 2 about 4 different ways in a site looking for certain scenarios that could be lurking.
That is exactly what the program for for. Not for overall general detecting everywhere. I even disclosed program had flaws. Even this latest thingy has flaws. But it can still find more crippled targets.
So a person has a choice keep running Deus 2 like they have been and leave these objects in the ground or try my recommendation and try to locate and dig such more crippled targets.

That’s the truth and I am sticking to it.
You think any of the critics will be using my latest and greatest thingy with Deus 2.
And will they admit? Hmmm

Go look around. See if anyone has done any videos showing what I have as of late.
I’ll bet not!! Hmm
I know part of that answer at least. Because even I fell for it. But caught on!!

Again I’ll give another summary.
All these videos done in the past showing Deus 2 in fast (any and all reactivity settings) program using pitch tones with no notch or the factory notch don’t paint the totals true picture of the mighty Deus 2. More to it than that. Hmm

And you haven’t seen me criticize personally anyone for posting such videos. They could in my mind (now) be considered misleading videos huh. Hell even I posted such videos. Some by way of watching my videos likely are catching on. Light bulb starting to flash so to speak.
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I even did a video this morning. Subject non notch ID on Deus 2.
The Manticore shows both notched targets and accepted targets on screen.
Deus 2 when notch is used the ID of such not displayed.
Hence if Deus 2 had the ID it currently has. Plus another smaller ID called non notch ID.
Users could watch both.
You know what this having non notch ID could have done?
Cut learning curve with detector.
And believe it or not exposed faster what my latest recommendation is to hunt sites. Looking for more highly challenged(by ferrous) targets.
Just realize I can run Deus 2 about 4 different ways in a site looking for certain scenarios that could be lurking.
That is exactly what the program for for. Not for overall general detecting everywhere. I even disclosed program had flaws. Even this latest thingy has flaws. But it can still find more crippled targets.
So a person has a choice keep running Deus 2 like they have been and leave these objects in the ground or try my recommendation and try to locate and dig such more crippled targets.

That’s the truth and I am sticking to it.
There is another glaring option that you fail to mention that Diga makes valid points on. Go with THE LEGEND. Has better features like the ferro check and less than half the price of a D2.
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