Nokta Legend Lemon

I sent emails to Dilek Gonulay on two different sites. Hopefully she will get them and reply to this topic.

Sorry you are having a Coil Circuit issue. That code has cropped up a few times for people and it usually means bad coil or bad system control unit. Either way, I would politely ask for a replacement Legend. Sounds like you have been through enough.

At least you did not report a leaking issue which is what some on here assumed.
Yeah when I read the OPs post, I was thinking here we go, leaking Legend this is not going to fare well,let the bashing begin

I will say a lot of new Legend users do not realize when you connect the coil cable to the control pod you have to do it in stages, where you push the coil connector in tighten then push the connector in again and tighten some more, you have to do this a few times to get the connector to completely seat into the control housing or you will get the CC error on the Legend screen
I wonder if its fair to state that a majority of Legend owners do not ever dunk them ? I would suspect it is, so any drowning data may be hard to quantify just from random forum reports, only Nokta would know the true extent.
Yeah when I read the OPs post, I was thinking here we go, leaking Legend this is not going to fare well,let the bashing begin

I will say a lot of new Legend users do not realize when you connect the coil cable to the control pod you have to do it in stages, where you push the coil connector in tighten then push the connector in again and tighten some more, you have to do this a few times to get the connector to completely seat into the control housing or you will get the CC error on the Legend screen
I wonder if its fair to state that a majority of Legend owners do not ever dunk them ? I would suspect it is, so any drowning data may be hard to quantify just from random forum reports, only Nokta would know the true extent.
Do you honestly think if there had been any Legends that had drowned from being dunked under water that we would not have heard about it by now, I do not think so, I believe it would have been all over the net by now,and other brand loyal detectorist, with out naming any certain brand or brands, would have rubbed it in everyone of our faces that elected to purchase legends, and would have said we told you so, i am on several Nokta Facebook groups, plus several forums and there has never been one report of any Legend or Simplex having issues with water intrusions, there have been reports of other issues but not water leakage issues.

I know of many many Legend users that dunk their Legends in water and none have said they have had issues with water intrusion
Do you honestly think if there had been any Legends that had drowned from being dunked under water that we would not have heard about it by now, I do not think so, I believe it would have been all over the net by now,and other brand loyal detectorist, with out naming any certain brand or brands, would have rubbed it in everyone of our faces that elected to purchase legends, and would have said we told you so, i am on several Nokta Facebook groups, plus several forums and there has never been one report of any Legend or Simplex having issues with water intrusions, there have been reports of other issues but not water leakage issues.

I know of many many Legend users that dunk their Legends in water and none have said they have had issues with water intrusion
Good, my Legend got muddy over the weekend and I'm going to give it a shower.

Mark in Michigan
Andy seems like a good person, its noktas communication and decisions I'm having problems with.
I mainly posted this thread to see if others have had problems with the legend, looks like I've hit the lottery in that dept.
Hope you saw where Dilek offered two ways to contact her directly. I would like to know how this turns out. Keep posting if you don't mind.
Do you honestly think if there had been any Legends that had drowned from being dunked under water that we would not have heard about it by now, I do not think so, I believe it would have been all over the net by now,and other brand loyal detectorist, with out naming any certain brand or brands, would have rubbed it in everyone of our faces that elected to purchase legends, and would have said we told you so, i am on several Nokta Facebook groups, plus several forums and there has never been one report of any Legend or Simplex having issues with water intrusions, there have been reports of other issues but not water leakage issues.

I know of many many Legend users that dunk their Legends in water and none have said they have had issues with water intrusion
Just to be clear I didn't say it leaked. It failed on its first water hunt after working fine on several dirt hunts then after repairs it failed on its first water hunt again. The coil connection was fully seated and so was the headphone connection. I have no idea if it leaked or I just got two bad coils or some other fluke.
Just to be clear I didn't say it leaked. It failed on its first water hunt after working fine on several dirt hunts then after repairs it failed on its first water hunt again. The coil connection was fully seated and so was the headphone connection. I have no idea if it leaked or I just got two bad coils or some other fluke.
My reply was to Xxray not you 3.14R8 you were clear after a bit of replies,
I wonder if its fair to state that a majority of Legend owners do not ever dunk them ? I would suspect it is, so any drowning data may be hard to quantify just from random forum reports, only Nokta would know the true extent.
That is the post I was replying to
Hello there. This is Dilek - if you are using FB, please message me through messenger. If not, please email me at [email protected] so I can assist you further.
Hello Dilek thank you for replacing my legend, I received it today. I tested it on several coins, pull tabs and rings this morning. It acted like a whole different machine than the original. I was so excited I skipped work and went out to a very rough Lake Huron for 3 1/2 hours to test it. It did well and did not shut down and I even scored an 18k ring. Hopefully it will keep working like this, I have feeling it will. I want to publicly thank you and Andy and also jmaclen on this site also.
And to everyone else that responded to this thread Good Luck and may your treasure chests overflow!!!!
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