Moved the pod on an 800.


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Jan 8, 2008
Oregon Coast
I drilled a similar hole 2 3/8” further up the shaft towards the arm cuff and moved the arm cuff to its highest hole. I also filled the shaft from the bottom arm cuff hole to the shaft plug, with the exception of a small space for the arm cuff screw, with copper pennies. I used a very small zip tie as a stop for the pennies.

I hunted for a couple of hours today with the factory coil and it felt great.





Can I ask why you moved the cuff and pod up? It seems you would have a better cantilever if you left them alone and then weighted the back.

I was lucky with my E-Trac's balance. Only had to move the cuff back one hole and it's better. Funny how a tiny bit of imbalance can fatigue your arm during a day of hunting. Glad you got yours figured out.:waytogo:
Can I ask why you moved the cuff and pod up? It seems you would have a better cantilever if you left them alone and then weighted the back.

Primarily as an experiment.

I, like many here, swung an MXT for a long time and I could swing that thing all day, without any effects on my arm. So, I tried to somewhat emulate where the weight is on an MXT. Between the red lines is about where I put the weight on the 800.


I’m pleased with the results, but, as with all things, YMMV. 😉
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Awesome CW! Pennies and a musket ball!🤠🤠🤠 You KNEW those would come in handy at some point! It’s weird how different machines are assessed by different people. I had an etrac for a few weeks, it KILLED my arm. The handle angle is just slightly different than the Explorer and that’s all it took for my arm to literally go numb no matter the cuff position or if I used the strap or not. CTX? All day, strap or not. Equinox 800? Meh, could’ve been better. My old IDXPro? It’s a tank, comparatively. D2? It’s like swinging nothing, again comparatively. In the end whatever makes it right for YOU is where it needs to be.
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