More Hints About A New Garret Release


Elite Member
Jan 11, 2006
Way up North, Canada
Picked this up on another forum. I hope they come out with a "Blockbuster."

I like the name and as i am getting my cz ready for sale i guess i'll have to buy one
Yeah John i got 3 years on an Apex primarily in the ocean i've yet to drown it out but i occasionally go to Hawaii where you hunt constantly submerged so the Storm would be perfect
I for one am rooting for Garrett. That said, I'm so gun shy, if it happens to be a dirt machine (which it will probably NOT) I think I'll let some of you buy one first and see how it goes in a year. The Camo arm cuff already has me going Ohhhh Shhhhhh!!!TTT.
Picked this up on another forum. I hope they come out with a "Blockbuster."

Digger Dawn, one of the YouTubers who is actually watchable, dropped a little hint in her latest video. She says a new Garrett detector is coming this year. She mentions it at 14:40 in the video.

We will only know that after the release. Hopefully they shake the detecting world up with a modern detector that is actually good in dirt And at the beach. I mean the name alone speaks volumes about it's waterproof abilities. After all you can't drown a storm.........Above ground.....How could it be affected by anything? it's already a storm. I just hope they don't come out with this thing and it be a killer machine then introduce 3 other models like the Heavy Rain, The Downpour and the Light Drizzle that would be versions with slightly less features. Cause if they do I can safely predict that once the Storm sales slow then we'll get the...wait for it...............The THUNDER STORM......You can bet your bottom dollar THAT will be Camo. :razz:
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