Legend Needs A Checkup


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Apr 5, 2022
Eastern NY
I've been having some intermittent trouble with my Legend. It's barely 6 months old, and my main detector, so it not working right is a big concern for me. It gave me a lot of trouble getting V1.11 loaded and get working properly (posted about that several times with advice from some of the forum members, thank you), and I'm aware of a speaker problem that Nokta has been fixing (I am having speaker problems crackling and cutting out completely as well). I have a Simplex, which has worked flawlessly, and have enjoyed my Legend immensely when it's working right...I have not mishandled/dropped my detector, and it hasn't been underwater ever. I contacted Nokta yesterday about getting my Legend in for an inspection and servicing, and completed the online form for the company today. Mostly, I have read good things about the company standing behind its products, so I am hopeful that they will give me the go-ahead to get it to a US service center and get a good eval and fix whatever is going on with it. I've never sent a detector in for repair before so it's unclear how long these things take, and I'm not even sure how I need to box it up, etc if I get an RMA. I do have my original Pro Pack box, if I need to use that...I think I'm mostly anxious about getting it in for a look and getting it back in working order...
I've been having some intermittent trouble with my Legend. It's barely 6 months old, and my main detector, so it not working right is a big concern for me. It gave me a lot of trouble getting V1.11 loaded and get working properly (posted about that several times with advice from some of the forum members, thank you), and I'm aware of a speaker problem that Nokta has been fixing (I am having speaker problems crackling and cutting out completely as well). I have a Simplex, which has worked flawlessly, and have enjoyed my Legend immensely when it's working right...I have not mishandled/dropped my detector, and it hasn't been underwater ever. I contacted Nokta yesterday about getting my Legend in for an inspection and servicing, and completed the online form for the company today. Mostly, I have read good things about the company standing behind its products, so I am hopeful that they will give me the go-ahead to get it to a US service center and get a good eval and fix whatever is going on with it. I've never sent a detector in for repair before so it's unclear how long these things take, and I'm not even sure how I need to box it up, etc if I get an RMA. I do have my original Pro Pack box, if I need to use that...I think I'm mostly anxious about getting it in for a look and getting it back in working order...
I had an issue with my original system control unit. There is one Phillips head screw on the back of the hand grip that holds it on. It was super easy to remove and pack in a small box. Nokta sent me an RMA and a link to a free shipping label.

If you think your issues are just in the system control unit, it should be an easy fix. Just make sure you have your custom settings recorded somewhere since they may send you a new system control unit. For me, it took a little over a week.

Good luck.
Thanks guys. The form asked for the serial number for both the coil and the detector so I may need to send in both. Hopefully it can be turned around quickly if I get a green light to send it in.
You’ll definitely get that green light. Just got mine back from the service center for a new speaker. Took about a week. Everything fine now. Great support from Nokta.
You’ll definitely get that green light. Just got mine back from the service center for a new speaker. Took about a week. Everything fine now. Great support from Nokta.
That’s encouraging. Did you send in the whole detector with coil, or just the control box?
Sent in the control box and both coils this morning. Should arrive at the repair shop on Tuesday…as luck would have it, my new LG24 arrived in the mail today, so it will be waiting for the Legend to return home, hopefully with some repairs made and ready to detect Again.
All they asked for was the control box. I could use that LG 24 while you wait for repairs. Haha!
I shipped my unit out for speaker replacement and got it back about 10 days later. Unfortunately since i have gotten it back i can no longer use it in salt water...it freaks out and falses everywhere its not useable.
Shipped my detector out on the 25th. Was supposed to arrive at repair on the 30th. No word back yet. Left two emails…hopefully it will be coming back soon. Would at least like to know it arrived as expected, and is in process…does an email reply, at least acknowledging receipt, seem reasonable?
Well, as coincidence would have it, just got a notice that the Legend has been shipped back, and will be here in 1-3 days...very curious as to what was found and done with it...
Just got my Legend control box back from repair. The documentation said the main board was replaced. Reattached it to the shaft and put on the brand new LG24 coil my wife bought me for an early Fathers Day gift. its charging up now and excited and fingers crossed 1.11 software and the new hardware work great! Will follow up after I give it a try!
Went out with the repaired Legend (new main board according to the receipt) - default reset of V 1.11, then loaded a coin program. New LG24 coil on it as well. Went to a park I visit now and then. Did not have a good experience. Found 12 coins in 1.5 hours, and still having problems with the VDI jumping around, intermittent tone that was completely unreliable...it was so screwy that I got the brilliant idea to turn the vibrate feature on so I would know when I was over a target that the circuitry was identifying. Doing this, I was able to go back and forth over a target or two, and come to the conclusion there was something there to dig. I gave up at that point, with a handful of coins and Legend not working right.
Tried the next day for an hour at another park - found a broken watch and a grand total of 4 coins...still not sounding right or ID'ing correctly. At this point, said screw it again, and came home and dumped V 1.11 and loaded V 1.09. Default reset, and went to a third park, found 3 coins in an hour - still having issues with the Legend not sounding right or giving me stable VDI numbers. I've literally tried every single and multi-freq, changed from All metal, to Ground, to Ferrous mode, tried Park and Field, adjusted recovery from 2 through 7, IF from 2-6, auto selected the best channel for detecting, adjusted sensitivity between 23-29, ground balanced, etc...nerve racking to say the least. I know it's bad when I'm complaining to my wife about it.
Early this morning, said OK, let's try another V 1.09 software reload. Did that, default reset, etc. Went out to a fourth park nearby, and detected for 2 hours. Found 29 coins (2 quarters, 8 dimes, 4 nickels, 15 pennies). This was the best result after four tries, and while it was better, I am still not happy with the situation. I've had recurrent trouble with V 1.11 since it came out, which is why I reverted back to V 1.09 again. I'm having a very hard time getting the detector to give me stable VDI or tone when I'm sweeping with it. The other thing I've noticed is that the detector does not ground balance like it used to. When I hit the balance button and pump the detector up and down, I do not get the type of grounding response I used to (pre-version 1.11). I can't explain that any better than to say it does not respond as it used to, even in my own yard, where I've used the detector countless number of times. It's just not responding right. This did not seem to be a problem before (from last year until recently). I would love to chalk it up to user error, but I feel that after several hundred hours on the detector, and having found more than 2,000 coins with the Legend, I have a fairly decent knowledge of the detector now. I'm really frustrated right now. I was very confident with the detector leading up to, and after the three V 1.10 betas were released, and Beta version 3 ran like a charm on my detector. After I loaded V 1.11, which took at least a half dozen reloads before it would work, it was downhill from there. The detector became so unstable that I sent it in for repair recently, and just got it back, with notation that the main board was replaced. So full circle again, having used it 4 times now since getting it back, reloaded V. 1.11 and V 1.09 twice, and still do not feel confident about how the Legend is working...at this point, I will just keep trying until I get so frustrated I put it away for awhile...
It seems like you've tried just about everything Flood, but is it possibly a coil problem? I ask because you tried all sorts of settings, but I didn't see you mention a coil swap.
It seems like you've tried just about everything Flood, but is it possibly a coil problem? I ask because you tried all sorts of settings, but I didn't see you mention a coil swap.
Dig, when I sent in the control unit, I also sent in my two coins, the 11 and 6 inch. I was having same problems with both of them on the detector. When I got the equipment back, there were no notations about repair except the main board was replaced. I just got a brand new LG 24 which I put on the shaft with the repaired control unit. I’m experiencing the same problems so I doubt that the new coil is the problem. I have unscrewed and reattached the coil line on the outside chance it wasn’t seating properly but no difference. I haven’t looked to see what else is in the guts of the control unit. I was assuming the main board is all there is except for the speaker. If there are other smaller circuit boards in the unit, maybe something else is wrong. If the main board is the only circuit board in the control unit, then I am at a loss. What I know for certain is they this Legend operates nothing like the Legend I bought 6 months ago. Confidence is at zero right now which makes me sad.
You mentioned it was better after going back to 1.09 a second time, but still not as good as you previously experienced. If the issues you're experiencing were hardware related, I can't see how those issues would get any better by reloading the previous version...twice. It almost seems like a software problem. More specifically, perhaps the installs are not going through correctly for some reason?
You mentioned it was better after going back to 1.09 a second time, but still not as good as you previously experienced. If the issues you're experiencing were hardware related, I can't see how those issues would get any better by reloading the previous version...twice. It almost seems like a software problem. More specifically, perhaps the installs are not going through correctly for some reason?
I am looking to see if there are any videos or images of the control unit guts. Anyone know if there is only a single circuit board in the Legend control unit, or more than one? I will try another reload of the software, and see if that does anything for it.
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