F2...final impressions below,......

Still very happy with my purchase, this md is great for the price. I still seem to be at the 5-6 inch range on depth, I know I'm not hitting targets at 8 inches...but that's ok cuz I'm still finding great stuff. Question on batteries: at what bar level would you change them out? I'm I doing a dis-service by using the unit with 2 bars? Am I getting short changed on unit performance?



I think it does lose a little depth, heck, I think most detectors do as the battery weakens.

I believe I read a few units have circuitry to run at close to max power till depleted, but not sure.

On my Vaquero, I air tested the other day and test targets at 4 beeps could be picked up a little further at new battery level 7 beeps.

On the F2 I will usually get into the third bar for awhile, (not too long, though), and then change them before it gets down to two.

This is also a mental thing with me, and in past threads about this subject I discovered I am not the only one that thinks this way.

I just ran around the house and gathered up 22 9 volt batteries with 1/2 to 3/4 power left in them.
I know I have several more in the map pocket in my truck.
The only 4 things I own that use 9 volts are my Harbor Freight pinpointer, which I don't use, my F-point pinpointer, which I also don't use, my Propointer and my clock radio.

I don't want to throw them away, but I don't have any other use for them... and I sure ain't putting them back into my detectors except under emergency conditions.
Same deal with the Propointer.

I am not crazy....this is normal...at least I keep telling myself that.

I've tried Ray-O-Vac 9vs in my Titan 2000 and it was a VERY tight fit. Energizers went in/out a lot easier...........

The only 4 things I own that use 9 volts are my Harbor Freight pinpointer, which I don't use, my F-point pinpointer, which I also don't use, my Propointer and my clock radio.HH

Perhaps you could hook them all up in parallel and turn your truck into a Prius.
Relic hunting/Dealing with Iron info

For those of you into relic hunting with the F series, I just found this thread on another forum that has a bunch of good information on that, and some great stuff on dealing with iron...way more than anything in my experience.


Luckily, the forward thinking powers-that-be of this great place will let me post that link.
Most others don't...Another reason you :gottaluv:
F2 f4 f5

Hi Digger27. I was torn between the F2, F4 and F5 but found the F5 on sale for $359 with free ship so I bought it. The F5 is a great machine and it has knobs which I like. Did a little hunting at a small lake and found several fishing hooks and a bunch on sinkers, pull tabs but no coins yet. Had a nice pair of stereo headsets I tried on it but way to loud without volume control. Put 150 ohm resistor in each leg and there now perfect.
I live in Mobile, AL What part of AL do you live in? I'm looking for someone to hunt with being new to all of this. Have fun,

Jim, Mobile, AL
Fisher F5
Hi Digger27. I was torn between the F2, F4 and F5 but found the F5 on sale for $359 with free ship so I bought it. The F5 is a great machine and it has knobs which I like. Did a little hunting at a small lake and found several fishing hooks and a bunch on sinkers, pull tabs but no coins yet. Had a nice pair of stereo headsets I tried on it but way to loud without volume control. Put 150 ohm resistor in each leg and there now perfect.
I live in Mobile, AL What part of AL do you live in? I'm looking for someone to hunt with being new to all of this. Have fun,

Jim, Mobile, AL
Fisher F5

Hey Jim,
looks like you got a great deal on a fantastic machine.
I live in Birmingham, wish I was nearer to the big water, like you.

Some info on your F5, looks like a great machine to get good with...enjoy it!



I see that the harbor freight store has 4 9volts alkalines for 4.99, which in my book is a good price per unit. My concern is the size thing (48mm) and are they as good as say energizer or duracell? I'm always on the lookout for a good deal on the 9 volts and usually can snag a 2 pack of energizers for 3.99 - 4.99 with a coupon. But 4.99 for 4 is sweeeet!
Most of the Fisher's that I have had has not much extra room for the 9 volt batteries, cheap batteries are usually larger and makes it real hard to get them out of the detector, plus cheap batteries will swell. Good quality 9 volts such as Duracell & Energizer fits Fisher's great and are easy to remove when it comes times to change them. Steve.
lol and we're considered the banana belt of the u.p. only because we get less snow than most places in the u.p...although we do get some bitter frigid wind compared to other parts.
lol and we're considered the banana belt of the u.p. only because we get less snow than most places in the u.p...although we do get some bitter frigid wind compared to other parts.

Banana belt of the UP?

Have Da Yoopers done a song about that yet?
FYI After a couple months scrubing my front & back yards I had cleaned things out. I thought. I then tried out the sniper coil and for grins checked the empty yard. ????????? I pulled another 25% or so that had magicly sneaked in while I was sleeping. The different coil, like a different machine just sees different targets. It is amazing!:?: Go figure.
He, he he! It's what I've tried to tell everybody-I paid for mine and probably my Ace in a couple of months.

Ok, now enlightened me! The smaller coil does or doesn't provide any additional depth NOR any additional EM capability? Isn't the same principal of EM wave propagation applied? The coil delta is in the amount of physical ground space being scanned...right? I'm asking this cuz I've hunted the crap out of an area, now wondering if I should go back with my smaller coil. Thanks for any input.


Who the heck do you think we are Mr MIT...Rudy? :D

All I heard was ( insert sound of teacher's voice from all the Peanuts specials..waa...waa..waa...).

All kidding aside, look at the relic/iron link in my previous post...This guy explained this stuff and the logical technique as well as anybody.
Upshot, use different coils...find more stuff!

Posted by: sgoss66
Date: March 04, 2011 10:48AM

Question..."With the 4" sniper will I have to move it a lot slower? and how much depth is lost with the 4"?

Slower, yes, with the 4" coil. You can't cover ground as quickly with a 4" coil. Your SWEEP speed doesn't necessarily have to be slower, but you have to "overlap" your sweeps much more than you would with the bigger coil, so your amount of ground covered will be less, per unit time, if that makes sense. In general, you will also lose some depth with the 4" coil, but ONE -- depth is not everything, and TWO, you won't ALWAYS lose depth. Let me try to explain... The 4" coil can "see between" the trash, due to its smaller "footprint," and thus give you multiple tones for multiple closely-adjacent targets, whereas a larger coil might give you just one tone, representing the "conglomerate" of targets under the coil. This is one benefit of a smaller coil -- you may not find the DEEPEST targets, but you CAN find targets others have missed, trying to go deeper with a larger coil. So, what some guys will do is run over a spot, and use a "deep" (larger) coil to find the deep stuff, and then come back over it with a small coil to find the stuff amongst the junk. Two different ways to recover more targets. Another tactic, if you feel there are definitely good targets in a patch of ground, is to DIG EVERYTHING -- get the junk "out of the way," so you can find the better stuff that was hiding amongst/underneath the junk. Especially with iron, you can get MAJOR masking problems -- meaning that if there is iron near, or on top of, a good target, the iron so "overwhelms" the machine that it can't "see" the good target underneath or adjacent to it. DD coils help with this, but depth in general is severely restrained by iron in the ground. If you can normally see an 8" quarter in your ground, with your machine, but you put some small pieces of iron above that quarter, your "effective" depth may only be a few inches (due to the iron effects). In other words, if the iron pieces are at 2", and the quarter at 8", your machine will often only see the iron (especially with a larger, concentric coil). If the quarter was at 4" under the 2" iron, the machine has a better chance of hinting at the quarter. Point being, in a "trashy" site, max depth is often not attainable ANYWAY, so you don't really "lose" much depth, and might actually GAIN "effective" depth, with the small coil (despite the fact that in a clean-ground situation, the larger coil would see "deeper.") Does that make sense?


I am not sure, but I suspect a lot of newbies don't realize how most detectors work.

Just because you notch or discriminate out masking metals like iron, that doesn't mean your detector and coil is not seeing it or is ignoring it completely.
It is just not telling you that it picked up, and is hiding that information from you because with your settings you told it that you just didn't want to know.
Your machine can still sense and be affected by all metals in the ground.
I have disced out iron and still I will sometimes get all kinds of false signals that will bleed through my discrimination if it is big enough on all detectors I have used.
I have read high end machines like the E-Track have different circuitry to deal with this issue in the field better than some others...and for the price, it should.

Generally, nice target near masking iron, your detector says iron with a large coil...Same conditions with a smaller coil and you may be able to get around the masking effect and pick up the target due to the smaller field emitted.

I think that's how it works, anyway.
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