Ever wonder whether those were really found yesterday, or found at all?

how does the newer members know they can believe what the older members are showing?hmmmm,i guess untill then we all got to trust each other,right??:yes:
Blond with lovely smile seeking gent for friendship, possible romance...................................


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The longer and better you know someone, the more you trust or don't trust someone--just like non-computer relationships.
Timely thread

I just got back form my first hunt of the new week. I went to a park that I have worked 3 times in the past. It was always good for lots of change over by the basket ball hoops.

Well this time was different, tons of zincs and only one quarter and one dime. Some one had notched their way through this place. After my fifth or sixth zinc I got a typical penny bleep and out pops a glorious white gold ring with several set diamonds and a pink stone of some kind, from about 3" down.

Ain't nobody gonna believe this!

I will point out something interesting. So far this year I am averaging a piece of good jewelry every 10 hours of hunting.
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I wish I had something to post! I Never find anything. I mostly detect because the beach bunnys think it's cool....Kind of like being a fighter pilot or race car driver. The only cool thing I ever found was a half eaten sandwich wrapped in tin foil. I also found a really strange piece of chewing gum in a square wrapper?

Lately with the price of gas I haven't been able to buy batteries so I randomly dig about every 10 feet. Sometimes people help me out and they yell, "beep, beep, beep". I really appreciate this since I have no power! I use the detector to lean on for balance and to scare away the gators if I forget the snipe cord.

So if anybody wants to give a fella a hand and steer me towards some good honey spots I might be able to find something.
We know better Tony

I wish I had something to post! I Never find anything. I mostly detect because the beach bunnys think it's cool....Kind of like being a fighter pilot or race car driver. The only cool thing I ever found was a half eaten sandwich wrapped in tin foil. I also found a really strange piece of chewing gum in a square wrapper?

Lately with the price of gas I haven't been able to buy batteries so I randomly dig about every 10 feet. Sometimes people help me out and they yell, "beep, beep, beep". I really appreciate this since I have no power! I use the detector to lean on for balance and to scare away the gators if I forget the snipe cord.

So if anybody wants to give a fella a hand and steer me towards some good honey spots I might be able to find something.

Hey fella, can you spare a 10 spot for a cuppa coffee...:lol:...Gil
I'd like to think there finds are true stories.
No matter how bizzare the story turns out.
Example: A guy I know wanted to go bass fishing, so a friend took him.
First time to buy a license, let him use his pole and lures for the day.
While he launched the boat he started casting off the dock.
By the time he parked the truck and trailer and was walking back.
He started yelling and could see his pole was bent and wiggling.
Thinking he had a snag and was going to lose the lure, it jumped.
He started running to the dock telling him what to do.
Climbing into the boat for the net to help land the fish from the dock.
He caught a 10 lb bass within 5 min of ever fishing before in his life.
The next day he spent close to over $300.00 in fishing gear.
Also had the fish mounted, which his friend was not in favor of.
The last I heard he hasn't caught a fish near that size again.
He's bought a boat now with all the bells and whistles.
We can only envy such people with such special luck.
I'd like to think there finds are true stories.
No matter how bizzare the story turns out.
Example: A guy I know wanted to go bass fishing, so a friend took him.
First time to buy a license, let him use his pole and lures for the day.
While he launched the boat he started casting off the dock.
By the time he parked the truck and trailer and was walking back.
He started yelling and could see his pole was bent and wiggling.
Thinking he had a snag and was going to lose the lure, it jumped.
He started running to the dock telling him what to do.
Climbing into the boat for the net to help land the fish from the dock.
He caught a 10 lb bass within 5 min of ever fishing before in his life.
The next day he spent close to over $300.00 in fishing gear.
Also had the fish mounted, which his friend was not in favor of.
The last I heard he hasn't caught a fish near that size again.
He's bought a boat now with all the bells and whistles.
We can only envy such people with such special luck.
For me, the issue isn't that a newbie can't find old, remarkable coins, because there's no doubt that they can, the issue is when someone posts an old coin that looks brand new. I've never seen a coin that's been in the ground for 75 or 100 years come out without some kind of discoloration at least, except for a gold coin, obviously.
A Best Finds Contest Story​
Now this here one happened on another site, before I joined it, but I was told the facts from the site owner himself.
They had a Best Finds Contest. This was about 4 years ago or so. Members entered their best find and members were allowed to vote on the one they thought was the best. A certain person’s find was getting some votes and the site owner thought this is good the contest is popular. But the votes were really piling up for this one fellow, and the site owner noticed folks who had just joined that day were zipping down into the section where the contest voting was done. He did some checking things out and discovered that all the folks (user ids) that voted on a certain find, had the same computer ip address! The owner of the site contacted the person who entered said find and told him, “Not Here Pal!” The person’s find was tossed out of the contest and they never entered another one on that site. Did I mention that this person does post here on this site on rare occasions? I have not seen them post in awhile, but when they do it seems to always be in a certain section on the site here. Maybe down the road, I’ll mention which section it happens to be.
Like I said no names of other sites or parties will be posted. ;)
I don't think anybody does that here. By the way look what I found in my yard this evening.



No seriously. If someone does have to lie about their finds, they definatley have issues. I have nothing to proove to anyone but I like to post pics because I know how much fun it is to see what everyone else is finding.

This is a secondary hobbie to me. I'm grateful for anyting odd, old, or spendable!:yes:

A Best Finds Contest Story​
Now this here one happened on another site, before I joined it, but I was told the facts from the site owner himself.
They had a Best Finds Contest. This was about 4 years ago or so. Members entered their best find and members were allowed to vote on the one they thought was the best. A certain person’s find was getting some votes and the site owner thought this is good the contest is popular. But the votes were really piling up for this one fellow, and the site owner noticed folks who had just joined that day were zipping down into the section where the contest voting was done. He did some checking things out and discovered that all the folks (user ids) that voted on a certain find, had the same computer ip address! The owner of the site contacted the person who entered said find and told him, “Not Here Pal!” The person’s find was tossed out of the contest and they never entered another one on that site. Did I mention that this person does post here on this site on rare occasions? I have not seen them post in awhile, but when they do it seems to always be in a certain section on the site here. Maybe down the road, I’ll mention which section it happens to be.
Like I said no names of other sites or parties will be posted. ;)

Alright, I admit it, it was me? Wait, who is this GlassJAw667 guy again?...

Well, if you take a minute and look in my album you will see a small display box with points in it, and one of them is a paleo spear point that is probably 1000+ years old. I found this when I was 10, and since I've always surface hunted, and I'm kind of a packrat, I saved it. You never know what a new guy will find. Hell, I haven't even been able to afford a decent MD yet, but I still post here, mainly to gain knowledge, and see all the wonderful finds. I would love to go out and do nothing but hunt in my free time with a nice MD, but it's just been to difficult to save for it while supporting my family on a military salary. But maybe one day I will have something significant to post, and have a nice MD to back it up. But until then, you'll have to settle for my surface finds, and possible meteorites. (They are probably all terrestrial stones, but dammit they look pretty!!!):lol:

how does the newer members know they can believe what the older members are showing?hmmmm,i guess untill then we all got to trust each other,right??

I found a gold coin once... :shock:

Really! ...... I did!!!

Honest! I wouldn't fib about something like that!

I really really really did!!! :yes:

Want to see a picture?

Mexican Gold Coin Dos Pesos
Remind me to post tomarrow about the time (yep, the same fellow), dug a 1700's Spanish reale with a hole in it, that was as he put it a proof coin!
Remember that guy who posted the picture with him holding the plate of gold coins he found. I don't think he ever posted again:p
For me, the issue isn't that a newbie can't find old, remarkable coins, because there's no doubt that they can, the issue is when someone posts an old coin that looks brand new. I've never seen a coin that's been in the ground for 75 or 100 years come out without some kind of discoloration at least, except for a gold coin, obviously.
I found one, and only one that came out in pretty decent condition. In fact it looked so good I thought it was a fake LOL. IIRC, some UK Penny from 189x. I gave it to the homeowners (after seeing it was only worth a buck or two ;) ) It was found on property built in the 1940's and less than 2'' down. I'm guessing it came from fill as some moons ago the house had a ton of sand put in, then dirt tossed on top. As to the gold coins, alas, I can't verify that firsthand :no:

I do remember some posters joining, claiming they were finding fantastic stuff and never heard from again. But hey, this is the internut yah know :spin:
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