You're drawing too much current and overloading the chargers.
Here's what I'd suggest. First, start with distilled water. It's pure and has no additives. Place the item in the water, connected to the charger like usual, and turn on the voltage. You should see no bubbling. Now, add a very small amount of the additive you are using to make the electrolyte, baking soda, lemon juice, whatever. You should start to see some bubbling. It should take only a small amount to get things going. Once the bubbling starts, you should be all set.
Note that as the water evaporates, the electrolyte will get stronger, allowing more current to flow. You'll need to dilute the solution to limit the current then, otherwise, it'll overload the charger.
Another option is to get a higher current supply, but you may be OK doing what I described above. Good luck!