Buried "treasure" in Southeastern Pennsylvania <HOAX>

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This whole story is one persons fantasy and anothers profit ! The post was placed here and on TNET at about the same time , The original poster ( op ) ddnt get much action from here and quickly picked up his activity on TNET , stating that he left here to go to TNET " because the people were more professional " at my last look there are 3600 plus posts , including over 700 plus by the OP , ( who I might add had no history or either TNET or here ) The majority of the Posters appear to be people who just joined , Those that have questioned the whole story have had posts deleted or had their account locked out , the general attitude by the management is that the story is vaild until proven to be a hoax . So it just goes on and on and one !!!! Some of the highlites have been , people attacked by rabbits , crazy hillbillys guarding the site, star maps wich show how the water from the big dipper would pour out on to the site, a lion that was found in a stream That upon investigation is still sold on ebay , a lawn lion that was found in a tree and carried out of the woods and devil worshipers left a note the next day demanding its return -- the person who burried the treasure is secretly buried , no one knows where not even the family nor the people who buried him ----- One poster was supposed to meet the original Poster to get a sample of the Copper that was found but there was a mixup on the time and place -------- No one knows who the writter of the letter is , or where he lived ,, The family have up all claims to the TREASURE and the ORIGINAL POSTER is getting paid ----------- SO my 3 questions about the story are :
1 - WHO has the power to make up such a story

2 - WHO profits from the story

3 - WHO has the power to cover it all up

Just my 2 cents cant post it there
1 - WHO has the power to make up such a story

2 - WHO profits from the story

3 - WHO has the power to cover it all up

Just my 2 cents cant post it there

1. I would not call it power I would call it delusional or out of touch with reality. The OP is obviously in LaLa land!

2. The website profits and must be hurting to allow such nonsense!!!

The hollow tree where a lion statue was planted and found is very close to 40.23663 -75.1605

You can't post anything there that proves the story is a hoax. The mods delete the posts and ban the poster. I think the site must not be in America. No Freedom of Speech!


  • treasure-news-2.jpg
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"It May Be Wild Goose Chase!"

My thoughts! Is there a tree with the remains of a branch knot which looks like a lion? I took a photo once that had what appeared to be a monkey on a knot!
The second clue could be a cellar or an underground bunker where the sun's rays penetrate! The Iron could be spike or nail hammered into a tree? The suns rays and the book! I wonder if there is a churchyard close by which has a monument with an open book that has a biblical text which provides a clue?The numbers; are they grave numbers or dates of birth or death? Could the building be a church and the reflection of a stained glass window? Perhaps a church with a cellar? These are just jumbled thoughts of maybe's! It's like that Nicholas Cage film about the American Declaration! Maybe the whole story is about the grandfather having a joke on our expense!!
It certainly is a mystery that has got us all going!!!!
The hollow tree where a lion statue was planted and found is very close to 40.23663 -75.1605

It is adjacent to the gully that meanders in that area. Make sure to leave a message or patio statue in the hollow if you go by. And pick up any new mail that may be there.
It is adjacent to the gully that meanders in that area. Make sure to leave a message or patio statue in the hollow if you go by. And pick up any new mail that may be there.

Yes there is a gully near the hollow tree.

I noticed that the sepa guy posted my images at tnet. He failed to mention that I know where the tree is and that there was never a lion statue in the hollow tree. The guy must get some kind of sick satisfaction in sending people on wild goose chases. It's despicable and dishonest. Surely he can not be trusted!

No wonder he posts at tnet a site where you check a box & agree to the rules shown on the registration page and then the mods post a link to different rules claiming violations. Rules that you were not shown & never agreed to when you registered.

They WARN & remove posts that mention other sites such as this forum even though it is not stated in either of their two sets of rules that posting the names of other sites is a violation of the rules. Is tnet part of a third world country? Who knows? Maybe they get the same sick satisfaction by allowing their members to be made fools & waste time on wild goose chases.

I'm assuming that sepa will see this so I'll address his delusions. Not that he will share any info that goes against his treasure hoax.

I copied and pasted the news articles into a word processor thinking it could be posted in the forum but it could not. I downloaded a screen shot program to get the screen shot from word processor because I closed the webpage. The word processor thinks akkadian is spelled wrong so it's underlined in red & included in the screen shot. The preview of the article didn't show at the archive site. The date is the 29th not the 2nd. As you surely know the article has nothing to do with your treasure hoax.

As far as the hollow tree goes I've loaded that hollow many times with apples and arrowed deer while they tried to get the apples. FOR DECADES THERE WAS NEVER A LION STATUE IN THE HOLLOW!
As far as the hollow tree goes I've loaded that hollow many times with apples and arrowed deer while they tried to get the apples. FOR DECADES THERE WAS NEVER A LION STATUE IN THE HOLLOW!

Thats about illegal as it gets
This guy is in serious need of help. Now he thinks that an article dated 01/29/84 about akkadian coins being stolen has something to do with his treasure hoax.

Lets see coins that were stolen in 1984 are part of a treasure that was buried in 1980? Makes sense to him!

He doesn't understand why I think the story is a hoax after reading that I know that there was no lion statue in the hollow tree? The tree that is the basis and beginning of the story??

I'm going to have to ask Joe & Joan and/or Jose & Maria if they know this guy.
the lion tree might give you the time of year for your 9:00 sun. i would guess fall sept. or oct. when the leaves change look for a yellow or gold trees.
The gold leaves are the only thing gold that will be found.

The sepa guy claims to have found the burial mound that contains treasures a week ago but has not gone back to excavate or even metal detect over the mound. Instead he sent his side kick barney fife to walk around in another part of the woods looking for matches. :laughing:

I talked to some of my neighbors. They know this guy and claim that he has issues. Who wouldn't know that by the insane posts?
It appears that there was truth to the treasure!

A neighbor on fairmount ave says that there was once a French family named Turet who lived in the area who found numerous valuables throughout Warrington back in the mid 80's. He was not specific about the items but described it as a fortune.

The father Roslin (the wolf) Turet who found the items passed away shortly after. The son Navaree moved to the Pennsylvania Main Line shortly after his Fathers death. They are not sure if Navaree still lives on the main line.

(Not sure of correct name spelling?)
Here too?

I came back to this site because my BS detector is throwing a constant beep when I am on Tnet. It looks like the Hoax of Bradford Forest isn't grabbing a foothold here. I guess you guys are not as gullible. Thank you for keeping this site intelligent. As for Lion's Tree = Oils Enter yeah that still makes no freaking sense especially since that is a WATER TANK.
Gun pulled on him? How about the lorddean guy that lost a foot in the motorcycle accident when a rabbit ran into the road?

Sepa said it was shot out of a cannon by the local media and the historical society's hitman. Go figure.

No it was a rabbit and my brakes locked up. That was the clue for me that the OP is either a hoaxer or just a really bored person trying to make their life more interesting. :laughing::lol::laughing::lol:
Your grandfather hid a treasure and didnt want no one to find it, but did want to tempt fate by giving clues for it to be found? Then he did want his family to know, but instead of telling them he wrote them some riddles? I don't know about everyone else but this sounds totally believable.

My grandfather used to do things like this, he'd hang no trespassing signs above welcome mats. He loved company for thanksgiving but instead of inviting people he'd send them a picture of a turkey he drew by tracing his hand.

The coordinates are from google earth and I did say close to.

I don't know if you noticed or if it is even still there but I lost a arrowhead in that tree.

I posted a description of the area around the hollow tree at tnet. You may or may not have seen the post before the post was removed & I was banned and blocked at tnet. It is kind of open with a gully. The hollow tree looks out of place as it is surrounded by trees that are much smaller and a different type of tree.

For decades there was no lion statue in that hollow tree!

Keep wasting your time if you choose to do so!

As far as discouraging people from looking... :laughing: There would have to have been something, ANYTHING to make people believe in the first place. Personally I've seen nothing!

Like lord said I look because it is like a car wreck, you have to look!

Someone should ask sepa when he last posted anything that is mentioned in the first post. From the original clues! I've seen nothing but "I believe" my fabricated fairy tales and bs stories are related to the treasure, ect.

Well, I believe I'm going to hit the lottery for big $$$ but I never do!
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