5 weary travelers arrived at the Castle Gate today!


Official Tot Lot King
Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2011
Mabelvale, south of Little Rock, Arkansas
These travelers were certainly happy that they arrived today. They went a very round about route to get to KT's Royal Kingdom, having left the North Central USA many days ago, only to go through Birmingham, Alabama, Memphis, Little Rock, then to an unknown destination in Arizona, and then coming back again. Normally the Royal Mail has arrived by 12 noon, but today they finally reached the Royal Mail Box around 6 pm!

KT was happy to see them, finally! They arrived just in time for dinner, and the table was being spread as they were escorted into the Royal Courtyard. His Majesty bade them to quickly clean up and return so they could dine with us! After the Royal Feast, we retired to the Royal Court Yard to hear their stories. Three were retired teachers and were interested in assisting in the Kingdom's local schools. The Ben was a retired employee of Bell Labs, having assisted in the development of Transistors and later the miniaturization of those into present day circuit boards, and the Ken was retired from the Banking Business, having been in charge of bank loans and mortgages of large construction projects, before retirement. Amazingly, both men's hobbies are devoted to disease resistant plants to give higher yields for farmers! These men were given Royal Permission to establish a Royal Farmers Coop to assist the many farmers in the region, both financially and to learn about better yielding varieties of crops! The Ladies were encouraged to discuss with the Teacher's Association and to assist in our schools in areas they found to be deficient.

They all gathered for the Royal Photographer to get a group picture, before they were off to a well deserved rest. Their new duties will start later in the week, after they have recovered from their lengthy journey!


  • Not CRH 10 23 2023 5 assorted 90%ers.jpg
    Not CRH 10 23 2023 5 assorted 90%ers.jpg
    189 KB · Views: 39
I don't know KT. Two guys and three ladies just seems to beg for some problems! I hope Ben and Ken can get along and Liberty prevails. I also wonder greatly what thy royal dinner consisted of - turkey legs once eaten tossed into the grand fireplace and mead, wine and bread? Beautiful additions to the Royal Palace KT! They're 90% comfortable by now I bet :)
I don't know KT. Two guys and three ladies just seems to beg for some problems! I hope Ben and Ken can get along and Liberty prevails. I also wonder greatly what thy royal dinner consisted of - turkey legs once eaten tossed into the grand fireplace and mead, wine and bread? Beautiful additions to the Royal Palace KT! They're 90% comfortable by now I bet :)
They have already begun to settle in comfortably, doing what they like and liking what they do! :giggle: :kingdances:
and thank you for your thought, GroundSweeper!
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