8 boxes of halves ALL SKUNKS


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2013
I got 11 keepers a few weeks ago. Been trying to stop my current skunk streak of 8. Figured I would put up a couple pics up.

Sorry to hear about your skunks. CRHing is a streaky business and you just never know when lighting will strike again. Good luck!
For me, it's almost every other box (the steak broke today when my first box was without silver, but my second did).

We can't all be like KT and get treasure boxes every week... :D:laughing:
I don't ever do good with that type box. The flat ones with holes in the bottom to check the roll count is the ones I like.
Hope it doesn't stay that way for you. I was CRHing for a couple of years and my longest skunk streak was 51 boxes :(

May be time to change banks for a little bit. I had 3 pick up banks that I would get from. When 1 was slow I would up my order from one of the other places until the slow place picked up.

Either that or you can up your orders and just plow right through the skunk pallet!
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