Winter is killing me...


Full Member
Jan 11, 2006
SE South Dakota
Love living in SD but too much time goes by between late fall and early spring, other words, GROUND IS TOO HARD TO DIG...

Today was in the 40's, not bad for here in Feb...suppose to be 30's tomorrow and close to 40 something on Sunday..I may just go out to the lake and see what I can't find...have a new Prizm 950 coil to try out if nothing else...

Anyone else have cabin fever???

Thanks for letting me vent...
Hey BOP222, I tried detecting today with the new ACE 250 I got and found the ground definately frozen. I think it was up around 50 degrees today in my part of S Dakota. I dug two holes and got a silver ring and a fifty cent piece. Can't wait for the thaw! HH
No cabin fever here.. In fact going to take a break from detecting for about a week lol... grounds frozen here as well but the water isn't ;)
Here is a pic I took Thursday. As you can see, I too am having a mega dose of cabin fever. I would just love to get out and walk on bare ground. :( Yup you got it, we got some more snow. :lol:
Dont have to worry about the snow down here, but it only seems to rain on my days off. 100% rain today. no Mardi Gras parades today :o(
We got a new detector yesterday Tried going out this morning but with 32 degree weather in Indiana we couldn't even budge the dirt. I guess we will be waiting a while to dig anything up. :o( I got time to read up detector use in the books I ordered before getting the detector though. :lol:
That's what I love about living here in RI. The state is so small, that even when the ground if frozen solid or the snow is a foot deep, it's never more than a 40 minute ride to the ocean. Hoser, that picture made me cringe. I'm hoping spring comes to you quickly, buddy!
:shock: Yikes, Hoser!! Well at least if you're gonna be stuck inside you might as well have something pretty to look at. :P
The ground is almost bare down here, but it's still cold. I missed out on two nice evening hunts when I forgot to load the detector in the back of the car last week. It was up in the mid- to high 40's both days, but the ground's still frozen. I've only been out 3 times since just after Christmas when I bought my LandStar on sale, all three times on a Saturday.
I have a lead on a early 1900's house that burned down years ago, now part of my friend's property in Hartland township. He also has frontage on a small river that he thinks might be a good spot to hunt. Looking forward to getting a scoop so I can do some river bed / river bank hunting in the spring. He's already agreed to let me hunt his land - all I need is some warm weather and to set a date.

Hope all those with swinging loop fever can get some relief soon!
I'm a snake when it comes to the cold. It got to 50 here today, but that's still too cold for me :o(
Dear God,
i know i havent been the best of MDer as since i am just learning. but this snow here in the great state of NH is killing me. first you make it snow then you make it rain then you make it snow again , what gives?
dont you want me to find some long lost cashe? or some ones lost ring and return it? could you please send me some coins to look at ,at least till your done with all the snow. oh PS.. if at all possible please talk to that darn ground hog and make sure spring comes early! .....................................yup another 7+ inches today just when i thought it was all over with the only thing ill be swinging today is a snow shovel.
You gotta understand I lived in Houston for years. Before that it was the tropics. 50 is pretty cold to me. I don't wear shorts until it's 72 out...:lol:
Ha, ha, ha. I feel your pain. I REALLY DO! I just received my first metal detector, the ace 250 this saturday, went out into the front yard, came across a few dime signals, a half dollar signal, and a few iron signals (hopefully my property stakes I need to find) and tried to use my shovel, and nope, can not penetrate any further than 1/2".

We don't have much snow cover (really weird as we are having a very mild winter so far) but the ground is very frozen.

The worst part? I don't know if the signals it is giving me are real, or false since I can not dig them, and I will have to wait about 1-2 months to find out.

waaaaaaaa! :o(
It's in the mid teens here with a wind chill below zero. Coldest it's been all winter. Hoser, I keep seeing the same view from all of the snow pics you've posted. They kinda look like the same storm. :D Ya gotta give us some different scenery. How about out in your yard toward the back of the house? :lol:
We had a couple of weeks of mild weather just enough to tease you! I allmost uncovered my boat and started getting it ready but commin sense got the better of me and today it was 8 deg with a wicked wind chill! On the positive side there aren't any black flies or skeeters out :lol: Think mud and bugs. Cladius.
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