Which pinpointer?

I'm definitely looking for one that just detects on the tip. Not up the sides, that kinda defeats the purpose. What if you point it into a hole and it detects metal, but it's actually reading off the side of the pinpointer? Could be detecting 360 degrees around the pointer.
Either of the Garretts are fine. Saving money on the cheapies will only lead to aggravation as they may just false, interfere with your machine or simply not detect smaller targets.

I had a ML Profind 35 and it was junk, RMA'd 3x and last finally died one month out of warranty. Probably spent more money in shipping than what it was worth.

I also have a Nokta Pulse. Nice well built pointer but lacks sensitivity to tiny stuff so if your earring hunting it may not pick up on it. It is good around coal and coke though as it is blind to that and makes finding a target easier.

Buddy just got an F-Pulse and likes it. Think they are more money than carrot.
I tried 2 of the cheap orange pinpointers. The first worked OK, very little depth and after a few months it started acting wonky. No biggie, I bought another. It was terrible, metal had to be within 1/2 inch to be detected. So I bought the Fisher F-Pulse and WOW what a different a quality pinpointer makes. Love it and if I have a problem with it I would buy another before my next outing. Definitely worth it to get a quality pinpointer. It saves me time with every hole so I'm able to dig more targets.
Finally got to try out the kuman pinpointer. Works great in the sound only mode, actually detected objects almost 3 inches in the ground. However if you use it in the vibration mode, or sound and vibration mode, it vibrates and chirps itself to death until you restart it. So, all in all, can live with it for now! It saves me alot of time when I'm trying to locate the endless amount of pull tabs I've been finding! Lol
I’m just getting back into detecting after a 15 year layoff and due to physical ailments am not sure I can even do it for extended hours. So I purchased a very inexpensive detector and pointer for now. That was tough to do since I believe in buying the best. But why spend the $$ and then find out I can no longer do this.
I purchased one of the cheap GP pointers and saw the sensor hacks on YouTube. I was surprised that out of the box my #’s were the same as others AFTER their hack. Not sure if the mfg moved the sensors closer to the tip but I have to admit that it’s not bad for a cheapie. Obviously the longevity will probably not be the same, but for now, until I can determine that I can physically do this, the GP is not all that bad.


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I bought a Kuman also, and have been using it for about 2years now. The tip has developed a hole, which is plugged up with dirt, but it still works. As far the the weird thing with the chirping/strobe light thing, it's supposed to indicate a weak/dying battery. Unfortunately, rechargeable 9volts won't fit in it, so I have to use alkaline. I think I payed around $30.00US for it, so, I've definitely gotten my money's worth. It has 3-speeds(iirc) of beeping to indicate closeness, and many times if my Vanquish shows 1-2 arrows depth, I can pinpoint the top of the ground to find the item. Anyway, I couldn't bring myself to pay $150 or so for a pinpointer, and this one gets the job done.
I bought a Minelab Vanquish 440 with built in pinpointer. Sometimes it's dead on. Other times it has a huge area 6" in diameter for an object. Just yesterday I was digging in my gravel driveway and had a nice small area pinpointed. I dug down 6" and didn't find anything, but the 440 still pinpointed right over the hole. I dug deeper, still nothing. The 440 pinpointed on the edge of the hole? So I dug out the edge and about 3" down I found a 1972 quarter. I've read about iron halos and how they will give false indication. Do clad quarters also have halos and give off false indications? Will a hand held pinpointer be more accurate than the 440 pinpointer? Makes me wonder if I should have bought the 340 and a good pinpointer?
I bought a Minelab Vanquish 440 with built in pinpointer. Sometimes it's dead on. Other times it has a huge area 6" in diameter for an object. Just yesterday I was digging in my gravel driveway and had a nice small area pinpointed. I dug down 6" and didn't find anything, but the 440 still pinpointed right over the hole. I dug deeper, still nothing. The 440 pinpointed on the edge of the hole? So I dug out the edge and about 3" down I found a 1972 quarter. I've read about iron halos and how they will give false indication. Do clad quarters also have halos and give off false indications? Will a hand held pinpointer be more accurate than the 440 pinpointer? Makes me wonder if I should have bought the 340 and a good pinpointer?
I think this may have been a case of you were just not over the center of the target. The built in pinpointer will pick up objects on the edge of the coil so you have to go side to side and listen for the loudest tone or look at your indicator on your screen to see if the center of the coil is directly over your target.
I think this may have been a case of you were just not over the center of the target. The built in pinpointer will pick up objects on the edge of the coil so you have to go side to side and listen for the loudest tone or look at your indicator on your screen to see if the center of the coil is directly over your target.
I slowly move it left and right until it's centered, then I pull it towards me. When the tone stops it should be right at the top of the coil. Or, I swing it left and right slowly and watch where it's the loudest, then I rotate 90* and swing again and dig where the 2 lines intersect.
I tried 2 of the cheap orange pinpointers. The first worked OK, very little depth and after a few months it started acting wonky. No biggie, I bought another. It was terrible, metal had to be within 1/2 inch to be detected. So I bought the Fisher F-Pulse and WOW what a different a quality pinpointer makes. Love it and if I have a problem with it I would buy another before my next outing. Definitely worth it to get a quality pinpointer. It saves me time with every hole so I'm able to dig more targets.
Did the same thing. In fact am going to post a separate thread on my opinion on the cheapies.
IMHO, the one at Harbor Freight which is made in China and marketed as a stud finder is useless. I forget how much it is, but it was cheap and not worth it. I even use my Garrett Carrot as a stud finder.

But I don't love the Garrett Carrot. I see it as the best house in a really bad neighborhood. I have yet to use a pinpointer that I would endorse, but the Carrot is at least acceptable. It works (more or less).

I would love to see someone (hello ML, XP, Nokta) come out with a really good pinpointer. The world is your oyster, But, perhaps they don't see how lame current pinpointers are, or the problem is harder to solve than it seems.

My pinpointer is definitely the weakest tool in my toolbox, but hope springs eternal.
How about the Garret's Pro-pointer AT ? It is supposed to be a significant leap above the old "Carrot". :shrug:
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I slowly move it left and right until it's centered, then I pull it towards me. When the tone stops it should be right at the top of the coil. Or, I swing it left and right slowly and watch where it's the loudest, then I rotate 90* and swing again and dig where the 2 lines intersect.

I have the Vanquish 540, and I've had the same issue. I think the issue is that, when in pinpointer mode, it's detecting all metal, and maybe there is something else that it's picking up. I would guess other factors may play a role; such as how the metal item sits in the hole, the size of the item, etc. A pinpointer helps a lot, especially with smaller items, and items that are buried in a side wall. Also, if you have a plug or loose soil that you've dug out, you can quickly run the pinpointer over it and the hole to see where it is. It beats having to get back up, get the detector, and then recheck the hole or spoil heap.

I just bought another Kuman myself, because the first one developed a hole in the tip(my fault); I scrape/dig with mine too much. I think I paid around $35.00 US for the first one, my new one was only $25, and came with a battery. My only issue is that rechargeable 9volts don't fit in the battery cavity. Other than that, it's a fraction of the cost of a "good" pinpointer, and does the same thing. I can detect items the size of a penny from about 2-3" away. Smaller items, which the Vanquish will find are tougher. The pinpointer will find them, but isolating really small bits of aluminum or small buckshot is infuriating, but that's not the pinpointers fault. Larger items are easily picked up from 4-6" away.
I have the "garret carrot", as it's been dubbed, and it has never failed me. I also recently acquired the minelab 35 and it has done well also. No complaints with either one. Spending the money on a GOOD one is certainly worth it.
Garrett carrot works for me, I've got 2 Amazon knock offs that I've given away, a Minelab as a backup, buy once cry once.

Mark in Michigan
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