Was in the water today with NuBlu at about 8:30 am and was able to witness a very cool waterspout that was about 3 miles offshore. I hunted for just over 4 hours, but the 2nd half of the hunt was much better. I thought I was going to have my worst hunt of the year until the 1st silver ring ended that distinction. In the last half hour would come the 2nd silver ring (more on that one later!), the toasted watch and the Ray-Bans missing some of the outer coating on the lenses. It’s too bad as those frames are in great shape. When I ended my hunt, and got to the car, I got my loupe and checked out the rings. The 1st silver ring I couldn’t see the 925 but at home I can make it out in a dark area. The second silver ring I saw “Paloma Picasso” on one side so I am thinking good but when I turn it around to look at the other side I couldn’t believe what I saw “Tiffany & Co 925”! I would later google that ring and although it’s a discontinued model it sold for just over $500. I wont get that much when I sell it but I am sure it'll be over $100. The diamond of course tests real. Conditions seemed to have sanded-in again from 2 weeks ago since the surf was calm this entire week. No gold today, but I’ll take a Tiffany over a plain gold, gram for gram, any day!