Treasures in the News - No MDing, but possible treasure, nonetheless!

... This stuff is even wilder than Dent's Run.....

You're right. This was wilder than D.R. I never thought that would have been possible, but .... finally .... someone tops EVEN DENT'S RUN . :roll:

Reminds me of the anecdotal testimonies of persons who claim to have been abducted by aliens, for example. Or that the government is really lizard people, and so forth.

And if you ever try to pose evidence AGAINST these claims, then : Just like D.R. : Those defeaters only become more evidence of the conspiracy. :roll: Because, of course, the lack of evidence, and seeming-counter-evidence, is merely proof of the cover up whitewash. Hence instead of being evidence AGAINST the claims, it is evidence FOR the claims. :shock:

Here's a funny video I made that illustrates the mindset of these type folk. Enjoy :

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