Titanium and plastic

low tide

Elite Member
Dec 26, 2015
YUP, I finally got the new knee... 16 days post op and starting to feel better. You guys in So Cal better hit the beaches ASAP because once I'm back in the swing of it (no pun intended) your finds are gonna drop off pretty bad.... Just in time for the winter erosion.
Don't really need your new knee for our targets to drop off here. They been disappearing for awile already. Lol....let us know how the knee goes as you heal. I been getting PRP injections and they have worked out quite well.
YUP, I finally got the new knee... 16 days post op and starting to feel better. You guys in So Cal better hit the beaches ASAP because once I'm back in the swing of it (no pun intended) your finds are gonna drop off pretty bad.... Just in time for the winter erosion.
My father had a knee replacement and his mobility is up to close to where it was before he ever injured his knee at all. My aunt had both knees replaced and it drastically improved her mobility as well. Gotta make sure to not overwork the PT though, but definitely don't skip out on it either. I have a great-aunt who refused to do any of the PT and was the worse off for it.
My father had a knee replacement and his mobility is up to close to where it was before he ever injured his knee at all. My aunt had both knees replaced and it drastically improved her mobility as well. Gotta make sure to not overwork the PT though, but definitely don't skip out on it either. I have a great-aunt who refused to do any of the PT and was the worse off for it.
I think when my dad got his knee replacement years ago he shunned the physical therapy and ended up worse. Anytime I've had to do physical therapy I have been diligent in getting it done. That's the secret to a good recovery.
I'm 2.5 wks post op. I'm already walking ( with a limp), started the exercise bike, and flex is very good but extension (making the leg straight) is a bit behind. That was that way before surgery though from previous surgeries. I go back to work next monday for 1 month of light duty.. Hopefully I'll be recovered soon. Knee replacement isn't like any other repair. Other repairs you get to rest it for weeks then re-strengthen it. NOT with this. They literally want you walking the same or next day after surgery. Its a biatch. Wants to constantly stiffen up on you and if you don't do your PT your screwed once the scar tissue settles... The 1st week was an absolute night mare. I thought I made a seriously wrong decision. Week 2 started to come together, Today I'm in no "pain" per se but the swelling is persistent.
I went on a hunt about a week before surgery down at PB pier. 2 junker rings and a TC ring that looked gold. Had my heart going til I read it. Can't wait to get on the hunt,
I'm 2.5 wks post op. I'm already walking ( with a limp), started the exercise bike, and flex is very good but extension (making the leg straight) is a bit behind. That was that way before surgery though from previous surgeries. I go back to work next monday for 1 month of light duty.. Hopefully I'll be recovered soon. Knee replacement isn't like any other repair. Other repairs you get to rest it for weeks then re-strengthen it. NOT with this. They literally want you walking the same or next day after surgery. Its a biatch. Wants to constantly stiffen up on you and if you don't do your PT your screwed once the scar tissue settles... The 1st week was an absolute night mare. I thought I made a seriously wrong decision. Week 2 started to come together, Today I'm in no "pain" per se but the swelling is persistent.
I went on a hunt about a week before surgery down at PB pier. 2 junker rings and a TC ring that looked gold. Had my heart going til I read it. Can't wait to get on the hunt,
That is similar to my dad's replacement. Was limping for a few weeks. But within 3 months he was fine. He is also morbidly obese and he is a tennis freak , playing 3x a week. They say each person/surgery is different for people. But he would recommend it for anyone who needs it. I think it's been 3 years now for him.
Glad to hear that your recovery is going well LT. As KOB mentioned, it's been pretty slow here while waiting for the first big erosion event after the summer deposits. Hurricane Hilary was a quick hitter and those few beaches that produced anything quickly (one tide cycle) sanded back in.
I think when my dad got his knee replacement years ago he shunned the physical therapy and ended up worse. Anytime I've had to do physical therapy I have been diligent in getting it done. That's the secret to a good recovery.
My wife needs a knee job, I just have the usual pain you get when you get older ? lol I give you all a ( ATTA BOY) for pursuing your dream, well maybe not dreams, but alot of fun, and keeps you out of trouble with wife ( hopefully) !!!!
My dad also got a replacement a month ago, he is doing very good , so you are back in SD? I hit the honey hole beach a week agi and the rocks where all over the place , tides did not make hunting fun in there and the targets where no where to be found. Get strong and lets pillage and plunder.
No still in the Vegas area. If it wasn't for the state tax I'd probably come back. Henderson NV is just to dang cheap to justify going back. It's worth the drive now and then but there's nothing about CA other than the beach that interests me anymore. I see your starting to YouTube again... :thumbsup: Just bought a new condition stock Excal Blue 1000. Getting Tony to mod it up for me.... I don't care to much for the NOX and sold it. I sold the old Blue and was dumb to have. Still have the CTX but you just can't beat the X on the beach.
No still in the Vegas area. If it wasn't for the state tax I'd probably come back. Henderson NV is just to dang cheap to justify going back. It's worth the drive now and then but there's nothing about CA other than the beach that interests me anymore. I see your starting to YouTube again... :thumbsup: Just bought a new condition stock Excal Blue 1000. Getting Tony to mod it up for me.... I don't care to much for the NOX and sold it. I sold the old Blue and was dumb to have. Still have the CTX but you just can't beat the X on the beach.
I have a WOT in a drawer if you want it. I don’t think ill ever use it. I’ll pm you to share a spot that is producing bigtime.
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is it the Sovereign WOT? And got your PM... Hit it hard!!!! It won't last but a few days
is it the Sovereign WOT? And got your PM... Hit it hard!!!! It won't last but a few days
Dude that gave it to me had it on an excal.


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KOB said; " PRP injections and they have worked out quite well."
I should look into this. I torn a tendon in my right knee back in 1990 when the lug sole of my work boots locked into the grating at work and I turned but my foot didn't. Now I have good old Arthureetus in that knee.
KOB said; " PRP injections and they have worked out quite well."
I should look into this. I torn a tendon in my right knee back in 1990 when the lug sole of my work boots locked into the grating at work and I turned but my foot didn't. Now I have good old Arthureetus in that knee.
Here's what it basically is like. They drew a couple vials of my blood. Then they spun it in a centrifugal type of machine super fast , separating the red blood cells out. Leaving a yellow type of plasma which they then injected into my knee. The whole thing took about 25 minutes start to finish. I have very good Kaiser insurance and it cost me next to nothing. They told me if I had poor insurance that each injection is from $700-800. I get these shots every 6 months. Had 2 so far and it's worked great for me. The steroids , which I tried twice only lasted about 2 weeks for me. My knees aren't perfect but seem more reinguvinated now. I hope this can possibly help others that there are alternatives to steroids and replacements.
My knees aren't perfect but seem more reinguvinated now. I hope this can possibly help others that there are alternatives to steroids and replacements.

Thanks bud. I will be checking into this for sure. OH! one other question, did they say how much alcohol you could have in your blood for the draw.:rofl2:
  • Haha
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My knees aren't perfect but seem more reinguvinated now. I hope this can possibly help others that there are alternatives to steroids and replacements.

Thanks bud. I will be checking into this for sure. OH! one other question, did they say how much alcohol you could have in your blood for the draw.:rofl2:
Having your blood jacked up probably isn't a good idea. But maybe the booze is spun out during the process , lol. Going on 19 years of sobriety.
"booze is spun out during the process"
Dang! I could drink it all over again. Now how cool is that. :rofl2:
  • Wow
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