The FBI Files: Dents Run Civil War Gold

Probably were convoys. It wouldn't be unusual for them to travel in convoy given the number of vehicles, equipment and personal they had on site.
Still waiting for parada to provide proof of an armored truck convoy.

Forget trucks, forget LEO's, forget convoys, etc.... I'm still waiting for evidence of fabulous treasure.

No one has seen a SINGLE RED CENT yet . So .... ultimately ... what does it matter debating all the other stuff ? :shrug:

Kind of reminds me of the bruhaha debates about the pro/con O.I. debates that used to go on, on T'net : Guys debating endlessly on ancillary things like "coconut fibers" (since "fibers" is part of the lore for that story). And the guys debate that fibers will or won't / can or can't float/travel for 1000 miles on ocean currents. But then someone else comes on and starts botany debate that there's different coconut variations of buoyancy , for different breeds/types coconuts, blah blah . :roll:

And after reading 50 back and forth bickering posts about "coconut fibers" I finally stopped reading and realized : WHAT THE HECK DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH THE EXISTENCE OF A FABULOUS TREASURE ! ?? Ie.: As if this would "blow the story open" ? As if it would prove the O.I. treasure is still there (or "was stolen" or whatever) ?
Forget trucks, forget LEO's, forget convoys, etc.... I'm still waiting for evidence of fabulous treasure.

No one has seen a SINGLE RED CENT yet . So .... ultimately ... what does it matter debating all the other stuff ? :shrug:

Kind of reminds me of the bruhaha debates about the pro/con O.I. debates that used to go on, on T'net : Guys debating endlessly on ancillary things like "coconut fibers" (since "fibers" is part of the lore for that story). And the guys debate that fibers will or won't / can or can't float/travel for 1000 miles on ocean currents. But then someone else comes on and starts botany debate that there's different coconut variations of buoyancy , for different breeds/types coconuts, blah blah . :roll:

And after reading 50 back and forth bickering posts about "coconut fibers" I finally stopped reading and realized : WHAT THE HECK DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH THE EXISTENCE OF A FABULOUS TREASURE ! ?? Ie.: As if this would "blow the story open" ? As if it would prove the O.I. treasure is still there (or "was stolen" or whatever) ?

I'm with you Tom. Even if there was a night dig, armored convoys, Army National guard, etc etc etc, it doesn't increase the odds gold was buried there over a century ago and dug up.

Not a single picture, video, document, or witness of actual gold being removed from the ground. Thats what we are all waiting for! I suspect we'll be waiting til we die....
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Just drove this exact route today ....past Clearfield CVS,into Penfield then onto Saint Mary's for a round of golf.

I can confirm that once you pass the CVS in Clearfield it is almost impossible to not end up in Dents Run

I was driving and my golf partners were getting worried after I picked this route that we wouldn't make our tee time and were obviously going to end up in Dents Run.......but there is a couple turns that can be made that very few people know about that will actually lead to to other places.....if you keep vigilant you can even make a left turn that will take you to Punxsutawney before you even get to Penfield....I mean you have to keep a close eye because 322 bears left and if your not at the top of your game you will miss it and once you get to the red light light in Penfield your choices are getting limited to go anywhere other then Dents Run.

It was a struggle but I was able to pass the CVS in Clearfield on 322 and then the Minit Mart in Penfield and not end up in Dents Run.

I've heard I80 is along this route but I don't know of anyone that has successfully passed that CVS in Clearfield on 322 then been able to get on I80 in Rockton and go West to Dubois.

The really sad thing is that these guys think this is real evidence..... crap like this is what they will have sent to a Senator.
I can confirm that once you pass the CVS in Clearfield it is almost impossible to not end up in Dents Run

Just to clarify, I'm not saying that taking 322 past the CVS won't land you in Dents Run some 50 miles or so later if that's your destination, what I'm saying is, if you see an Army National Guard truck going past the CVS it could likely be headed back to the unit or any number of places other than Dents Run. The witness coming out of CVS seeing an Army National Guard truck go past CVS would have no idea what its destination was. I guarantee Army National Guard trucks travel on 322 on a regular basis, as its a major road through/in town. and they aren't headed to Dents Run.

Here's a map, if one is going past to the CVS on 322 and wanted to get to your unit, this is the most likely path:

My post was poking fun at going past CVS is somehow evidence of ending up in Dents Run.Although that would be the best route to take there is countless options of destinations.

All these witnesses now coming forward at this late stage reeks of desperation to keep the story alive.

Now we have a witness that just came forward and this one even has an unbreakable routine that matches the time and date that fits their story and can explain why such a common sighting of military vehicles would be remembered from so far back.

Might not be last person to come forward with eye witness testimony that would have proved their case against the FBI......too bad they hadn't come forward sooner and could have been involved in the court filings.

I'd also guess their lawyer has told them the suit is over and is no longer advising them and now they are free to go back on their crazy train without anyone supervising what they say and could be used against them to refute their claims.

Kem is trying everything he can think of to get himself some tv time.
Might not be last person to come forward with eye witness testimony that would have proved their case against the FBI......too bad they hadn't come forward sooner and could have been involved in the court filings.

It boggles my mind how he, and some of his followers, think seeing FBI vehicles, is somehow evidence of gold. When you consider that the FBI had what some estimate to be up to 100 people on site who were staying in Dubois, you are going to have 1000's of people who saw them along the route from Dubois to Dents Run.

And this, "The FBI wouldn't send so many people and vehicles for nothing" line of thinking is flawed too. They didn't send them for "nothing", they sent them because they legitimately thought gold may be there. They came prepared and came up empty handed.
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Plaintiff is now claiming, without evidence, that the FBI was using an "EMP" to erase photos. I guess the FBI forgot to use one on his cameras at the dig site, you know, the most important ones that may have actually caught the FBI red handed!



And this, "The FBI wouldn't send so many people and vehicles for nothing" line of thinking is flawed too. They didn't send them for "nothing", they sent them because they legitimately thought gold may be there. They came prepared and came up empty handed.

Correct. Smoke is not indicative of fire in this case. It is smoke OF DENNIS' OWN MAKING ! He ran around banging on media and LEO and Govt. doors for several years insisting "treasure". So when he FINALLY gets someone to come take a look, then presto: That's proof of gold there ? Huh ?

It would be like this : If I tell various govt. agencies and LEO's that I know where 5 murder victim bodies are buried in the woods, then I bet I can eventually get them to come out and dig some holes at wherever I point them to. And then I can turn around in the next breath, and say that their dig attempts must be proof that they know there's bodies buried there. Eh ?

NO ! ! Of COURSE NOT ! Because in that case, the only reason they're there and digging, was because I finally found a sympathetic ear to take me seriously and come dig. Doh ! :roll:
We have left the crazy train and are now into bat sh** crazy territory.

An EM pulse ......seriously?
I'm not familiar with how these work but can they selectively delete only certain photos and videos from your phone?

I would have to guess they could only jam up whatever you are trying to record at the time if they can even do this at all ???????

Their lawyer has flown the coop.....they can't find anyone to produce a TV show for them.
No reporter is following up after they contact them to breath new life into this fantasy.So it is throw everything you can think of against the wall and hope something sticks.

I don't know why they think these far out simply unbelievable conspiracy theories and gonna help in securing a production company.......maybe they are shooting for something like The Office and a sitcom type show based on how gullible they are.

Of course the photos are missing and it is because they were never taken in the the first place.

This will continue the rest of the winter.....then around spring we will start getting hints of what ever they found in Quehanna and the vicious cycle of a fantastic find that can't be uncovered will start anew.Upcoming public reveals,press conferences,tv shows and court cases will all be promised but never delivered.

These guys can't go for a walk in the woods without finding something that changes history and this thread is huge in exposing them for the frauds that they are and easily accessible for anyone who really wants the true information about this story.

Of course the photos are missing and it is because they were never taken in the the first place.

Yup. And here's what's hilarious about this ^ ^ . Is that when you point out to claimants that it's silly talk to claim that lack of photos is d/t some high tech jamming /deleting device, they can merely say that their proof of this high tech jamming/deleting device is proven by (drum roll) the lack of pictures they're referring to ! :roll:

This is known as starting with your own a prior presupposition, and working backwards. Ie.: Assuming your own position's point-of-view, AS EVIDENCE FOR IT ! A logical fallacy vicious circle loop. Aka : "Begging the question" So that the lack of proof merely become ALL THE MORE PROOF !

Same for the lack of any gold to show : That merely becomes ALL THE MORE PROOF of (drum roll) stolen gold. Which would be true if we merely start with the given-starting-point premise that there WAS a fabulous treasure there. If THAT were the case, THEN SURE : Stolen gold. But : SAYS WHO ?? It's a giant vicious circle of begging the question.
Plaintiff is now claiming, without evidence, that the FBI was using an "EMP" to erase photos. I guess the FBI forgot to use one on his cameras at the dig site, you know, the most important ones that may have actually caught the FBI red handed!
Of course the FBI used an EMP to erase photos and hide the dirty deed they perpetrated!

You know, I heard they had a Chinese Space Laser all lined up to zap Dent's Run if needed!! :oldguy: :twisted:
.... You know, I heard they had a Chinese Space Laser all lined up to zap Dent's Run if needed!! :oldguy: :twisted:

And you would be the one to know, via your past military service. I know that you secretly know all the top secret gadgets that the government has. And how they watch yours & I's every move. But you have been sworn to secrecy, right ? You know about the lizard people, the chemtrails, etc... And are sent here as a shill to keep us all away from the truth. 'FESS UP RON !!
And you would be the one to know, via your past military service. I know that you secretly know all the top secret gadgets that the government has. And how they watch yours & I's every move. But you have been sworn to secrecy, right ? You know about the lizard people, the chemtrails, etc... And are sent here as a shill to keep us all away from the truth. 'FESS UP RON !!
Got me Tom!! Lock - Me - Up!! :jail:
There is very compelling evidence that the Army National Guard trucks allegedly seen in front of CVS on 322 headed NW were NOT headed to Dents Run. It is clear Plaintiff is not interested in the truth and doesn't even do the minimum amount of due diligence in research before posting his wild claims.

Consider this:

1. The Witness testified they were coming out of the CVS Pharmacy and saw the Army National Guard vehicle passing by the CVS headed northwest on 322 towards Dents Run.

2. But if we look at the Map in Exhibit 1, you'll notice where the CVS is and where the Army National Guard's Home Base is and they are on opposite sides of the River.

3. Therefore, if the Army National Guard convoy was headed to Dent's Run via 322, their route would not take them past the CVS pharmacy, they'd be pulling out across the river and up the road, out of sight from the CVS.

4. To counter any moving of the goal posts by Plaintiff or witness who may claim, "they didn't actually pass in front of the CVS, we could see them pulling out up the road across the river", attached as exhibit 2, see the view NW from in front of CVS pharmacy, you can't see across the river as the road bends out of site.


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Plaintiff's henchman later comments in the FB post... "She saw them coming down 322 towards Penfield." "Their route would be starting on route 322 merge onto route 322/153, staying on 153 to Penfield, turn right onto route 255, bearing right in Weedville onto 555. Continuing on 555 into Dents Run." end quote.

The National Guard Unit is not located on Rt. 322 but the Army Reserve Unit is located on Rt.322. Again there is no corroboration of the statement and description of the vehicles other than to say it was "the National Guard". I would argue most folks wouldn't know one type of military vehicle from another only that a vehicle "looks military".

The point here being that the whole idea of making a statement like this public is ridiculous and just looking to plant the seeds of conspiracy in the town folk who might also have noticed armed forces vehicles driving around town which no doubt, between these two units and any others in the area is likely to occur on a daily basis, in any direction and for any reason.

Here we see the National Guard Unit on the far left in the map, the Army Reserve Unit on the far right. There are three common routes of travel between the unit locations and each takes about eleven minutes in normal travel time. The CVS located on the Northern most, on Rt. 322 just before 322/153.


I would argue... nobody can say where a vehicle "started" traveling unless that vehicle was observed from the actual starting point? With the same reasoning...nobody can say where a vehicle is going unless that vehicle has been observed to its final destination?
...... nobody can say where a vehicle "started" traveling unless that vehicle was observed from the actual starting point? With the same reasoning...nobody can say where a vehicle is going unless that vehicle has been observed to its final destination?

You said (and I quote) :

"... nobody can say where a vehicle "started" traveling unless that vehicle was observed from the actual starting point? With the same reasoning...nobody can say where a vehicle is going unless that vehicle has been observed to its final destination?..."

Yes they can say all that, as long as they're someone trying to bolster the D.R. narrative . Like if it's someone in these three descriptions : 1) A shill, or 2) a made up person, or 3) a glossy eyed treasure fanatic who will naturally see assassins under every rock .

Then in those cases, here's how I would rephrase your statement :

" someone can say where a vehicle "started" traveling if that vehicle was assumed [to bolster a presupposition] from the actual starting point. With the same reasoning...somebody can say where a vehicle is going unless that vehicle has been assumed to its final destination. "

So you see, all you have to do is start with your ASSUMPTION. And then you can work backward (begging the question) , to assume correlation must equal causation.
Plaintiff again purposely misleading/lying to his followers:

Recall that last week Plaintiff claimed that this week, his case would be in the Senate and as you can see, that wasn't true. Now, before you claim, "well, maybe he didn't mean an actual hearing" a few points:

1. Plaintiff has a pattern of purposely writing things in a way that make you believe a certain thing exists or is going to happen, yet when his claims don't materialize, they are vague enough so he can gaslight you and claim he meant something else and it was YOU who was mistaken.

2. As is evidenced by his own followers, they believed he meant an actual senate hearing was going to take place.

3. When given the opportunity to set the record straight to his followers that there was no actual hearing, he ignores their question.

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Plaintiff again purposely misleading/lying to his followers:

Recall that last week Plaintiff claimed that this week, his case would be in the Senate and as you can see, that wasn't true. Now, before you claim, "well, maybe he didn't mean an actual hearing" a few points:

1. Plaintiff has a pattern of purposely writing things in a way that make you believe a certain thing exists or is going to happen, yet when his claims don't materialize, they are vague enough so he can gaslight you and claim he meant something else and it was YOU who was mistaken.

2. As is evidenced by his own followers, they believed he meant an actual senate hearing was going to take place.

3. When given the opportunity to set the record straight to his followers that there was no actual hearing, he ignores their question.

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Just posted on his FB page asking what the Senate had to say. :roll::bouncy:
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