Rich or Poor?


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Dec 19, 2022
Who loses more valuables, rich or poor folks? The rich may lead lifestyles that might lend to wearing more expensive items. The monetary value is significantly higher than lower income people. I've been swinging the Legend in both areas and I find significantly more of the high denomination coins and jewelry in the rich areas. However I'm finding way more targets in terms of numbers in clad and fake bling in the less affluent towns.

My take is the poorer areas loose more than the wealthy areas. Anyone else think about this?

Mark in Michigan
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Hi Mark, I agree with you. I've detected a lot of curb strips in different towns. It seems the poorer folk (based on the nearby housing I see) seem to lose a lot of money. Some sections are full of clad... quarters dimes, like they just toss money away. Maybe that's why they are poor...
The poor people sit on the grass and watch the ball games, the rich sit in front of the big scree TV's and drink by the pool, The poor watch fireworks on the grass and drink beer, the rich sit near their pool and socialize . The poor sleep in tents, the rich sleep in their $200k RV's.
Yep the poor loose more.
I agree that the less fortunate people tend to lose more than the rich. In my mind it boils down to the poorer folks want to look more wealthy by sporting more bling, and the rich don't want to advertise their wealth. In reality, both sets of people tend to lose "stuff". JMO
I agree that the less fortunate people tend to lose more than the rich. In my mind it boils down to the poorer folks want to look more wealthy by sporting more bling, and the rich don't want to advertise their wealth. In reality, both sets of people tend to lose "stuff". JMO
yep, go to the beaches where the rich go, or rent a yacht and dive where they swim
go to the beaches where the rich go, or rent a yacht and dive where they swim
Funny you should say this. There is a town north and west of where I live called Charlevoix. Lake Charlevoix is a huge lake that empties into Lake Michigan, and there is a small lake inline with it that really is nothing more than a wealthy marina where there are many yachts anchored. Years ago a friend who was a scuba diver would dive around all the docks and piers and he said the bottom was littered with coins and jewelry. He said you had to go in there after, or just before the boating season.
I agree that the less fortunate people tend to lose more than the rich. In my mind it boils down to the poorer folks want to look more wealthy by sporting more bling, and the rich don't want to advertise their wealth. In reality, both sets of people tend to lose "stuff". JMO
The rich buy new clothes. The poor have holes in there pockets
I agree. I've always done better at lower income locations. Seems like they just got out in the yard and lost more stuff. Same with curb strips.
Who loses more valuables, rich or poor folks? The rich may lead lifestyles that might lend to wearing more expensive items. The monetary value is significantly higher than lower income people. I've been swinging the Legend in both areas and I find significantly more of the high denomination coins and jewelry in the rich areas. However I'm finding way more targets in terms of numbers in clad and fake bling in the less affluent towns.

My take is the poorer areas loose more than the wealthy areas. Anyone else think about this?

Mark in Michigan
I see the same thing. There is a tot lot in the rich side of town that has yet to give up anything of value in all the many years it has been searched. That is the north part of town. On the southside, I have recovered over 80 rings just myself over the years. The buddy I hunt with is close to the same.
I like how Terry Pratchett explained the difference in one of his Diskworld novels... Rich people buy one pair of durable high quality boots that will last multiple generations whereas poor people spend 10x that by having to buy cheap boots far more frequently...
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