Returning to the hobby/obsession!


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Dec 1, 2023
Rockland County NY
Hey there! I’m new to this forum and returning to metal detecting.

I used to detect pretty hardcore in the early 2010’s but took a break in 2014 and sold my machines. I was primarily using a Minelab Etrac and loved that thing. As I type this I’m waiting for FedEx to deliver my new Minelab Equinox 900. Can’t wait! I live in the lower Hudson River Valley of New York. Back then I was on TreasureQuest detecting forum but it doesn’t seem to exist anymore. Any of my old TQ buddies on here? Looking forward to meeting you all!
Welcome Ghost. Glad you're back in the saddle. Several of us here were on TQ.. Congrats on getting the new machine. :waytogo:
Welcome from Maryland
What kind of detecting do you like to do? Parks, beach, old homes,fields?
I’ve got the 900 and love it.
I used to haunt the TQ forums, back in the day. (I don't remember what handle I was using back then, though)
I'm based in Omaha at the present, waiting on the weather.
Hey there! I’m new to this forum and returning to metal detecting.

I used to detect pretty hardcore in the early 2010’s but took a break in 2014 and sold my machines. I was primarily using a Minelab Etrac and loved that thing. As I type this I’m waiting for FedEx to deliver my new Minelab Equinox 900. Can’t wait! I live in the lower Hudson River Valley of New York. Back then I was on TreasureQuest detecting forum but it doesn’t seem to exist anymore. Any of my old TQ buddies on here? Looking forward to meeting you all!
Welcome back to the most expensive hobby where you spend thousands to find zinc pennys, pull tabs and other stuff that belongs where you found it. 👍👍
Welcome back from CT. Happy hunting with your new toy. Plenty of pennies and junk to go around. Ha!
Welcome. I got my 900 when they first came out. I'm happy with it and now that it's cooler weather I've been out a couple times whenever I'm not cremating leaves lol.
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