Record Hunt and Interesting Observations!


Elite Member
Jul 30, 2013
New Glarus
The guys around Wisconsin know how hot it has been the last week and DRY! I can't remember when it rained last,it is absolutely PARCHED! The ground is SO dry it's incredible.
The record is...I've never found more than 5 silver coins in a single hunt before,though I've found 5 in a hunt 3 other times. I went to a park that I've done well at before but has been very stingy giving out coins the last 4-5 times I've been there. It's the same place I found the Stander recently and the Morgan earlier this year. So,I figure...there must be more somewhere...but where?? The first thing I noticed when I got out of the car at 2:30 in the afternoon that everything was very still. Nobody around,a jogger here and there,a slight breeze...the sun was SCORCHING! I filmed finding the first Merc and next to it the war nickel and some other things...
Later,at around 5:30 or so something happened. I was using the 17" coil on the CTX and there was NO interference at Manual 25. This is UNHEARD of at this place! The machine was super stable on channel 9(which it picked by itself) and coins were coming from 8-10" in the driest crumbliest dirt I've seen in a long time. I switched to Auto to stabilize the ID on a target and then left it there to hunt the next hour. It was still finding coins with NO problem at the same depth in Auto+3. The machine was a MONSTER! I have no doubt that the really corroded wheat in the picture was 11" deep,it was WAAAY down there! A wheat penny! A solid reading at 12-41/42! When things get that deep I dig it all anyway.
It seems as if the ZEN coincided with the sun beginning to set. This has happened before,I've discussed this as have others. The corner of the ballfield where I found the last Merc is normally UNHUNTABLE,EMI is severe and cannot be controlled. Today there was NOTHING.
Why does ANY of this matter? It should matter...ALOT! We have Whites with the freq shift and the Minelabs with the noise cancel but we as operators don't really know the details about the EMI around us. About all we can ever say is"oh well,I'll give it a shot" or "f*ck it I'm going home". What exactly would it take to incorporate the details of the EMI that the machine is seeing into a screen readout? You could go to the "EMI Analytics" screen and see firsthand what the machine is perceiving.
I can tell y'all this...A moist ground means the best hunting conditions? Not today it didn't. It was substantially BETTER today with the driest ground around and NO EMI to speak of. The EMI issue may very well be a much larger determining factor in a successful hunt than even I ever imagined.


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No electro magnetic interference ?
Sweet . Now that I think of it . I was out for an hour or so and things were nice and calm here also. I told myself I was going to slow down and with the heat that was not hard to do . Paid off some keepers . Not 6 like you but for the amount of time spent I was happy.
Make you wonder how much of it is industrial emi or atmospheric . You know every tom dick and hary had the air on so power lines were humming .
Could cell phones and the fact that most were indoors have an affect . Just wonder sometimes . I know an approaching electrical storm will raise hell sometines . Other times not . This is interesting .
Congrats on the killer day Kev .
Gut Check

Before you draw a conclusion that the reason for the lack of EMI is dry ground, consider that whatever was in the area just got "turned off."

I have a soccer field that has a power grid line that runs underneath the sideline. It's wicked tough to detect in, in anything other than 2 bars of sensitivity. One trip last winter, the electrical interference was just OFF. It remained that way for about 3 days. I don't know what was going on, if things had been shut down at the school for the winter break, or what.... but it was fantastic.

Not having EMI may not be related to the ground conditions at all. In fact, with moist ground, you may have ended up finding Draped bust dollars at 15"...

The message here is that correlation is not causation.


Dude! When you can jingle around a few silver coins in your hand at the end of a hunt? Well, that’s awesome to say the least!

Nice hunt!
It sure is dry out there. I'm in Northeast Ohio and the dirt that I was digging in yesterday reminded me of talcum powder. I think there's better target separation when the ground is this dry.
I've experienced similar, a few times water hunting, pretty far away from any manmade interface, beyond towers and satellites...

Sunny machine running its usual chatty, hitting targets normal or less than optimal...

Sun sets....

Zen.... No chattiness, targets hitting like dump trucks...

Like a different machine almost... I attribute it to solar flares and such...

Congrats on a new Silver Record Kevin and a Dime trifecta to boot. Wish i could have shared this hunt with you. I still have not got out since before Labor Day. Lots of long hours and no days off. Money is good but the sanity is in question. Will give you a call. Trapper
Very strange indeed, and lucky for you, congratulations on beating your own record!

Thanks a lot Matt! I didn't think it was EVER going to happen that day but when the war nickel came out I knew someone must be smiling down on me. Ok...maybe smiling somewhat in my direction...:grin:
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