Purchased treasure.


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Jan 10, 2006
Grayling, MI.
Hi ya'll. I have always been a lover of treasure ever since I saw a guy find an old gold coin while diving in Gitmo Cuba. Ever since then I have read every article I could find about people looking for shipwreck treasure. Then came the Atocha treasure found by Mel Fisher and that got me wound up as well. Since I live in the upper Midwest I knew the chances of me finding any shipwreck treasure was about ziltch point zero to none. But it didn't stop me from dreaming right. Skip ahead to early 1990's and a trawlers net snagged on something. Once it was free and they hauled it back on the boat they were amazed to find the net full of silver coins and that became the beginning of the wreck of the El Cazador. I really didn't know anything about it till I was watching QVC, they had 1783 2 Reale coins slabbed by NGC in a cool wooden box with the whole written story of the El Cazador. They were on sale for $99 so we bought two just because it was the shipwreck treasure I always wanted. Glad we did as they have increased in value quite a bit. I'm curious if any of the rest of ya'll have done something like this because of metal detecting. Not things you have found, but things you have acquired because you just plain love it. Cazador.jpgCazador1.jpgCazador 2.jpg
That is really cool. No idea it's value $ wise but you can't go wrong for $100 and you always wanted it.
I've never bought anything like that. But what I have done is buy books. Lots of treasure books going back some 40 years. Even some I bought then were old. I gave some away recently and will probably donate others as I've read them all and they sit in boxes now.
Hi ya'll. I have always been a lover of treasure ever since I saw a guy find an old gold coin while diving in Gitmo Cuba. Ever since then I have read every article I could find about people looking for shipwreck treasure. Then came the Atocha treasure found by Mel Fisher and that got me wound up as well. Since I live in the upper Midwest I knew the chances of me finding any shipwreck treasure was about ziltch point zero to none. But it didn't stop me from dreaming right. Skip ahead to early 1990's and a trawlers net snagged on something. Once it was free and they hauled it back on the boat they were amazed to find the net full of silver coins and that became the beginning of the wreck of the El Cazador. I really didn't know anything about it till I was watching QVC, they had 1783 2 Reale coins slabbed by NGC in a cool wooden box with the whole written story of the El Cazador. They were on sale for $99 so we bought two just because it was the shipwreck treasure I always wanted. Glad we did as they have increased in value quite a bit. I'm curious if any of the rest of ya'll have done something like this because of metal detecting. Not things you have found, but things you have acquired because you just plain love it. View attachment 587810View attachment 587811View attachment 587812
The more that time passes, with the price of detectors, gas, batteries and endlessly walking aimlessly to hope to find something that you would even show someone because of all the effort you put in without embarrassment, I realize it's cheaper to just buy the finds you want and lie about how you found them later.
The more that time passes, with the price of detectors, gas, batteries and endlessly walking aimlessly to hope to find something that you would even show someone because of all the effort you put in without embarrassment, I realize it's cheaper to just buy the finds you want and lie about how you found them later.
I thought I was the only one.
, I realize it's cheaper to just buy the finds you want and lie about how you found them later.
Oh absolutely. I was gonna do that here with this 2 Reale but I couldn't get the stupid case apart. I knew if I did a live dig and ya'll saw the slab in my plug it would raise questions. :rofl2: Damn Gorilla glue!
The more that time passes, with the price of detectors, gas, batteries and endlessly walking aimlessly to hope to find something that you would even show someone because of all the effort you put in without embarrassment, I realize it's cheaper to just buy the finds you want and lie about how you found them later.
Nice finds are harder to find than ever before but the fun is trying to, and hoping to, find something nice. It's also nice to go out and buy things you like and a heck of a lot easier. I do both.......
I buy whatever I like.....coins, precious metal, stamps, 1950's era bubble gum cards, and recently die cast WW2 airplanes.
In other words I'm in my second childhood and it's wonderful. Indulge yourself in what you enjoy, and you'll live a lot longer and be healthier along the way.
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