Yes, you're right. I assumed that he asked. Because it sounded that way, from-the-account he gave.
You saw it one way, I saw it harm no foul on that issue.
However, to me it doesn't matter. In my opinion, if Oldbill wanted to actually detect in a manner that involves digging, then clarification was needed. If Old bill saw what was written and decided to not dig any holes, then clarification was not needed cuz...well...he can read.
But let me understand : Are you agreeing therefore, on the larger picture, that "seeking clarifications" can exacerbate issues ?
Certainly, in some instances, seeking clarification may result in issues being raised that many of us would have preferred not being raised.
Are you acknowledging the truth of the psychology of the danger of swatting hornet's nests ? Are you acknowledging that this is the root of a lot of laws and rules against us ?
I am most definitely not acknowledging that asking questions is the root of a lot of laws and rules against metal detecting. I think I've mentioned this before, but for me knowing the underlying reason as to WHY they would pass a rule against metal detecting simply because they were asked a question, is what is important. Why do they have a negative connotation of detectorists to begin with? Why would they be sitting at their desk, eagerly awaiting to be asked for "permission" to detect, or for "clarification" of an existing rule, just so they can finally ban us from detecting? Isn't that the most important question to answer?
Yup. Why run the risk of "no one cared UNTIL you asked" ?
Because in this particular case, someone had already beaten him to the punch...the rules already stated "NO Digging". In your scenario, that horrible question had already been asked and answered. Your contention is that the "NO Digging" wording on the required permit is a result of someone asking it they could dig holes. Even if that is true, my question/concern is WHY did they say "Nope, ya can't dig holes"? I have serious doubts that it's simply the result of being asked. What is the underlying issue at hand, that's what I want to know.
Do you think that maybe, just maybe, the negative views some people may have of detectorists is a result of poor behavior on the part of some detectorists? How many times would someone need to see first hand (or hear about (even if it's not true) or watch on YouTube/Instagram/TikTok) a detectorist digging holes and not replacing their plugs, or maybe detecting in an area in which detecting is not allowed, or any other behavior that people would find offensive, before they would complain and we would start seeing rules/regulations implemented that limit or deny us access? Sure, maybe some poor detectorist asking someone sitting at a desk if detecting is allowed was the straw that broke the camels back...but you seemingly ignore the underlying issue that would make this person feel justified in finally getting the chance to give us the proverbial boot.
Stop blaming the guy that happened to ask the "forbidden" question, and instead start blaming all the detectorists who have given us a bad reputation to begin with.
This ^ ^ is going round in-circles right back to the basic disagreement between us: You deny that rules and laws against us have largely come about d/t past md'rs showing up at city desks seeking permissions and clarifications. Right ?
I'm denying that it's the primary reason. It may be the ultimate or penultimate reason, but it ignores the justification (in "their" eyes) of finally getting the opportunity to deny our request(s).
And you instead lay the blame at the feet of md'rs who simply just went md'ing. And yes, dug their targets. So you seem to think that passerbys, who ... shucks ... must have seen them, therefore decided "let's make a 'no' rule". Or "let's make a permit". Or "let's say no-digging-to-those md'rs". But no: I do not think that the "random passerby person" is the origin of laws and rules against us. I do not think it was "some past md'r who must have left holes"
Why would you possibly think that detectorists being a-holes is not the reason for [some] people not liking our hobby?
And as for "dig" vs "digging" vs "alter" vs "deface" vs "molest and destroy", etc..... : If you want to get technical, I bet that they're all synonymous.
I'll take that bet. I googled it and looked at a page showing "133 similar and opposite words". Sorry, none of yours made the list.
So the bottom line is F-O, that if you want to get super technical, then all of us md'rs are lawless miscreants. On every speck of public land. Yet take a quick look at the show & tell forums here. Look at all the stuff they found at public parks, forests, deserts, beaches, etc..... How can that be ??
I have absolutely no idea what you asking me here.
But you're right that, technically, all of us are lawless miscreants.
I have never said this.
Eg.: If you tell me what public land you metal detect on, I guarantee you that I can find someone, in that admin, who will agree with me that you've broken some verbiage in their boiler plate fine print. Yet you will be the first to agree that : No one cares.
Ummmmmm...we did this already. You were actually going to get me "kicked out" of a local Park. It didn't work. I shared everything you said to me with the Park Ranger, and she laughed. I still have the emails. As a matter of fact, I still occasionally detect there, and have never had an issue.
So the "thing that is giving md'rs a bad name" is not the persons who simply go. It's the ones that show up asking "mother may I ?", who are bringing all-the-attention to us.
Yes, I agree with you that it's "not the persons who simply go", but then, I've never made such a statement to begin with. However, I do disagree that it's the fault of those who ask. Again, maybe them asking was the final straw, but that's like blaming the guy who jump on a bridge for causing its collapse, while ignoring all the people before him who were removing the structural components. Look, we have all seen indivuduals [even on this froum] stating that they feel that trespassing to detect is all fine a dandy, if there's a low probablity they will get caught. It only takes a small number of "bad apples" to besmirch the name of all detectorists in general. I think you're underestimating to power of the vociferous.
Why this notion that any passerby gives 2 sh#ts about your detecting ?
I have never made this argument.
I am routinely ignored when I go to any park in my city. And if some passerby DID come up and talk to me, FAR from their-being-offended, it is instead things like "What's the best thing you've ever found" and "how deep does it go"
This has pretty much been my experience as well. What's your point?
So why do you have this notion that anyone even pays attention to us, or is offended by us ??
Have you seen the internet?