Not a whole lot but it's a beauty!

Dan B.

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2016
NW Ohio
Very slow day this weekend but one little coin made up for it all. I found an 1867 2-cent piece and it's a beauty also a Buffalo Bills cat gun. I'll take it because it's been a slow year this far! Also a heartbreaker with the arrowhead.


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You’re the king of those 2 cent pieces, Dan!! I think you’ve dug at least 4 or 5 of those over the years now, haven’t you? Leave a couple in the ground for me, please! :lol: ;)

Beauty of a coin! And very cool that the cap gun is mostly intact…mine always come out in pieces! Good hunting, and I’m glad to hear the 600 is still cooperating!
You’re the king of those 2 cent pieces, Dan!! I think you’ve dug at least 4 or 5 of those over the years now, haven’t you? Leave a couple in the ground for me, please! :lol: ;)

Beauty of a coin! And very cool that the cap gun is mostly intact…mine always come out in pieces! Good hunting, and I’m glad to hear the 600 is still cooperating!
Yes it definitely is a beauty! It's pretty funny how we both keep finding each other's bucket listers. And the cap gun will definitely display nice in a shadow box
Congratulations! The two-cent piece is an excellent find, Dan; it's one of my favorite coins. (I know, I say this every time one is posted... so several of you may even know why it's my favorite. ;)) The arrowhead is neat, too! :woot:

Pretty funny typo. If I could figure out how to edit my post I would correct that.😂
I believe you can only edit a post during the 2-hour period after submitting it. But for future reference, here's how to edit: on a computer, just click "Edit" in the bottom left corner of your post (it's right beside to the "Report" button). On a mobile device, you'll first tap the hamburger menu (the 3 dots) which are also in the bottom left corner of your post, then tap "Edit" to make the desired changes. In both cases, be sure to hit "Save" when you're done!
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Congrats! I'm jealous of that 2 Cent piece. I wish the one I dug looked that good. Mine is also a 1867. Yours is probably is as good a shape as you could ever hope to find.
The stone cutter is more likely to be a cutting tool used much like a pocket knife. I've picked up several different stone cutting tools over the years and a few arrowheads too. Most were seen lying on sand/gravelly beaches after a storm passed through and left them high and dry.

CJ :chaplin:
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