MTHA (Massachusetts) Fall 2024 Open Hunt - Save the Date


Elite Member
Apr 9, 2015
Eastern Massachusetts
MTHA has confirmed a date for its annual Open Hunt at Houghton's Pond in the Blue Hills of Milton, Massachusetts

Date: Sunday, October 20th, 2024
Over the past several years, a good handful of FMDF forum members have attended and reported a good time.
More details to follow, in this thread, as they become available.

Below is a link to a forum follow-up from our 2023 hunt with Photos in a Google Web Album.

Early registration incentive -

I was told by our club president on Friday that all who sign up for the October 20th Open Hunt by August 31st will receive a special prize.
They have not told me what it is.

If you have not been to one of our Open Hunts, these are 'seeded' beach hunts, so the digging is shallow and easy.
The 2nd page of the registration form (at our web site) has the schedule and equipment reminders which I have pasted below:

Open Hunt to be held at Houghton Pond, Milton Mass
Sunday October 20th , 2024 rain or shine

First Hunt 10:00 - 10:45
First Hunt Awards 10:45 - 11:00
1st SILVER Raffle 11:15

Break for LUNCH 11:20 - 12:15 PM

Second Hunt Check In by 12:00 PM
Second Hunt 12:20 - 1:00 PM
Second Hunt Awards 1:00 - 1:15 PM
2nd SILVER Raffle 1:30

The field will be planted with a huge number of silver coins,
clad and other valuable coins. Silver round, and other
raffles. Special Token Hunt (after hunt 2) with separate

*** IMPORTANT NOTICE to all attendees ***
DCR rules PROHIBIT detecting other than in the sandy beach areas ...
we're very lucky to be able to hold our hunt here.
BYOL: Bring Your Own Lunch ! (No alcohol on DCR parklands)
Snacks and drinks will be served.
Thank you for your support. We wish to be able to come here
again for future hunts and I'm sure you do too!
Some equipment reminders:
~No pinpointers or large oversize coils. Be prepared to hunt on
"all metal", use your simplest detector, signals will be easier to
hear and are close to the surface.
~No sand scoops * or belt-worn sieve baskets allowed; only digging trowel or knife
~All entrants are required to use HEADPHONES.

* sand scoop with handle allowed if you are disabled
C O R R E C T I O N - C O R R E C T I O N - C O R R E C T I O N -

On August 4th, in my last update I mentioned an Early Registration Incentive.

One statement incorrectly read: "... that all who sign up for the October 20th Open Hunt by August 31st will receive a special prize."

I learned last night, at the August MTHA meeting, that my understanding of the message was incorrect and should have said:

~ Early registration by anyone signing up by August 31st, ENTERS you into a DRAWING for a special prize.

Please forgive the confusion and miscommunication on my part. I will strive to do better in the future.

A record… we already have three registrations from New York State and one repeat from UTAH ! I don’t think we have any from Connecticut yet, but we usually get a few hunters from the great Nutmeg State.

Hope to see some you forum guys again this year.
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