Minelab equinox 900


Junior Member
Nov 18, 2023
Took it out today for the first time, noised canceled and ground balanced it, but it was erratic as hell, acted nothing like the 800 I had. I had the sensitivity down to 10 and it was still errati. Any suggestions?
Can you be more specific when you say "erratic"?

For example, do you mean erratic IDs? Erratic noise when the coil is in the air? Erratic noise while swinging on the ground?
Where are you hunting? Near salt water? Near even small power lines? I had the same problem, I just dealt with the noise as everything else worked ok. I think the ground was salty even though I was a distance from the ocean. Have not had the problem again.
Can you be more specific when you say "erratic"?

For example, do you mean erratic IDs? Erratic noise when the coil is in the air? Erratic noise while swinging on the ground?
Erratic noise when swinging its constant and I turned the sensitivity way down
Is it possible that it's something in the ground there, like high mineralization, or underground power lines of some sort? Have you tried it in a different location?
Took it out today for the first time, noised canceled and ground balanced it, but it was erratic as hell, acted nothing like the 800 I had. I had the sensitivity down to 10 and it was still errati. Any suggestions?
Minelab has been known lately to have shipped some faulty coils out on the 900 and Manticore as of late. Assuming you are in Park 1 / stock coil. Go to Field 2, put it in 5 tone and see if it quiets down. It should. If not try the same thing with the 6 in. coil. That will give you a better idea if its a bad coil as others have suggested. I remember my first hunt with the 900, not noisy but TIDs all over the place. I said WHAT the WHAT ? Hope you get it straightened out. Mark
Minelab has been known lately to have shipped some faulty coils out on the 900 and Manticore as of late. Assuming you are in Park 1 / stock coil. Go to Field 2, put it in 5 tone and see if it quiets down. It should. If not try the same thing with the 6 in. coil. That will give you a better idea if its a bad coil as others have suggested. I remember my first hunt with the 900, not noisy but TIDs all over the place. I said WHAT the WHAT ? Hope you get it straightened out. Mark
Thanks for the info going to take it out again and try it with both coils and see what happens
I'm not. I was getting to that possibility :D

Retired Sailor,

I've seen a lot of posts from 800 users that have tried the 900. They often report erratic IDs, along with double and triple beeping on targets that shouldn't be double and triple beeping.

I don't know if that's your issue, but it's something to keep in mind.
Retired Sailor,

I've seen a lot of posts from 800 users that have tried the 900. They often report erratic IDs, along with double and triple beeping on targets that shouldn't be double and triple beeping.

I don't know if that's your issue, but it's something to keep in mind.
Yes it is similar but I never had the problem with my 800. I may have solved the problem. This morning I took off my Apple Watch which is on my swinging wrist and noticed a big difference. I use the watch as a phone also so I hope this solved the problem.
That was interesting development RS.

Were you using that watch when you had the 800?
Is it possible that it's something in the ground there, like high mineralization, or underground power lines of some sort? Have you tried it in a different location?
Thought I had it fixed, I took off my Apple Watch that helped. Went to 4 playgrounds today only 2 cents. Had a couple good hits dug and dug thru the frost but came up with nothing. Baffled
Thought I had it fixed, I took off my Apple Watch that helped. Went to 4 playgrounds today only 2 cents. Had a couple good hits dug and dug thru the frost but came up with nothing. Baffled
Have you air tested any coins to see if the coil is working ok? The connection to the control box snug? Have you tried a factory reset? You could also try reloading the software.
Have you air tested any coins to see if the coil is working ok? The connection to the control box snug? Have you tried a factory reset? You could also try reloading the software.
Thanks I just received it yesterday I placed coins on the ground and it seems to function alright, also did check the connection and did a factory reset. My 800 never gave me any problem I should have kept it. Thanks for the help
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