Metal Detector Guitar


Full Member
Dec 2, 2009
Western Kentucky
One of my many hobbies is building electric 3 string guitars out of whatever I can find that will work. If I can find a nonworking metal detector, I'll try to build one out of it. So far, I have used a lawnmower transmission, an old Honda valve cover, a skateboard, a shovel, a brush cutter, a bible box and a few others. The valve cover and lawn mower tranny sound amazing. Justin Johnson on YouTube is a rock/blues god on the 3-string shovel. I prefer one with frets. I'm better at building them than playing them.


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Man those are cool looking!

What do the backsides look like - pots and all have a cover?

On the shovel - is that bedliner spray? I painted one of my guitars with bedliner spray :lol: I like it.

Also on the shovel - is that a metal tailpiece or did you drill holes for a thru-body approach?

Do you make the necks? I mean the shovel is the handle, but on the others?

I really like the look of the transmission and valve cover ones.

Now I’m going to have to go look up what they sound like.

Cool stuff! Makes me want to build a 6 string version.
Man those are cool looking!

What do the backsides look like - pots and all have a cover?

On the shovel - is that bedliner spray? I painted one of my guitars with bedliner spray :lol: I like it.

Also on the shovel - is that a metal tailpiece or did you drill holes for a thru-body approach?

Do you make the necks? I mean the shovel is the handle, but on the others?

I really like the look of the transmission and valve cover ones.

Now I’m going to have to go look up what they sound like.

Cool stuff! Makes me want to build a 6 string version.
Backs are all covered except the shovel. Shovel was my first build to see if it would even work or not. Finish is what was on it when I got it. Did a through body, had to get carbide bits and was still hard to drill. I buy the necks and fret boards already fretted but still have to shape, drill, and install tuner pegs. Shovel is just a wall hanger. It will not stay in tune. The rest sound great. A three string puts a lot less pressure on the components than a six string. They are basically electric cigar box guitars. Cost for parts is $150-$200 and a lot of labor. I hand cut and groove the nuts and try to get the intonation and action as close as I can. Lots of videos on building cigar box guitars and playing. Open tuning so works well with a slide.


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Those guitars look amazing! I’m usually not a fan of that type of stuff but the valve cover and the transmission guitar I just can’t stop looking at! You’re extremely talented!
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