Senior Member
I posted this in a response to another thread, but wanted to open a new thread to maybe reach more of you for input. I'm still trying to figure out what is public land for sure. People talk about Curbstrips. I assume that is the area of grass between the sidewalk and the curb. Apparently, this is public? But the owners mow and take care of it... at least where I am from. I can for sure see a homeowner wonder what in the heck I was doing if I was digging in one of those! How about ditches along roadways? (Somebody just had a post on about being questioned while doing one of these.) Is it ok to detect those if you stay in the road right-of-way? Again, I can see the owners being concerned. Then there are the schools... Tot Lots. Is the entire grounds considered public? I can for sure see the school admin not wanting some dude out walking around during school hours (and I am sure most here try for off-hours). I also realize that this all probably varies from state to state and within city boundaries. More research needed on my part for sure! Any input appreciated as always!!