Golf course hunting.


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Dec 19, 2022
The city of Detroit closed most of the golf courses and turned them into parks. Everyone that plays golf has lost something while playing besides golf balls. Sketchy area and I have to figure it's loaded with targets since it was built in 1927. And was a historic 640 acre estate before that dating into the early 1800s.

Would you search the course? I have a concealed permit but I think I'd be looking over my shoulder half the time. Maybe go early in the morning while the crack heads are still sleeping it off?

Mark in Michigan
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I would.
Most of the places I have the best luck here in Indy are in sketchy areas. I always try to keep plenty of open space around me so I can keep my eyes on everything and everyone.

My shovel should look a little threatening if not I always carry.
Would you search the course? I have a concealed permit but I think I'd be looking over my shoulder half the time.
Yep I would hunt it. It would mean not using headphones though. Having someone with you wouldn't hurt either in that area. Tell ya what, I rode shotgun on a dozer in the Nam, I'll come down and watch your six.:rifle::rofl2:

I hunt sites just like that. I wear one of those city worker's safety vests and not once has an addict approached me. I also don't use headphones. I use one earbud.

One of the parks I hunt, is so bad that it has security guards. Most people don't go in there during the day, let alone night. I've gone in there multiple times, and was told by the security guards, that the addicts don't approach me because of the vest.
One more tip, in addition to the others… try to keep the sun at your back while detecting (if it’s sunny) so you can see shadows of things approaching you from behind. Noonday sun though will only cast a very short shadow.
Wherever golfers were more likely to reach into their pockets (for a tee, ball, or a ball marker for the green) would also be the highest concentration of coins and things to drop quietly into the grass.. Wait, that was two tips. No charge for the extra one. :chaplin:
There are a few defunct golf courses turned parks near me that I have detected with mixed results. Lots of modern park trash and a few older coins and relics. I'd say focus around the tee boxes and the greens first. Those were the areas where hands were reaching in pockets most often. When I am hunting in a sketchy area, i still use headphones but only keep one side over my ears. Bring a buddy if you have one available, and yes, a sharp pointy serrated shovel can be quite intimidating. Best of luck and be sure to show us your finds!
I got first crack at a 1920s golf course, turned park, that was a farm previous to that. 105 silvers and a handful of sterling in 5 months before it was finally discovered by the local detecting clubs. I had cleaned it out pretty much by then. 5 silver halves, multiple quarters including 2 key date oldies. And a bunch of dimes. Found most at the ends of the fairways and along the edges. Steep hills on the course were also good spots. A buddy found a 4 quarter spill, two barbers and two standers. Unfortunately can't go back because they have let the grass grow so high. Hit it now while you can. Best hunting of my life.
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I asked a customer who is very active and lives nearby if she had been to the golf course/park if she had been there. I had mentioned that I had just gotten into metal detecting and she said that she has seen others detecting. Doesn't deter me, I'll go hit the place when the weather cooperates, I can't wait..

Mark in Michigan
we have a golf course locally which is a very active course, I am friendly with the owner as I have played there for years, I asked for and was given permission to detect there, but in off hours only early mornings or late evenings, now myself has lost things on that course and of course I don't have the vehicle that those keys belonged to any longer but I can't help but think of what else might be lurking there,
I would hunt it. One earbud and a pistol in a concealed holster.

(Western lower peninsula)
I wish I had some buddies that were a little bit interested, zero interest. Guess I'm getting old, but they complain about backs, shoulders or it's too cold. Move it or lose it. Would like a back up at Palmer Park. Too many crazies walking around

Mark in Michigan
If I were over there, I'd go for sure! It sounds like a great spot for finding things. I think we have a couple trips to that side of the state this summer...
If I were over there, I'd go for sure! It sounds like a great spot for finding things. I think we have a couple trips to that side of the state this summer...
Hey Matt,

Sounds like a plan. I have a camper at Greenwood Acres near Jackson, which is halfway to the "west" side of the state, who knows, your place or mine?

Mark in Michigan
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