Gold price!

Anybody can make a "prediction". These guys make money off of suckers who believe his prediction along with the 50 or more reasons why his prediction will come true. I wonder how many people got sucked into investing in Beanie Babies.
Hey now. I was a beanie baby sucker ! My old brother n law got me going. He had a couple grand into them. Me , about $150. Had those damn things forever until I gave them to the Salvation Army. Lol.
I bought and sold gold @$250 - 2k. It's very easy to hindsight everything in life. But I gave that up long ago. It creates too much stress. Nobody can pick a winner all the time. You just make the best decision you can at the time and live with it.
I wish I'd taken all the clad I found and invested it in buying gold & silver. I'd have a really good stash right now after 50 years.

That's exactly what I do with all my clad. Sitting on over $700 clad for the year, and would usually be turning it into gold right about now, but might wait awhile to turn it into gold this time. You know, don't buy high, and all that. Just seems like the worst time in recent memory to buy gold right now.

The gold I found this year, well, seems like a really good time to take it over to the refinery and I intend to do just that within the next week or two. Will pay for those stupid high priced Manticore coils if I can ever actually buy them.

The 40-something silver rings I found this year, meh, sit on 'em. They aren't worth enough at melt to move my meter and I like just looking at them once in a while. I'd really rather give them to people in my life than melt them. They only got ten fingers each though...

- Dave
This is when people notice gold when it is at it's highest price and fomo sets in got to have got have and buy and then it go's down . You should sell now and buy when nobody gives a shot about it. After all what will happen if the stock market go's down yep you bought gold at the high great timing watch it crash like the market (but this time it's different ) lol .
Bit -corn was another in 2009 you could of gambled a dime and today it would be worth 34 million would you invest now with people saying it's going to a million .the old saying buy low sell high hard to do but it has always been . sube
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And fell like a rock 55.00 dollars shorty after same for silver hit 26 down like a rock to 25.40 I guess iran attacked a US warship. sube
Gold at $2019 and silver at 24.42 like I said don't buy into fomo gold and silver still above the 200 dma will still go up now's not that bad of a time to buy . Question everything I say :D sube
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Gold at $2019 and silver at 24.42 like I said don't buy into fomo gold and silver still above the 200 dma will still go up now's not that bad of a time to buy . Question everything I say :D sube
It did take a dump for sure..Wow! I doubt I'll ever buy gold, in fact the only golds in my life I bought on purpose was my class ring (70) and wedding band (73). Seeing gold hit 2100.oo plus is a motivator for me to charge the batteries and get the winter gear on..!
Just think about it, a mere 7 years ago, 2016, spot was just under $1,200 OZ. Had you invested in gold in 2016, you would have been up more than 50%, That means if you invested $50,000 in gold years ago, you would be sitting on $75,000 now. Gold pays no dividends or income, all speculation. All in US DOLLARS.

Gold will continue to march upwards because it has no counterpoint. Imagine getting dropped into a random village somewhere in the world. You won’t be in danger and there will be opportunities to trade for goods with locals, but you won’t necessarily be able to speak the language. Make a list of five items you’d like to bring with you as currency.

There's no sideways, gold wins against every currency. Anyone else? I'm thinking $2,500+

Mark in Michigan
You know when bitcoin came out in 2009 a person could of invested and risk a dime and today it's worth 70 million plu but I laugh and said no tulips for me . Then it hit $60000 I said I would not buy the garbage drop to $20000 and said see going to zero . Could of bought again but naw I got gold and silver well back to almost $70000 lol . Still hope silver and gold will save my a$$ but I will wait and in that time bitcoin will hit $100000 .
In 2009 a bitcoin was 0.00099 often ask myself if the tulips I hold will ever be worth anything .
I look at it this way gold well go up and dollar will go down you sell gold and get dollars worth less you made no money you only stay even same for stock inflation takes profit away and your left with the same amount you started with (purchasing power) but no gain . So who is the fool here (not to be taken as investment advice) lol . sube
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Coulda, shoulda, woulda. I'm the poster boy for that phrase. I know precious metal markets are very volitile and fluctuate up and down like crazy. When we first started to collect a few silver rounds, the price for them was around $5 oz. It stayed that way for quite a while and I never thought it would go up to $20+ so I just said we have plenty of time. Same with gold. When it was $300-400 oz. I said that is as high as it will get. Like the old saying I use all the time; Dumb Too Early, Smart Too Late.:iwish::waaa::waaa:
Remember the saying a few years back: Silver is the new gold...when it hit 20 bucks an ounce, which was the classic price for gold when the US government was its controller. That is when KT started CRHing for silver halves. HA HA, so no matter if it cycliable, up or down, KT did that for 7 years, until Covid hit and the banks ruined it for Him. Now KT continues to purchase half dollar silver coins off eBay....sure he has to bid on 30 items, but KT never pays a large premium...silver is silver. Whoever cashes out KT's Royal Hoard, will get what the Refineries are willing to pay. Leaving a hoard for His Royal Progeny to deal with! Stay tuned for the early January accounting to see what KT stacked in 2023!

And for those who cashed out their silver coins when the Hunt brothers were trying to corner the market on silver....when it all crashed, you should have poured everything you profited back into the crashed market! Principle low, sell high! Unless you are an average upper! HA HA
I did better than putting the profit back into it....... I put the whole amount back in. I had to wait a while though before I felt comfortable buying in again.
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