Found this near a saxon church


New Member
Nov 27, 2023
First off, welcome to the club! Secondly, give us more information about your find. Looks promising and old.

Mark in Michigan
Appoligies mark, new to this hobby. Found it near a saxon church near durham uk. It was between 6 to 8 inches down on a ploughed field. Im new to the hobby as i say so iv started off with a simplex plus . Its heavy and has lines in the inside right the way around the ring. I will try and post a pic off the inside mark, appreciate the reply .


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That is a Historic Medieval ring. Back in the day there were many groups calling themselves "Saxons" in Britain. Not all got along and agreed with one another. One day a group had a meeting in front of a building they always hung around to decide a way to mark their turf. They decided one of the most visible ways was to design and wear a ring of the same design. This task was given to Mike the local jewelry maker. Mike immediately had an idea that, since they always met in front of the same building with the Cross on top, he would make rings with that symbol on them. Everyone thought that was a brilliant idea so Mike set off to make the rings. A week later they met in front of the same building to receive their rings. Mike opened a wooden box that he placed on a step and told the men to try on the rings and find one that fit their finger the best. They did this one at a time until everyone had a ring that fit to their liking. One of the men stated they needed to have a name for the group to distinguish themselves from other Saxons. They all suggested different names but there was no agreement until a man named Arthur, while looking at his ring said, "Since our symbol is two line that cross each other at an angle, let's call our group the Angles". They all thought about it for a few minutes and agreed with Arthur. Arthur proclaimed, "We are now the Angle Saxons!", and all the men cheered and tossed their hats in the air. In all the excitement of tossing hats, one man's ring flew off his finger and was lost. Mike told him not to worry because he made some extra rings just in case.
Great Find! 👍👍
That is a Historic Medieval ring. Back in the day there were many groups calling themselves "Saxons" in Britain. Not all got along and agreed with one another. One day a group had a meeting in front of a building they always hung around to decide a way to mark their turf. They decided one of the most visible ways was to design and wear a ring of the same design. This task was given to Mike the local jewelry maker. Mike immediately had an idea that, since they always met in front of the same building with the Cross on top, he would make rings with that symbol on them. Everyone thought that was a brilliant idea so Mike set off to make the rings. A week later they met in front of the same building to receive their rings. Mike opened a wooden box that he placed on a step and told the men to try on the rings and find one that fit their finger the best. They did this one at a time until everyone had a ring that fit to their liking. One of the men stated they needed to have a name for the group to distinguish themselves from other Saxons. They all suggested different names but there was no agreement until a man named Arthur, while looking at his ring said, "Since our symbol is two line that cross each other at an angle, let's call our group the Angles". They all thought about it for a few minutes and agreed with Arthur. Arthur proclaimed, "We are now the Angle Saxons!", and all the men cheered and tossed their hats in the air. In all the excitement of tossing hats, one man's ring flew off his finger and was lost. Mike told him not to worry because he made some extra rings just in case.
Great Find! 👍👍
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