KT went to Denny's to eat lunch today, because it was near the Royal Coach wash, the RC needed a good automatic wash after all the snow, salt, and a few days later the gray dust that blew into the Royal Realm from west Texas, a freekish event. When we get dust here from the west it is usually red to orange dust from Oklahoma, ha ha. Anyway after the Coach wash, KT had lunch and then back here to the Castle. His Majesty got word that the package (an electric corded 18" Oregon chain saw) that was supposed to arrive last week, but instead was delivered to a peon at a Nashville, Tennessee address.....anyway, KT had his money refunded through PayPal, so KT immediately ordered the same saw through Amazon with 2 day delivery! The Queen had a couple of hardwood trees cut down that were blocking her sky view out by the street, and KT paid the workers with one of his several gasoline chainsaws....not a bad trade. Anyway KT has all this wood to start cutting and splitting, so He got a start on it today. For the larger pieces there are only 2 cuts left to make to get them where they can be run on the Royal Splitter. KT has already split and stacked one large garden cart full on an empty 10' long wood rack, it made a start. So tomorrow KT will make those final 2 cuts and work on splitting the rest of the larger stuff. There are many shorter limbs that need to be cut to the right length to burn in the Royal Wood Heater, but all this wood is for next winter so it will have time to dry out! HA HA In fact this stuff is so green and heavy that an 18" long, 12" round is all KT can manage to pick up and toss on the splitter table! HA HA A good 50 pound workout! We are supposed to have a bit of rain and I want to get this wood worked up before Sunday, when the rain will come through...at least its better than 8.5" of snow like we had last weekend! HA HA While thinking about this task, KT realized that a few years back he had purchased a log stand for cutting firewood. Never used it much, but KT brought it out of the former woodyard, cleaned it up a bit, and used it on the back porch to cut some over length pieces. It works well and is adjustable for the size log you wish to put in it. If anyone is interested, KT will post a picture of it later in this thread. Anyway it is a perfect size for use on the back porch. KT is looking forward to the football playoffs tomorrow, and really does not care who wins, since the Cowboys were never in the hunt this year! LOL