Does the PA historical society care about metal detecting on private historical property?

So should I not hunt historical grounds?

Every piece of property, has a deed or title, which describes the property, the location, the legal owner, but also contains a whole lot of additional legal language, some describing usage, water rights, easements. Rights and restrictions, for what you can and can not do on, or with you property. This is for just any property, I don't know much about commercial property, or historically designated property, but owning the property doesn't entitle you to use it in any fashion you see fit.

The property owner would be held accountable for breaking any deed restrictions, not the hobbyist. Really no benefit to the owner or the hobby, if removing historical artifacts is restricted in his deed or title. Think the answer is different for each property, could be just the outhouse being the significant historical significant piece on the land, or any other building, could be the land itself. Once designated, there is usually grant money available, to help maintain and preserve. The money is basically free for the asking, but there are rules and restrictions. Ignorance, doesn't hold up well in court...
ok im gona chim in here being all the propertys i been hunting are just what your asking im over here in pa an i have done alot of research on this being my best private proeprty spot is registered historicaly has its own historical socity and town historical socity. now theres a few things you need to look at on these propertys cause in pa historical socitys CAN over ride a township or state decition. when it comes to historical sites being most of the historical socitys get funding from the fed goverment. with that being said if its on the historical list an private u need to check with 3 people so u dont po anyone off cause you know even if the home owner gives u permission an the historical socity doesnt like the fact there gona give the land owner !!!! then the land owner could look at it as i dont need this !!!! you cant hunt no more its always best to ask the land owner and the local historical socity. what i always do it ask the land owner an historical socity an make sure the historical socity knows if anything of major sugnifigince is found you will document it to the best of your knowledge and let them know. 99.9% of the time if the historical socity knows your doing this as a hobby and not to get rich and your willing to turn over major historical finds they are happy iv got 3 items over the last 2 years that are now hanging in the local historical socity and one in the town hall all of them listing me as the finder which is great its always nice to keep both parties in mind. and you will get on them hunnie holes.
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