Does anyone know how a Morgan registers on an AT Pro?


Elite Member
Mar 18, 2013
Western Kansas
Extremely high crisp tone and 91 VDI!!!!!!!!!!!

2 years, 10 Months & 7 days since I started detecting and this beauty tops my list.


She has some scars but she's a beauty to me. Thanks for looking.
Details man details!!!

Well, lets just say that I have located what some would call a "honey hole" but I call it a dream. It's an open field that has been planted to wheat. I've found IHPs, V Nickels, Buffalo Nickels, Wheats, Mercs, Barber Dimes, Barber Quarters etc. there.

Anyway, I had just finished working an area that was producing and decided to move to another area to do some scouting. Not sure why but as I was walking I got the feeling that I need to start detecting right there so I dropped the coil and made it about 15 steps when it about blew my ear drums. She was only about 3" down and came out looking just like she looks in the picture. I'm pretty stoked, didn't know if I would ever find a Silver Dollar. Only other find today was a 1919 wheat cent but I'm ok with that. I was actually glad I found the wheat cent because I thought I was going to get skunked. LOL
Wow! Congrats on the Morgan! This year it's been 40 years of detecting on and off and no Morgan for me. WTG!!!!!

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Disincentive no one else is congratulating you on the wheat, congrats on the wheat !,!!!
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