Detroit river frozen


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2018
Well, obviously not enough to walk on, most of it looks pretty solid but probably a crust, I think you would quickly die if you tried walking it ,, Doesn't happen every year, occasionally it freezes solid, sometimes not at all and everywhere in between.
Canada on the other side, Ambassador Bridge can be seen in the distance in the 2nd shot.

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Yep, your chances of survival falling through the ice on a lake is very high. Falling through on a river is just signing a death warrant. I have a couple friends that like to icefish on, I believe the Saginaw River. He said they would tie a rope off to an anchor point on the bank and to themselves and walk out to fish. If they broke through, they could pull themselves out. I sorry, I'll buy a box truck full of Gorton's fish fillets before doing that.:blink::no2:
Yep, your chances of survival falling through the ice on a lake is very high. Falling through on a river is just signing a death warrant. I have a couple friends that like to icefish on, I believe the Saginaw River. He said they would tie a rope off to an anchor point on the bank and to themselves and walk out to fish. If they broke through, they could pull themselves out. I sorry, I'll buy a box truck full of Gorton's fish fillets before doing that.:blink::no2:
Was that a typo or is there some reason your odds or survival if you broke through the ice are higher on a lake ?
Nope no typo. Think about it. On a lake you break through you are in what is called static water. NO CURRENT. You break through on river ice unless you catch yourself before going under you may have a chance of survival. How ever you go under the current carries you away from the entry point and end of game. With a rope attached to you, now you have a way of getting out of the moving water, or someone close can grab the rope and haul you out.
Nope no typo. Think about it. On a lake you break through you are in what is called static water. NO CURRENT.
Ever see the video of the lady from the Ukraine in which that happened? She jumped in a hole in the ice that was cut out of a river. The current immedietely swept her under the ice and down the river. Gone and dead.
That happens more than you think. The DNR is absolutely right when they say there is no safe ice. One thing you will never see me do is drive my vehicle out on the ice. I've seen them go through, and it's not pretty. I walk and I carry my spud horizontal so if I go through it catches on the way down and stops me from going through. I also have ice spikes around my neck as well.Spikes.jpg
Nope no typo. Think about it. On a lake you break through you are in what is called static water. NO CURRENT. You break through on river ice unless you catch yourself before going under you may have a chance of survival. How ever you go under the current carries you away from the entry point and end of game. With a rope attached to you, now you have a way of getting out of the moving water, or someone close can grab the rope and haul you out.

May generally be true, a few years back a guy fell off the bridge painting, wasn't tied off. They found him weeks later by Cleveland, nearly 100 miles away from where he fell.
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