Cross research


Elite Member
Jan 1, 2019
Carson City, NV
My Christmas gift of a book has helped me unearth a bevy of locations I didn't know about. Using cross research, maps, university archives , and news paper articles these locations start showing age results. Some locations I've found within maps from the 1900's are mentioned in news paper clippings as far back as 1854. One location, oldest age unknown, is this hotel(map pic). It sits on private property but I know mail service was provided to this vicinity in 1854. The map I took this from is 1890. There were a series of homes by this hotel. All of them are now on undeveloped or agricultural land. Hopefully I can obtain permission!

Do that cross research even if you are looking for older locations some newer maps might have clues to older areas and you wouldn't know it without cross referencing.


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Very interesting. Good job !

Be aware that mail delivery (aka "post office") in those days was often simply someone's front porch that collected the mail for them and a few neighbors. Not a "post office" in the way we think of it today.

Same for "hotel" : In those days, someone who merely had an upstairs room that could be let out to travelers, could get the term "hotel". Again, not like we think of as hotel in today's terms.

Still though, I would not hesitate to hit the spots !
Very interesting. Good job !

Be aware that mail delivery (aka "post office") in those days was often simply someone's front porch that collected the mail for them and a few neighbors. Not a "post office" in the way we think of it today.

Same for "hotel" : In those days, someone who merely had an upstairs room that could be let out to travelers, could get the term "hotel". Again, not like we think of as hotel in today's terms.

Still though, I would not hesitate to hit the spots !

The mail in these areas was done through private business . I found early advertisements in one of the newspapers listing the locations they delivered to weekly. "California Gold Rush Camps" some locations seem to be stage stops on freight roads that supplied the mining camps. It fascinates me how early California functioned.
That sounds like an intriguing study project! The prospect of obtaining permission at a site like that hotel must surely be exciting for you. Hopefully it works out! :thumbsup:
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