Beach huntiñg

Damn..... S.C could mean so many different places. Probably got 6 of them by me.
I have several friends who hunt MB SC.

So whom every said there is no metal detecting in the state of SC .. there is no metal detecting allowed in the Chesapeake Bay either..:okay:

Got Great story about my buddy Steve who dug a super bowl ring (at MB) several years ago and did a return, only to get a hand shake and then the Limo drove off.. Nothing offered or given.
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What does "S.C." stand for ? Southern CA ? South Carolina ? or .... ?

And where did you get your information ? Hopefully you were not the latest victim of the : "no one cared UNTIL you asked" club :no:
Maybe he ment Southern Ca.🤔 No problems on the East Coast 🤣 Since it's on fire , they might have a pirate looters ban on going howboughtit 🤔🫣🤪
This is confusing to me. What's the difference, a hole is a hole. " metal shovels are no longer permitted for digging at the beach. Metal sand scoops are permitted while metal detecting". If you backfill your hole it shouldn't matter. Please enlighten me.:?::?::?:

Yeah, it makes no sense, right ? So guess why some lawmaker, way-back-when, dreamed up the need to pronounce some sort of distinction between a metal shovel and a metal sand scoop ? You get 3 guesses, and the first two don't count.
Yeah, it makes no sense, right ? So guess why some lawmaker, way-back-when, dreamed up the need to pronounce some sort of distinction between a metal shovel and a metal sand scoop ? You get 3 guesses, and the first two don't count.
I know! That's like saying you can drive through this park, but pickups aren't allowed. :?: :rofl2:

With all due respect for mdhtalk's effort to make their "one-stop-shopping" compendiums for each state, you have to read between the lines : You will notice, when going state by state on their nifty website, that lots of the text and links they provide, HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH DETECTING (Ie.: are not express forbiddance nor allowances, either way). And instead are boiler plate stuff like : "alter", "deface", or "cultural heritage" or "remove and harvest", etc....

Also many people have misconstrued that when they see something "dire" on there, at the state level, that it must subrogate down to the county and city levels within-said-state. Because, shucks, the county and city are within the state's borders, RIGHT ? But no, it doesn't work that way. Laws and rules differ ALL THE TIME between different entities. Eg.: Some require dogs on leash, while others are silent on the subject. Some close at sunset, others have camping, etc.... So you can not assume that simply because a particular state's state parks have something dire-sounding, that it necessarily subrogates downwards to mean : "The entire state"

And no, this does not mean to go grovelling at county and city levels (which is exactly what originated nifty lists like the mdhtalk folk assembled, in the first place ). Instead : You can look up laws and rules for yourself (if you are skittish). And if nothing there says "No md'ing", then presto : Not disallowed. Just avoid obvious historic sensitive monuments. Don't waltz over picnic blankets at an archaeologist convention. Don't do nice manicured turf when busy-bodies are staring. Now go find the wedding ring that your wife lost last week there.
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