Another Ring Recovered!!


Elite Member
May 9, 2009
Old Lyme
At the height of our family picnic which had been delayed for several years because of covid and a few other things I got a phone call from a young lady whose engagement ring had dropped off her wet finger near the high tide line a foot or so downslope into the water!! She had marked the spot and she and family members had been searching as best they could with fingers and plastic disks with holes in them as the
gentle waves allowed. A passer-by suggested she call me and I agreed to get there within an hour or so allowing the tide to drop a bit for easier searching.

When I arrived the beach was covered with humanity at the 3PM hour and she was a couple of hundred yards from where I was told she would be waiting for me. I was lucky to have an old customer who let me park only a 25 or so yards from the project! I fired up my Ace-250 and for the first time in all the years since I bought it I could not get it to react to a target of any kind! (New batteries in the empty battery compartment didn't help!) I drove the 1/4 mile home and grabbed my Dual Field, checked the #1 battery pack and found a bad connection. Pack # 2 had a full charge and we headed back to the beach.

For an hour or so I covered a strip from just above the high tide line for about 25' X 5-6'toward the water line. By now my old 82 year old bod was barking and I explained to the family that I would head home to recharge and be back the next day Tuesday the 5th to finish working the slope where I was certain the ring must lie under the loose sand.

I was offered and refused payment for my efforts and explained to them my belief that "the out-flowing waves would shift the loose sand toward the low water line moving the light-weight ring downslope". There was some concern about water movement parallel to the beach might push the ring along the beach. I explained that "storm driven" waves would be a problem. but these were every day waves with no wind or storm currents to worry about.

Yesterday morning the owner called to let me know they had arrived on the site at sun up, searched the low tide exposed slope and thanks to her mom providing a dry land detector she had borrowed the ring was found exactly where I had told her to hunt!!

Helping someone find a treasured jewel is almost as good as finding it myself in my way of thinking!! :thumbsup:

Have a Great Day of Hunting Friends,

Love these posse reunion repatriation stories. The "MD'r to-the-rescue" tales. Good job ! You can't put a price on human relations like that. Thanx for bringing us along.
Congratulations! Thank you for representing our hobby well. :thumbsup:
After so many years of enjoying this many faceted activity I have come to consider it a "calling" rather than a "hobby". :chaplin:

Many thanks for your kind words,

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