A new detector?


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Mar 12, 2021
South Central Wisconsin
I'm considering buying the Deus 2. I (half jokingly) told my wife that I was beginning to over-think the purchase of a new metal detector. I told her my main 2 questions were:
1.) Would I be getting out enough to make the purchase worthwhile? Last year was not good for me. Got sick twice during prime hunting season here. Missed a LOT of detecting.
2.) The other consideration is that if my time detecting is limited, maybe I should have a better detector to maximize my chances when I can detect.

I liked her answer> "Just buy the d*mn thing!!" :laughing: .

Btw - is there a link here on the new forum for our sponsors? Can't seem to find one.
Its not the detector that makes the man [or person] .. Its the man that makes the detector. It is a tool, and with any tool, it is only as good as its operator. I'd say its very, very doubtful that you would find stuff with a Deus that you would not have with your present detectors, certainly not on a routine basis - But its possible. You seem a case of high expectations, and they almost always come crashing down in scenarios like this. More swings, more rings ,,, The only real way to find more stuff no matter which detector you use is get out more, and try/research new locations.
Its not the detector that makes the man [or person] .. Its the man that makes the detector. It is a tool, and with any tool, it is only as good as its operator. I'd say its very, very doubtful that you would find stuff with a Deus that you would not have with your present detectors, certainly not on a routine basis - But its possible. You seem a case of high expectations, and they almost always come crashing down in scenarios like this. More swings, more rings ,,, The only real way to find more stuff no matter which detector you use is get out more, and try/research new locations.
I inderstand what you're saying, and it's important to know your machine and how to use it. But... There's also evidence like this
I inderstand what you're saying, and it's important to know your machine and how to use it. But... There's also evidence like this
Here's what I learned. Guy has hammered that spot for 6 years. D2 hits the big nail. Sweeps coil over plug and NOTHING ! But there are targets in the hole. Has to use a pinpointer to retrieve multiple targets from the plug that the D2 could not hit. Either his coil didn't sweep this spot for 6 years with other machines and/or he is a bad hunter/bad machine. If I'm missing something idk. But for sure would not buy the D2 based on this.
That’s IDXmonster’s video so we can safely rule out the “bad hunter” part. He is a very experienced detectorist. Could be something to do with the different frequencies lighting up targets that didn’t sound good on previous detectors. I have no idea. I can tell you that it’s not just a random coin here or there though. It’s multiple. Way too many to be a fluke. I’ve experienced very similar results to Kevin’s, but no guarantee everyone else will see the same thing, so I agree about not buying a D2 or any other detector based on any single video.
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Geez guys. I'm spending my money the way I want. Almost everyone on this forum has multiple detectors for different reasons. I ordered the D2 and it should arrive Monday. I'm excited about trying it out and I'm going to have fun! KOB's comments about the video though are hilarious. :laughing:
No one said you can't spend your $$ the way you want, you can buy a gold plated zucchini miner for all I care but if I remember correctly, you did ask for opinions, and as usual for just about anyone asking purchase questions, the only ones that sink in are the ones you wanted to hear before asking the question, so in less than 24 hours you went from hemmig and hawing to pulling the trigger, thats fine but I just wonder why you wasted everyones time acting like you were indecisive and genuinely in need of opinions ?
No one said you can't spend your $$ the way you want, you can buy a gold plated zucchini miner for all I care but if I remember correctly, you did ask for opinions, and as usual for just about anyone asking purchase questions, the only ones that sink in are the ones you wanted to hear before asking the question, so in less than 24 hours you went from hemmig and hawing to pulling the trigger, thats fine but I just wonder why you wasted everyones time acting like you were indecisive and genuinely in need of opinions ?
Nope. Go back and read the original post. Never asked for opinions or advice. I only posted to share what I thought was a humorous exchange with my wife regarding my decision to buy. As my wife would say (she's a hoot): "Go pee in someone else's wheaties."
I inderstand what you're saying, and it's important to know your machine and how to use it. But... There's also evidence like this
Any detector could have hit that dime, provided that the detector has a manual iron bias control and the operator knows how to use that control.
Nope. Go back and read the original post. Never asked for opinions or advice. I only posted to share what I thought was a humorous exchange with my wife regarding my decision to buy. As my wife would say (she's a hoot): "Go pee in someone else's wheaties."
No thanks, once was more than enough - Make sure to post again once you sell the Deus at a loss
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I think all who posted on this thread are accomplished hunters. But I don't know most of you personally or the guy in the video. I just called it how I saw it. Maybe some now didn't pick up on that until I pointed it out. But he also said he has worked that area heavily for 6 years.

If I was a good dirt hunter and did that spot for 6 years , it would be hard for me to admit that I'm not as good as I think I am. Then I would blame the detectors. But now I got the latest $1600 machine and it finds a nail that overpowered the coins and bullet casings. Sweep of the coil over the plug shows nothing. But the hole does. Bottomline is the D2 is great on big deep nails. And the $125 pinpointer gets the goods !🤣 Draw your own conclusions guys....
Geez guys. I'm spending my money the way I want. Almost everyone on this forum has multiple detectors for different reasons. I ordered the D2 and it should arrive Monday. I'm excited about trying it out and I'm going to have fun! KOB's comments about the video though are hilarious. :laughing:

XP makes great machines. Had the D1 and now have the D2. Learn it, trust it, and you will not be disappointed!
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