A few Moments Of Quality Time In A Buisy Day!!


Elite Member
May 9, 2009
Old Lyme
A couple of mornings ago I was heading to a job in my work van driving from my house down our street toward the main road two blocks down.

I was in the second block when I saw ahead a dove walking down the road away from me. From experience I knew it would fly as I approached, but I slowed down anyway and warily watched to be sure.

Just before I got to the bird I slowed even more and I saw that it was a Homing Pigeon and had a band around each leg.

It was one of the most beautiful little birds I have ever seen and it just kept slowly walking along as if it was a normal event for it to be threatened by a big black plumber's van.

I stopped the van and watched for a moment and when I saw that it wasn't going to fly I got out to get a closer look and determine if the bird was hurt.

As I approached it warily walked off the road and around a bush in a yard.

I didn’t want to panic the bird, so I walked around the bush in the opposite direction for a better look .

It kept close to the sheltering bush, but I couldn’t see anything that might be a problem.

I watched for a moment and then walked around the other way to have another vantage point.

As I got a bit closer the tiny creature took flight.

It flew along the edge of the road and my heart threatened to stop as it reached the end of the street and flew low across the main road only seconds ahead of a speeding truck.

I saw it gain altitude and disappear into trees on the opposite side of the road

I breathed a sigh of relief and wished the beautiful little creature Godspeed!
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