A different kind of recovery

low tide

Elite Member
Dec 26, 2015
Two weeks ago I got what I thought was a small sinus infection. It's time of the year after all. Weather's been hot, CA fires have been making air conditions terrible. Had the windows open at night because having the AC on for the past 5 months here in Vegas has been tiring. After a few days my wife and I got a bit of sinus issues. That was on a Tues. Next day my wife and daughter decided to go get a Covid test because they started feeling icky and wanted to be safe. I did the same via my work. I wasn't THAT bad and the next day I went to work and later had what I can best describe as a Champaign hangover headache. Sharp and brutal. took the next 2 days off with what felt like a sinus infection, Then Friday I went to work and after about an hr I felt what I can best describe as TERRIBLE. Sweaty.. and then the breathing issue started. I couldn't. I mean I nearly passed out and had to go to my knees. About 20 minutes later my wife texted me saying the daughter and her came back Covid + . #$%#@@#

I left right away and next morning I to popped + .
We are nearing the end of our 2 week quarantine.Every day for the first 4 days the State CDC or whatever has been calling us several times a day. Understandable but annoying as we couldn't even rest and we were insanely irritable with being sick.
It's been 2 wks of absolute hell. We have NO idea how we got it. We always wear a mask and we don't go anywhere other than essential stuff. It ran through our house of 6 and got all of us sick in a matter of a few days. I've never been so sick in my entire life and I've been pretty dang sick before. Headache, throwing up, fever, cough, can't breath (the worst one), extreme fatigue, freezing, diarrhea. Then it comes symptom after symptom over and over.
Anyways, the reason I'm posting is to tell everyone that it's indeed real and be afraid of it. Live life but wear your mask and take it seriously. We are lucky in that so far we are pretty much recovered but it still has us... Wife has Lupus so she's the worst.
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Oh man LT...sorry to hear , you and the family. Did they give you some medicine or something ? The stuff they gave Trump I hope. You guys sound very cautious. Yet no idea how you caught it. Hope everyone pulls through.🙏🙏🙏
Wife and kid got some antibiotics and steroids to help with anything secondary. I had some stuff similar around the house.
I did a phoneDoc thing with a dr thru my insurance. By the time I did it I was almost symptom free. The Dr almost immediately says, " Oh you have pneumonia you need to go to ER now." That solidified the idea in me that they want you running to the ER ASAP for $$$. I had no symptoms that he could see over a video conference.
As for Trump, I'm not gonna start with that but he still has it. NO WAY anyone has it for 3 days and then is over it. I'm sure they are tanking him up for non-transparency. One of my family members is 83 and it kicked his butt. Was inches from taking him to ER but he's recovering slowly.
I'm only 47 but have a history of respiratory issues when I get sick so I was careful.

According to CDC and my Health insurance after 10 to 14 days after 1st showing symptoms you should have shedded the Virus and be able to return to population. I feel terrible if I could infect anyone else. Staying home sucks but it's the right thing to do for sure.
Sorry to hear this but glad to hear that it seems like you and the family are going to be okay. Thanks for sharing your insights on this. :yes: I've been detecting at the beach several times since the relaxed covid restrictions and it amazes me that I seem to be among the very few who are wearing a mask among hundreds of beachgoers. :wow:
Sorry to Hear Lowtide! Bad is you have no clue where it came from and how.

Took a family member to ER Saturday...Over half of the ER rooms had Convid warnings.. Covid possible's every where...I feel for the front line.
Low Tide I know hell you and yours are going through. I got it back in early March and didn't shake it till april, 4 weeks later. Still suffering from breathing issues. I hope you and your family have a full recovery soon.
Hopefully you recover very soon. Me and Connie had coughing for over 5 weeks but nothing more that i could put my finger one since i was going thru other health issues with similar side affects. I did get tested as did she during our procedures...... and was -. But i dont believe it tests for HAVE YOU HAD IT. You know polio was a virus ..... that turned into a disease. Im not certain they have a handle on long term affects are yet. I wear a mask out ... if for no other reason to respect others. We dont work or party so its been a long confined few months.
Hopefully everyone has a complete recovery. My prayers to those dealing with this and for a vaccine soon
Sorry to hear what you and your family went through, that's going to take awhile for a hopefully full recovery.
Hang in there and don't overexert yourself, some of these things take a long time to recover from...
Sorry to hear it LT. That certainly doesn’t sound like anything I want to experience. Glad you and your family are recovering (or have recovered).

COVID doesn’t affect everyone the same. When is it safe to be around others? Again, it is different for everyone. Reference the CDC Guidelines.

It is entirely possible for someone to not be contagious and go back into the public ten days after testing positive. In addition, some professions require people to be tested twice before returning to the public. Not to get political, but that is what Trump did.

Flu season is coming. Stores are now stocked with wipes and hand sanitizer. My advice (because I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night) USE THEM! And WASH YOUR HANDS.

Now that winter is approaching and many will be cooped up inside, it’s important to keep your immune system as strong as possible. Healthy eating, exercise, proper sleep and dietary supplements go a long way towards fighting the nasties. Good luck all.
Crazy times for sure..

Those masks DO NOT keep you from getting Covid they only help to keep you from passing it on to another person...

Pretty sure I had it in February, before they were really even talking about it. My symptoms were text book. I had a fever for five days, then I lost my sense of smell and taste for a couple days. I was pretty much back to normal ten days from the start of my fever..
South Orange County beaches seem to have two cultures. Dark to 9:30am: exercise and dog walk people, with masks, After 9:30am: beach crowd with no masks. I too am the only one wearing a mask, but at least I’m accepted like I didn’t have one. I try and keep up wind of everyone. Best wishes LT. Real glad I can work from home during this period.
Thanks everyone. I'm, for the most part....better. Still a minor cough. It's a really weird virus. You get it, you feel like #$$#, you start to recover, then it say's ...uh uh uh, here have some more.. then you get through that and recover a little then it hits you with yet another angle. Everyone in my house got it and every one got it differently.

I might actually try to get out in the morning for a little park hunt. My quarantine is over by a few days and I'm restless as he|| .
Glad you are still a ticking, I also got struck by this MOFO, tomorrow 4 weeks that my landlord gave me and 2 other collegues the slap in the back , and by Wednesday at around noon I became symptomatic, thought it was heat stroke or what happens when we skip breakfast, but no sir, when I arrived to my nook something was way off and next day I decided to finish some tasks, by noon the shivering started and headed home and for the next 4 days even though socal was almost at 100°f I was shivering with cold sweats and now I know what people that suffer from migraines where talking about. Any who..... I gave it to my family, a school in nado had to apply quarintine protocol for 2 weeks, I transmited it the same Wednesday to the owner of a boat shop I visited in ensenada to check progress on my boat, also to a couple of employees , etc.... luckily I'm feeling as good as new, but things are going south north and south of the border, this second wave is multiplying and killing this time a lot of people that are close and that I know.... this.is as real as it gets, in the first wave I actually looked at it as a divide and conquer conspiracy, but today it's a whole new and different ball game, I'm not even close to 85 % of wellness and I'm one of the lucky ones, every day for the past 3 weeks of my recovery especially the last couple of days thing got really bad. I wish ya all good health and please don't take this by any means on the light side, and get the required devices to monitor your oxygen levels 2 acquaintances died this week, they where asymptomatic but their oxygenation was off and did not make it. This is my personal testimony, and every case is like a gold nugget (I know ya know what I mean) .
I got the gold fever, ( I actually considered my symtoms as a result of the lack of gold this year) so by next week I plan to head out to the placers in Baja and strick it rich.

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Alex, I don't recommend or even think that you'll be nugget hunting next week. Take it easy brother. It's a nagging, slower than normal recovery. As for the migraine comment, I get migraine with aura, numbness, and when the are REAL bad my speech gets garbled. This isn't as bad as true migraine headache. Only once in my life have I actually begged God to take me (and I'm highly agnostic) was when I was on a bed in the ER getting injections of EVERY pain med they could give me and it wasn't doing anything. That was BAD.
Anyways, this virus is so damn weird. You can be a carrier only, you can have levels 1-10 in symptoms, you can live you can die. I was in denial at the beginning thinking that I just had a bad sinus headache and a little "down". I came home from work in misery, straight to a hot shower, tylenol and bed. Woke up so-so. Ended up taking 2 days off work. Then on the 3rd i thought i was ok. Went to work. Sweats, headache, general crappy feeling. Was off the next 3 days. Family started feeling the same way so we tested. That Friday I had to go back to work. I went in. That's when it got BAD. I had to climb a high set of stairs, got to the top and couldn't breathe. Fell to my knees covered in sweat, trying not to panic. Sat there for 3-4 minutes on my knees calming myself and getting my breathing in order. About 30 minutes later went into the office, checked my phone and the wife txt'd saying they were +.. I left right away and next morning i was + as well. #%@%
It was a house of misery for several days. Hearing people throwing up, coughing, dazed, cramps, breathing issues. A mortal realization hit me and the house. I have elders here and I thought it was gonna go south fast. It took 4 weeks for things to settle and a few still have congestion, a few are still tired. I went to work last night for the 1st time. felt 1000x better but towards the end of my shift I was more tired than usual.
Go slow and takes LOTS of vitamins and stay healthy to stop any secondary issues. All we can do...... Have you been to LJ lately? Thinking about hitting it up soon... But only if there's erosion. Vegas to SD isn't a fun drive.
Very happy to hear you made it to the other side. Many don't...and die very much alone.
Nearly 225,000 thousand American lives cut short as of today due to this virus.

I'm going to throw out a few statistics to ponder.
These are TOTAL Covid infection #'s by country over the entire pandemic thus far:
Taiwan, 505 cases.
China, 91,000 cases. (likely higher I realize)
Japan, 97,000 cases.
Italy, 505,000 cases.
USA, 8,580,000 cases. Not a typo!
Yesterday the US had 83,000 cases IN ONE DAY!

Total # of US deaths attributed to the flu in 2018-2019, 34,200 (which we have multiple vaccines for btw).

Another FACT, hospitals lose money taking care of Covid patients!
I'm an RN neck deep in this pandemic. Protect yourself and others you love by wearing a damn mask!
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