A bit of frustration in the Castle!


Official Tot Lot King
Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2011
Mabelvale, south of Little Rock, Arkansas
Most of you know KT delights in showing pictures of His Royal Fluorescent Minerals….recently two of the specimen purchases were cancelled and the full purchase price of each was refunded by a couple of eBay dealers, with adequate excuses given…one specimen was dropped and broken into 3 pieces and the other specimen could not be found in the dealers inventory. Perfectly understandable, however KT is some what frustrated simply because after waiting out the time and winning the bidding war, paying, and then waiting, KT much prefers to have the specimens rather than the money refunded! Ever happen to anyone else with any EBay purchases? Thanks, His Majesty just needed to vent a little!
Assemble thy royal knights and head out on a royal crusade!

At least you got your money back. But that sounds like a hassle overall. I once bought some metal mallard duck bookends off eBay - I had seen the exact pair at a flea market and stupidly didn’t buy them there, so when I tracked these down I was excited Seller packaged them very poorly, and one of them the wing tip had broken off. Seller refunded me, which was nice, but I would have certainly preferred unadulterated bookends. Had to glue and paint the wing tip seam, in hindsight, as I write this, I think of what a good friend once told me:

Don’t sweat the petty stuff, pet the sweaty stuff. 🤤
The answer is no sire. We don't deal with Ebay at all. A shame you didn't get the items you desired.
In KT’s Kingdom, there are very few places to look for what KT desires. On eBay at least in a manner of 10 minutes, KT can scan several 100s of potential specimens. When KT goes to local shows, it costs time, money, and effort to local only one or two specimens for His Majesty’s Royal Collection, so the advantage of eBay is obvious. Thank you for your thoughts, hoser!
Assemble thy royal knights and head out on a royal crusade!

At least you got your money back. But that sounds like a hassle overall. I once bought some metal mallard duck bookends off eBay - I had seen the exact pair at a flea market and stupidly didn’t buy them there, so when I tracked these down I was excited Seller packaged them very poorly, and one of them the wing tip had broken off. Seller refunded me, which was nice, but I would have certainly preferred unadulterated bookends. Had to glue and paint the wing tip seam, in hindsight, as I write this, I think of what a good friend once told me:

Don’t sweat the petty stuff, pet the sweaty stuff. 🤤
Over two specimens? KT was frustrated, but not offended! Ha ha. As you state, at least KT did receive a full refund, so no Royal Crusade is necessary. Thanks for your story, GroundSweeper.
In KT’s Kingdom, there are very few places to look for what KT desires. On eBay at least in a manner of 10 minutes, KT can scan several 100s of potential specimens. When KT goes to local shows, it costs time, money, and effort to local only one or two specimens for His Majesty’s Royal Collection, so the advantage of eBay is obvious. Thank you for your thoughts, hoser!
I am sure you know this, but there are many mineral dealers websites. You will be paying a premium usually though. Also check out sites like etsy.
I am sure you know this, but there are many mineral dealers websites. You will be paying a premium usually though. Also check out sites like etsy.
Yes, but when KT checks their pricing, they are often too rich for KT’s blood, being somewhat frugal, just as there are a lot of silver coins available, but most are overpriced. That is the challenge……finding some at “reasonable” prices. KT loves finding a bargain amongst the many offerings!
There are many unscrupulous people on feepay. They do protect the buyer, even when the buyer is dishonest. They don’t protect the seller at all. Fortunately it doesn’t happen very often but a seller can get screwed big.
There are many unscrupulous people on feepay. They do protect the buyer, even when the buyer is dishonest. They don’t protect the seller at all. Fortunately it doesn’t happen very often but a seller can get screwed big.
MuddyMo speaks the truth! KT has purchased 1000s of coins, mineral specimens, cut stones, knives and other gear from fleabay over the years. And he only got cheated once, by a Chinese dealer, who advertised a cut blue diamond at a relatively low price. When His Majesty received it, it was a total hoax, a poor example of a faceted blue piece of plastic. Of course KT wrote him, and he did not respond, so KT took it up with fleabay, and my money was refunded, but the dealer was banned. But likely he got back on by starting a new account and continued his stealing ways. Anyway, KT, if He buys cut stones now buys from well established Indian or Pakistani dealers with high ratings by their customers. Learned a lesson, KT did!
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