2 Morgans Highlight a 9 Silver Hunt.


Elite Member
Nov 7, 2010
In Wisconsin's Tundra
In my five years of Metal Detecting I have had a few very nice hunts with some pretty neat finds. Today's hunt in my mind is the best of all. I have been waiting to hunt the grounds of this site since I first got permission back in February. This site is the Church/School that was purchased in 1959 by the father of the current owner. It was first built in 1851 as a Church and then also used as a school from the 1860's until 1949. A new Church was built in 1950 and this then became the town hall until the sale. What was the play yard, Sunday social and community gathering location was converted to a farm field and maintained that way til present. The man that farms this site hunted again with me using my AT Pro as he did when we hunted around the building. He had harvested, plowed and raked the field along with cutting brush from the adjoining woods that abut the field. Well between the 2 of us we pulled 11 Silver coins, 3 Indians, a V Nickel (His not mine) and a pile of Wheat's. My coins include a Silver Dime Trifecta with 1907 and 08 Barber's. 3 Merc's and a Rosie. A 1929 SLQ and 2 Morgan Silver Dollars. These two coins were only about 4 inches deep and about 8 inches apart next to the biggest tree on the fields edge. the Morgan's are a 1884O and a 1902. I scratched the 1884 slightly. I did also pull a Penny trifecta with the newest coin dug being a 1959 Memorial. The Indians are 1902 and 1904. I have not dated any of the Wheat's. Besides the 1906 V, my hunting companion dug a 1911 Barber Dime and a 1930 SLQ. His Indian was 1887. My 9 Silvers now have me at 158 FTY. I hope you all agree with me as this being a qualified eye popper mind blowing find. Jack


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Congrats on the BIG silver!!!

I can't wait to get back in the states and find some good ol' American silver. I am in Germany for the past 3 years. Had an awesome find this past weekend, posted it here.
For goodness sake , there is no question this is mind blowing .
Do two halfs 8 inches apart make a dollar? I'd display those togather along with the other finds for the day. What a good report! Love the reasearch done and the legwork and patiance it took to get your coil on that site.
Sounds like you made a new freind and have more ground to cover.
No telling what went on at that site over the years. I hope you keep posting reports and putting that puzzle togather. I'll be here waiting , just can't get enough of this kinda stuff. , Until the I'll be pulling some clad and getting lucky with a silver or two. What a great story and so happy your plan is comming togather. HH as always Jack , Dew
:shock::shock::shock: :wow::wow::wow::wow:

Jack, congrats on an absolutely amazing hunt. Two Morgans in one hunt...just wow. Congrats to you!
Wow!...yeah that's a mind blowing hunt sir!...2 morgans?..Holy Cow! Plus all the other goodies?..put it this way, I found an 1877 seated half dol. This weekend and I was stoked!...your find blows that out of the water!...I love seeing these kinds of finds!..thanks for sharing! And keep them coming!
Dream hunt Jack! Looks like there was a lot of hootin and hollerin going that day! With the history of the site and the already amazing finds, digging those low/mid tones will probably net you a gold coin to boot.

Great digs!

Wow... To find all of that in a season would make me very happy. To find it in one hunt? I would have a hand to my heart exclaiming, "I'm coming Elizabeth, I havin' the big one..."
Wow...that is about as good as it gets!!!
Appreciate your reply Gordan.I'm still doing a happy dance.
Not one but two Morgans!!
Thanks Mountain, it is defiantly a experience.
Congrats on the BIG silver!!!
I can't wait to get back in the states and find some good ol' American silver. I am in Germany for the past 3 years. Had an awesome find this past weekend, posted it here.
Thank you Mac for replying. These coins were dreams that I figured would never happen. Sure glad they did.
For goodness sake , there is no question this is mind blowing .
Do two halfs 8 inches apart make a dollar? I'd display those togather along with the other finds for the day. What a good report! Love the reasearch done and the legwork and patiance it took to get your coil on that site.
Sounds like you made a new freind and have more ground to cover.
No telling what went on at that site over the years. I hope you keep posting reports and putting that puzzle togather. I'll be here waiting , just can't get enough of this kinda stuff. , Until the I'll be pulling some clad and getting lucky with a silver or two. What a great story and so happy your plan is comming togather. HH as always Jack , Dew
To answer the question Dew, 2 halves does make a dollar. So then 2 Morgans make 2 Dollars and has me walking in the clouds. Not to sure about getting to go back as he owner did not extend a future invitation. The Silvers he dug were his firsts as was the Indian and he did ask if I'd sell him my ATP. I am afraid he may think this is easy and he is going to be rich. Jack
:shock::shock::shock: :wow::wow::wow::wow:
Jack, congrats on an absolutely amazing hunt. Two Morgans in one hunt...just wow. Congrats to you!
Thank you Jerry, I'm still in awe and pick them up continuously just to look at their beauty.
Wow!...yeah that's a mind blowing hunt sir!...2 morgans?..Holy Cow! Plus all the other goodies?..put it this way, I found an 1877 seated half dol. This weekend and I was stoked!...your find blows that out of the water!...I love seeing these kinds of finds!..thanks for sharing! And keep them coming!
Very kind words Digger, thank you. Congrats on the Seated Half, they are also very rare finds.
Welcome to the silver dollar club X 2!.
Thank you Coyote and also for the invitation to the Silver Dollar Club.
What?!? That is so cool Jack!! :clapping::excited: You always put in the effort and are getting the reward! :yes:
Really appreciate your kind words Ron. Thank you. Jack
What a dream site and an amazing hunt, Jack! :shock::shock: As a fellow old coin hunter, I know how you must feel, and it's above Cloud 9! :thumbsup:

Those were your first Morgans? If they were, it's crazy to think many treasure hunters go their entire lives never finding one of those coins, and you found 2 in one hunt! I'm real happy for you, Jack! This is a post worthy of this thread!

I agree with Greg's comments above...there's a good possibility a gold coin may be hiding there!

I just read your last reply to Dew about maybe not being able to go back there and hunt again, and the owner wanting to upgrade his machine...I'd be heartbroken if I couldn't go back to that site for another round of hunting. :(. When I found my gold coin a couple years ago, all I was thinking about was getting back to "ground zero" and listening for whisper signals. I think you need to find a way to hunt that spot again at least one more time.

Major congrats, my friend!

Dream hunt Jack! Looks like there was a lot of hootin and hollerin going that day! With the history of the site and the already amazing finds, digging those low/mid tones will probably net you a gold coin to boot. Great digs!
Your right there was a lot of celebration going on for us both. I've had my problems digging nickels with the CTX Greg, but at this site I dig every solid repeatable signal. Not a lot of trash except bottle caps. Finding Gold would probably give me a heart attack. It would be a lifetime dream find.
Wow... To find all of that in a season would make me very happy. To find it in one hunt? I would have a hand to my heart exclaiming, "I'm coming Elizabeth, I havin' the big one..."
This has made my year King. Thought my heart fluttered a couple times when I seen the first of the Morgan's. I literally shouted when I turned the second plug.
What a dream site and an amazing hunt, Jack! :shock::shock: As a fellow old coin hunter, I know how you must feel, and it's above Cloud 9! :thumbsup:
Those were your first Morgans? If they were, it's crazy to think many treasure hunters go their entire lives never finding one of those coins, and you found 2 in one hunt! I'm real happy for you, Jack! This is a post worthy of this thread!
I agree with Greg's comments above...there's a good possibility a gold coin may be hiding there!
I just read your last reply to Dew about maybe not being able to go back there and hunt again, and the owner wanting to upgrade his machine...I'd be heartbroken if I couldn't go back to that site for another round of hunting. :(. When I found my gold coin a couple years ago, all I was thinking about was getting back to "ground zero" and listening for whisper signals. I think you need to find a way to hunt that spot again at least one more time. Major congrats, my friend!
HH, Dan
These are my firsts and only Dan. I find myself picking them up repeatably and gawking at them. Still not believing what's in front of me. As far as going back I hope it will happen as we only covered about a third of the area. I am contemplating selling him my At Pro to just secure another outing on this site. The previous hunts by the building had produced a my Half Dime and a LC so I belieie there is more out there.
Wow man!
What a dream hunt, two Morgans :shock:
Crazy, huge congrats!!!!
Thank you Ice, if this a dream I don't want to wake up. Jack
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