
  1. W

    Help with removal of stuck scoop

    I've got a titanium scoop with a carbon fiber handle. I have a need to get the scoop off, but it seems to be stuck/frozen on. All of the bolts are removed, so I think its just the salt/sand holding it on. I saw the tip about using a ratchet extension and hammer to bang it off, but the scoop...
  2. Mysfyt

    Scoop handle options

    I ordered a stainless steel scoop, an extra for one or two people that would like to learn and go with me. It takes a 35 mm/1.37 in handle. This is larger that the one I have from CKG. I found 35mm carbon fiber on ebay but it is only about 39 inches long. One young man who wants to learn is...
  3. jeepcollector

    Am I missing out using my old sand scoop?

    My first sand scoop was homemade. It worked fine in the dry sand. When I moved to the wet sand I knew I needed something beefier. I purchased the RTG 6" Monster stainless steel water scoop. I hunt the wet sand and surf depending on the conditions. My scoop is heavy (7lbs empty) but it doesn't...
  4. N

    Hello from East Canada

    We just started a blog and a youtube channel and we are now up to our 5th video! Just released our latest this morning! Check out the content and leave comments! Stay tuned for weekly uploads Monday 7am EST. Happy Hunting! Episode 3 - Getting closer - Check it out...

    Broke In My New Sunspot Scoop

    My new 720I showed up yesterday (Thanks Chuck!) and it was too late to get it wet, so I broke out first thing this morning for the local swimming hole. First hit was a quarter, in knee deep water. I hit a few pull tabs and came up on what I expected to be a dime. Imagine my surprise when it...
  6. D

    Scoop Handle Tips?

    Can anyone offer advice on how to create a handle strong enough for sand and water digging for a scoop that is 8" by 11" by 4" made of 2mm stainless steel with 3/8" holes? I have tried using a hole digger hard wood handle from a home supply store. The tube for the handle is about 1 1/8" in...
  7. GreyMetal

    Making a Scoop!

    So I just recently got serious about metal detecting. I only just bought my detector (and it's in the mail :D) and a big part of getting serious about MDing is doing research into equipment and stuff. One thing that I want to get into is beach detecting and I saw many of the long handled beach...
  8. I

    Hillbilly Hand Dredge (pusher)

    My digging buddy keeps going on about wanting to hunt the local creeks and such. I personally think he's about to find out why its now illegal to throw trash in the creek, but oh well. I figured I would I would help him out by making him a sand scoop even though we only have rocks and old car...
  9. M

    Anyone make their own 2 piece travel handle for their scoop ?

    I was wondering if anyone made their own 2 piece travel handle that could fit in a carry on suit case ? I've seen some on the Internet for sale but the $145 price tag just for the handle is huge turn off. I only need to come up with a two piece handle....I already have the scoop part. Any help...
  10. 18kRonin

    Survived my first Stavr scoop...

    3 years ago almost to the day when my first HEAVY stainless steel scoop failed after 6 months of hard feverish digging (the stainless steel handle snapped off at the base) I went looking for a scoop better suited to my hunting style and conditions. Which is mainly hunting till I drop digging...
  11. TheCoilist

    Ordered a STAVR - Must read before you order!

    So I just ordered a Stavr EVROEXCAVATOR-2 v.22. Went to the site, found the one I had been looking at, it said "Available" above the add to cart icon. So I added it and proceeded to check out. There is no actual check out, just a place to put in your information and an agreeing to finalize...
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