Sting rays hurt like hell

low tide

Elite Member
Dec 26, 2015
Sting rays hurt. Went through my 6mm water boot and thrashed like hell til the barb broke luckily not in me.. I was in a rocky section of a Cove about waist-deep. all of a sudden something ripped into me and started thrashing the hell out of my foot nearly dropping me in the water I screamed like a little girl.. lol.. Got a barber dime before it happened though.


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:shock:I don't think I would've liked to pay for a Barber dime with that! :no:
Around here when you forget to slide your feet you step on something to remind you. May be a Flounder but you don't know if you got lucky either.
Oh that sucks. I've stepped on about 50 of them and it scares me every time.

I try to move slow and use my coil to scare them off. Sometimes I sweep high and miss them and end up stepping on them.

I've heard peeing on the wound helps but any acid would probably work (vinegar, soda, lemon juice, etc)
Had a jelly fish get me in my man parts last year. That was hell! I use a wet suit now and feel much safer. I need to pick up a spring suit though for the warm sound water.
OH heck no. That barber was before that attack..When it hit me my whole body felt like it was being electrocuted. My nervous system went BAZINNNGGAAA. I instantly just headed for the shore... It's about 1 hr since and now the pain is hitting me HARD in waves... Every 7 or so seconds a wave of pain is running through my foot.... I took a hot shower and it felt better but as soon as I got out it was worse than before. I'm just gonna deal with it... Don't hunt w/o boots guys.
I KNOW YOUR PAIN, i've been hit bad twice and not so bad four times.
#1 go get a bucket and fill it with hot water, the hotter the better without risk of burning your skin. Put your foot in there and leave it in there until the water gets cool, refill and repeat! The pain will ease in four hours, hang in there!
#2, take an aspirin and hang in there while your foot is in the bucket of hot water, the next few hours are going to have you wiggling in your chair in pain... I'm not being a jerk, just letting you know what to expect.
Yeah I have a friend who is a pretty tough dude. First time I saw him almost tear up was when he got hit by a stingray. It ain't no joke lol
That's pretty nuts that it went through the boot like that. And I thought jellyfish were bad in CT.

I couldn't imagine detecting while having sharks, snakes, gators and rays in the back of my mind.
OH heck no. That barber was before that attack..When it hit me my whole body felt like it was being electrocuted. My nervous system went BAZINNNGGAAA. I instantly just headed for the shore... It's about 1 hr since and now the pain is hitting me HARD in waves... Every 7 or so seconds a wave of pain is running through my foot.... I took a hot shower and it felt better but as soon as I got out it was worse than before. I'm just gonna deal with it... Don't hunt w/o boots guys.

Go see your doctor. If you don't have one hit your local walk-in clinic. Get it cleaned out,and they will give you antibiotics for a few days.
The stingray barbs can break off bits In the wound and lead to very nasty infections.
If you can't see a doc grab a bottle of betadine solution from your drug store. Soak your foot in it...,stuff is a god send for disinfectioning wounds.
Sorry to hear that. Tons of stingrays around right now. I saw like 15 the other day, and about 10 today.

Make sure you drag your coil along the sand as you sweep, which scares them away, and always, ALWAYS drag your feet as you walk. Called the stingray shuffle. They tend to just swim away if you accidently kick them, but will stab you if you step on them.

Fill a bucket with super hot water and soak your foot in it.

As said above, may be worth getting it checked out, stingray barbs are cess pools of bacteria, that is actually what causes the intense pain.
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