Location of silver finds... new or old???



I brought up this question briefly in another thread but I would like to hear a few more opinions on the subject.
My wife and I recently moved into a rather contemporary ranch style house that was built in 1973. Most of the homes in the area are similar in age and style. I don't think there was much going on in this area before then other than farming.
I have been reluctant to detect extensively on my own property because I figure that it is way too new to yield any silver and that is mostly what I like to hunt for.
My question for all of you is this: Have many of you found good silver coins and all around impressive finds on property that was not known to be that old?
All property is as old as the earth itself.......question is... what has been going on in that particular spot for millions of years...... Sometimes where there was just farm land used to be schools and churches and who know what else........ it didn't start out farm land......someone had to make it that.

Horse drawn plows... families working in the fields... think of the possibilities
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