About the CTX GPS accuracy discussions...


Elite Member
Jul 30, 2013
New Glarus
The other day I flagged 4 Findpoints in our local park but it was wet,so I didn't want to get muddy before work. Today I went back and using the 10x10 resolution to get to each one,I pulled out 4 clad coins at 5"+ on each one. The coins don't matter or the depth...what was SPECTACULAR was that I walked onto the Findpoint and did not have to move AT ALL,just swung my 17" coil around till I found the target. Since it records the FE/CO properties, I knew I had the correct targets. This is a far cry from what I've seen some people posting about the GPS accuracy. Here in southern Wisconsin it is dead nuts to 2 yards. This will be a valuable tool when the ground is frozen....just go hunting and record and come back for them later. I am happy all over again about the CTX,though it doesn't mean much to have this feature for others...it sure has MY attention!
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