Coil widths?


Elite Member
Mar 22, 2019
I'm looking at getting another coil for my AT Max (eventually) and I saw that Garrett released/announced the 6" x 11" DD Viper. But this has the same "sweep" range of the stock 8.5" x 11" DD coil. So why would anyone want the Viper?

Well, it's narrower, so it would be easier to use in tight spaces, right? But are there any other advantages?

Based on my review of coils that go deep, my guess is that the Viper would have less depth than the stock 8.5x11. If that's the case, does it also mean it should be less susceptible to EMI? I ask this question because it appears that the deeper you want the coil to go, the wider (up to a point), it'll be.

Any insight is appreciated.
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